
【维词课堂】外研版B1M3 —— 你喜欢哪种旅行?journey,trip,tour or voya...

 苗苗8 2017-04-06

国庆节刚过,大家是否外出旅行了?那么你做的是哪种旅行呢?journeytriptour or voyage (B8M1)?下面让我们结合本单元的核心词journey来区分一下这么多的“旅行”吧。


辨voyage, journey, trip, tour



· Its a two-hour train journey from York to London. 从约克到伦敦坐火车有两小时的路程。

· He makes the journey to Moscow three times a year. 他一年要去莫斯科三次。

trip 短途往返旅行,强调目的地或出行原因。

· a business trip 出差

· a trip to the seaside 一次海滨之行

· Do you want to go on the school trip to France this year? 你想参加今年学校组织的赴法旅行吗?

tour 侧重指观光游览,往往在旅行过程中参观多个景点,最后回到出发点。

· We went on a guided tour round the castle. 我们由导游带着参观了城堡。

· A bus took us on a sightseeing tour of the city. 我们乘坐大巴游览了这座城市。

voyage 通常指长途海上旅行,有时也指空中或宇宙旅行。

· The ship set out on a long voyage. 轮船开始了远洋航行。




journey, trip, tour, voyage


1. It’s the __________, not the arrival, that counts. (2015 天津)

2. Traditionally, college students hold a graduation ceremony to encourage themselves before they set off on their life ___________. (2013 安徽)

3. I wish I had been at my sister’s wedding last Tuesday, but I was on a business ___________ in New York then. (2015 天津)

4. Ridgway won his fame for his ___________ across the Atlantic.

5. As soon as we arrived, we went on a ___________ of the city. (2014 北京)

答案:1. journey  2. journey  3. trip  4. voyage  5. tour

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