

 smiller2016 2017-03-25




《2100公里的礼物:6岁小女孩的丝路梦》英文版叫Biking the Silk Road: Six-year-old Sophie’s Fantasy Tour,记录了大量风土人情、点滴丝路知识、教育思考。

This book contains more than 400 photos taken along the Silk Road and will help readers gain deeper insights about the Silk Road through its unique landscapes and interesting local people, as well as a father’s insights on parental education.


This book is co-written by Jack Chen and his six-year-old daughter, Sophie, and completed after their biking journey along the Silk Road.



With the assistance of her father, Sophie completed an epic 2,100 km bike journey from Xi’an to Turpan in two and a half months. The extraordinary achievement makes her the youngest child in the world to have cycled the Silk Road to date.


A. Xi'an City, Shannxi province

B. Tianshui City, Gansu province

C. Lanzhou City, Gansu province

D. Wuwei, Gansu province

E. Zhangye City, Gansu province

F. Jiayuguan City (city of Jiayu Pass), Gansu province

G. Dunhuang City and Jiuquan City, Gansu province

H. Hami area, Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region

I. Turpan area, Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region


From Sophie’s angle the book vividly records the visual and emotional experience of the 2,100 km biking journey, especially when Sophie’s imagination is involved: painting with the Giants, “grape princess” in the drying shelter, the camel “McDonald’s,” colored tiger toys, the Yellow River “milk tea,” somersault cloud, “pushing down” the Great Wall, the flaming mountains, etc.


A great number of photos taken during their journey, plus interesting cartoon images drawn by Sophie, present a lively picture of the unique landscapes, products and people of the Silk Road. 


辅以小板块“爸爸的丝路日志”,由父亲陈守忠写就,如“品味生活的真正达人” 、“不设限的孩子,无边际的想象”、“不要戳破想象的泡泡”等,既有对陈萱亲子教育的思考,又有父亲游丝路的感想。

The sections in “Papa’s Silk Road Journal” such as “Talent for Life,” “Unlimited Exploration and Unbounded Imagination,” and “Don’t Break the Bubbles of Imagination” written by Jack Chen, tell us about a father’s thoughts on parental education and how he sees the Silk Road.


Jack Chen is a professional outdoor explorer, grand tourist and guide, biker, climber and hiker. He has published several books on grand tour.





The earth is so vast that I just want to take my child to see as much of it as possible.



“It’s comfortable to see Sophie, in her interaction with local people and the environment, showing such expressions of innocence, curiosity and cheerfulness, which makes me firmly believe that I have made the right choice to have such a tough family trip, something beyond the imagination of many parents,” Chen says.

何况父女之间还形成了一种战友间的牢固感情(what soldiers often call “comrade link”)。



Apart from the horn noises, there were many other terrible challenges for me. For example, I hate the hot weather in the Gobi Desert. If you ask me whether I want to ride a bike along the Silk Road again, I will say, “Yes, if we can avoid the Gobi Desert.”


The road in Gobi Desert was not even sometimes. I was so tired that I hoped Papa could drag me with the trailing bar. But he often rode ahead, not waiting for Mama and me, which made me cry many times. However, when it was a downward slope, Papa would drag me with the bar, which I really liked.



Apart from the annoying honking, there were many other dangers along the way. In this respect, I have quite a high opinion of Sophie. When there was no road, Sophie would try hard to master the bike on the gravel road. Moreover, the beverage cans, broken glass and floating husks in the farming areas would pose a threat to us at any time.


Besides these artificial potential dangers, natural forces, such as strong wind or scotching sun, were often unbearable. Every time when I watched the back of her little figure riding and saw her skin tanned by the sun and becoming coarse by wind, I would feel some sadness in my heart.



They seemed to better understand such mode: a tough-tempering journey, but one that can open a child’s mind and exert far-reaching influence on him or her. It is a unique form of education.



她觉得丝路上最好吃的是一碗驴肉面,“The donkey meat is a hundred times more delicious than beef or mutton.”


In biking, a rider should not be pursuing speed and distance. Slowing down the pace will make the ride much more fun.


责编董晶晶说,Sophie是位非常幸运的小女孩,在这么小的年纪就完成了这项壮举,能接触大自然,读万卷书,行万里路(travel a thousand miles and read ten thousand volumes of books)。



Everybody is an inborn traveler.


On the Earth there are so many scenic spots we haven’t visited and so many people we haven’t met. What great impact and influence will they have on us?




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