

 三俗文艺女流氓 2017-04-23

  Dr.Faustus is the greatest of Marlove's plays,in which the old German legend is freely

  reshaped.Faustus is a great scholar who has a stong desire to acquire all kinds of

  knowledge.He is bored of his present study on the academic curriculum and turn to black

  magic.By conjuration he calls up Mephistophilis,the Devil's servant.Faustus makes a bond to

  sell his soul to the Devil in return for twenty-four years of life in which he may have the

  services of Mephistophilis to give him everything he desires.With the help of the

  Devil,Faustus brings his magical art into full play,meanwhile Faustus has experienced much

  internal conflict,symbolized in the appearances of both Good Angel and Bad Angel.In the

  final scene,there remains only the terrifying soliloquy in which the anguish of the hero's

  mind is poignantly pressed.(reference: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_59a22f2b0100azgr.html The above is taken from'Selected Readings In English And

  American Literatures'the editor in chief:张伯香 subeditor:马建君 胡晓红 Foreign Language

  Teaching and Research Press.Reproduction of material without written permission is strictly

  prohibited. exiven@163.com is my email,Contact me for permission to copy this artical,hope

  more experts can make comments on it.)

  克里斯托夫 马洛的最伟大的代表作是《浮士德博士的悲剧》,它的故事取材于德国传奇,浮士德是一位





  后一幕,只剩下一段恐惧的独白,生动透彻地揭示了浮士德内心的巨大痛苦。(希望更多专家学者补充相关资料,恶意篡改资料视为侵犯著作权,如需转载须经同意,并标注出处。以上参考了英语语言学与应用语言学 网站:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_59a22f2b0100azgr.html 《英美文学选

  读》主编:张伯香副主编:马建君 胡晓红外语教学与研究出版社)

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