

 盛海泳 2017-04-18


Although there are far more people trying to be photographers than there were in those heady days of 1980, there are also far more opportunities. Gone are the days, thankfully, when a commercial assignment, or even a picture in a newspaper, can damage the chance of gallery representation.

Yet what is clear is that a number of good pictures are no longer enough; today it has to be about ideas, and about the intent of the work. If you have something to say, and even better you have an innovative way of saying it then opportunities are out there.

I sense that photography is concerning itself with real issues again. For some time much of photography seemed to be about itself, and while this was fine, and interesting in some cases, it’s not what photography is really good at. Understand this by familiarising yourself with the rich and wonderful history of our medium. Be proud of it, what it has,and what it can, achieve. Don’t try and reinvent the wheel. Be inspired. Try and copy, if you like (because no one can). Find a subject you care about. Something that moves you. Something which stirs your rawest emotions. And then have patience.






Find something you are passionate about, and shoot your way through this obsession with elegance and you will have potential great project.




Stick to one project for a long time. And keep working on it through many stages of learning, even if it might feel finished. Its the only way to break through what I think are some vital lessons that need to be learnt about story-telling and how to combine images.




My main piece of advice for young photographers who have just come out of college is to get away from the hubs of photography like London and New York. There are so many photographers touting their portfolios round in places like this that people end up fighting to do jobs that are not what they really want, just to make ends meet. It’s the kind of environment that doesn’t fuel anyone’s creativity (well mostly anyway…). My advice: go out and do the things they really want to before getting tied in…if they don’t take the risk at the beginning they’ll find it much harder to come back and take it later on.




I believe photography – like many other things one does in life – is the exact expression of who one is at a given moment: every time you compose and release the shutter you give voice to your thoughts and opinions of the world around you. So other than the obvious patience (photography is a complex medium, a voice which requires time to develop) and perseverance and the necessary humility when dealing with others, I would recommend working to become a more developed and informed individual, a more knowledgeable and engaged citizen. This will translate into a deeper more complex understanding of the world around you, and ultimately into a richer and more meaningful photography.




You have to fight for being a photographer! More seriously, my advice for young people is to go to exhibitions, to see books and try to do a personal project which they feel they have a unique approach of it because they are close to the subject and need to express and understand urgently things about it.

Photography has something to do for me, like with Diane Arbus, with oneself through the others and with unconsciousness (sorry for my English: I mean “l’inconscient”) a psychoanalytic approach. I will answer to a third question because it’s linked with above: why did you become a photographer? I became a photographer because I don’t have memory. It took me quite a long time to understand that trough my personal researches (“Inquest of identity or a Jew in search of his memory”, “Chile. The roads of the memory”, “My father’s memory”, etc.), I was looking for the “missing” pictures. Making my book “Inquest of identity”, I found out that my aunt-my father’s sister who was a Nazi camp survivor- had at her home a picture of my grand-parents deported and killed in Auschwitz that my father never showed to us. Thanks photography, I met my father’s parents that I never knew. That’s what I like with photography. It helps me to understand myself and the past through the present.


像迪安·阿勃斯(Diane Arbus)一樣,對我來說攝影有特別的意義,是通過他人來表達自己、是無意識的——我為我糟糕的英語道歉,我是指“潛意識”、是一個心理過程。我要回答第三個問題因為這與前面兩個是相關的,那就是“我為什麼要成為攝影師?”我當攝影師是因為我沒有記憶,我花了很長時間在我為我的書。

《Inquest of identity or a Jew in search of his memory》、《Chile. The roads of the memory》和《My father’s memory》等做調查的過程中想明白的(帕特里克·扎克曼Patrick Zachmann是一個猶太裔的攝影師,這幾個專題應該都是他所做的關於自己的種族的調查,補充一點查到的相關訪談),那時我一直在尋找“失去的”影像。在編寫《Inquest of Identity》這本書的過程中,我發現我的姨媽,也就是我爸爸的姐姐,是一個納粹集中營倖存者,她保留了一張我祖父的照片,我的祖父是奧斯維新集中營的遇難者之一。




Be yourself, get up early, and don’t try too hard, as whatever is trying to come out will come eventually without any effort, learn to trust your instincts and don’t think about what others will think or about the process too much . Work hard but enjoy it.




If you want to be a photographer, you have to photograph. If you look at the photographers’ work you admire, you will find that they have found a particular place or subject, and then have dug deep into it, and carved out something that is special. That takes a lot of dedication, passion, and work.




Follow your heart and never give up.




Dig in and follow your instincts and trust your curiosity.




Try live something intense, at home, abroad… it does not matter. It has to be passionate. And once you know the basics forget about photography.




Avoid all photo schools and courses. Most will give you lofty ideas and twist your mind in one direction. Find your own way to photography, nobody will ask you later if you have a diploma. Visit as many museums as you possibly can. The images you see (painted, drawn, etched or photographed) will stay with you for the rest of your life. They will help you to discover good pictures in real life. Suppress any silly ambitions of becoming a great artist. Being a good photographer is difficult enough.




To photograph what is closest to you and the things that you enjoy and have an interest in. Make the whole process as fun and least difficult as possible.




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