

 q1338 2017-04-24




1.My years with General Motors by Alfred Sloan.




“This is probably the best book to read if you want to read only one book about business,”


"My years at General Motors" was published in 1963 and became the best-selling book of the year, known as "one of the books that every merchant must read."". This book tells the story of the automotive industry leading GM management experience, from the initial small companies how to grow into the world's leading automotive industry, very useful.



2.Better Angels of our Nature by Steven Pinker




During reddit's AMA Bill Gates said that “Better Angels of Our Nature” is his "favorite book ". He added that "it is very crucial to the reduction in violence and discrimination over time"


"Human nature good angels" was written by Stephen Pink a professor of psychology at the Harvard University, he quoted the Bible, the true story of Green fairy tales and history are the Royal Prince instead of scapegoat flogging, using large amounts of data and demonstration and reference to historical psychology suggests that we are a generation more against the fact of violence.



3.Business Adventures: Twelve Classic Tales from the World of Wall Street



This book is the first time I met Warren Buffett when I asked him to recommend to me a copy of his love of books, he did not hesitate to "commercial adventure" recommended to me, and gave me his edition, this book I will always treasure, is indeed a very good business books. The story of the Wall Street in dramatic form reveals the money in the world and the essence of schemes and intrigues against the law of nature. John Brooks's insightful report is full of personality and the details are critical.



4.Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger




“I didn’t actually read Catcher in the Rye until I was 13, and ever since then I have said that is my favorite book. It acknowledges that young people are a little confused, but can be smart about things and see things that adults do not really see. So I have always love it”


Catcher in the Rye is undoubtfully a classical work of the American literature. This novel was the peak of J.D. Salinger's career, as after it was published, he decided to live a life of a hermit. The main character being an expelled student named Holden Caulfield, the book is a first-person story. Though he is just 16, he encounters many events that tend to preclude adults. Catcher in the Rye is about a youth of 1960s, but it is still actual today.



5.A Separate Peace by John Knowles




“My second favorite book is the book by John Knowles called A Separate Peace. And that is a phenomenal book. I have been reading it to my son recently. There is actually a movie made of it that’s fairly good, but I’d say the book is incredibly good.”


The story about two friends, Gene and Phineas, by John Knowles is an undisputed American classic. It tells us about the life of two boys studying in a boarding school in the early 1940s. They face a number of obstacles, making for the life of adults. It is not a very popular book to read, but quite respectable.



6.The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald




"The great Gatsby" is an American writer F Scott Fitzgerald wrote in 1925 to 1920s in New York city and Long Island as the background of the novel, the background of the novel is set in the class of modern American society in the white circle, Cara Wei through narration. "The great Gatsby" came out, which laid the position of F Scott Fitzgerald in the history of modern American literature, and became one of the representative writers of "the Jazz Age" and "the lost generation" in 20s. At the end of twentieth Century, the United States academic authority in the hundred years of English literature selected one hundred best novels, "the great Gatsby" ranked second, proudly among the contemporary classic ranks.



7.Life is What You Make It by Peter Buffett




Although the author has a famous name, Buffett, he claimed that he did not get much from his parents, including the material. His family is very strong. He thinks everyone should find their own way of life. This book is full of warmth, broaden their horizons, enlightening. It's like every reader asks: what would you choose? Is the minimum resistance or maximum satisfaction? In a sense, this is Peter Buffett's own life.



8.That Used to be Us by Thomas Friedman




The book was written by Thomas Friedman and Mendebon Mandelbaum. Thomas Friedman and Mendebon Mandelbaum are all famous scholars and thinkers, they focused on the face of the United States and the world in modern society, such as globalization, information revolution and deficit and consumption patterns. The two authors have come up with a number of solutions, namely cooperation and exchange, to ensure that the United States is still the world's largest country. The problem is not only in the system itself, but also in the American mind.



9.The Languages instinct: How the Mind Creates Language by Steven Pinker




Bill Gates recommends everyone this book to read


Language is a matter that cannot be neglected in everyday life. It is made to communicate. But few people question themselves: what is a language? How is it structurized, who made it, how come we can understand each other? Steven Pinker can answer all those questions. Using multiple examples that are easy to understand, he guides us through the mysterious world of language.



10. The Ten Commandments for Business Failure by Donald R. Keough




There is no combination of experience, wisdom, confidence, and self - consciousness, and he will be able to teach you more about failure than a Book of books."




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