

 cz6688 2017-04-25

IT SOUNDS like a sports fan's dream. InStockholm on October 11th, three men shared a $1m prize for their skill atanalysing games. They are not television pundits, or armchair critics ofManchester United or the Miami Dolphins, but economists. Two Americans, JohnHarsanyi and John Nash, and a German, Reinhard Selten, have won this year'sNobel prize for economics for their studies of 'game theory'.

这听上去像是体育迷的梦想。1011日,在斯德哥尔摩,三人因为分析博弈的技能分享了100万美元的奖金。他们既不是电视评论员,也不是足不出户的曼联或者迈阿密海豚队的评论员,而是经济学家。两位美国人——约翰·海萨尼(John Harsanyi)和约翰·纳什(John Nash)——和一位德国人——赖因哈德·泽尔腾(Reinhard Selten)因为他们的“博弈论”研究赢得了今年的诺贝尔经济学奖。

Game theory may sound trivial. It is not.In the past 20 years or so it has revolutionised the economics of industrialorganisation and has influenced many other branches of the subject, notably thetheories of monetary policy and international trade. These days, no economicsstudents can hope to graduate without knowing the rudiments of it.


Odd though it may seem, until game theorycame along most economists assumed that firms could ignore the effects of theirbehaviour on the actions of others. That is fine when markets are perfectlycompetitive: what one firm or consumer does can make no difference to theoverall picture. Fine, too, when unchallenged monopolists hold sway: they haveno rivals to worry about.


But in many instances this assumption iswrong. Many industries are dominated by a few firms: by building a new plant orcutting prices (or threatening to cut them), a firm can affect how its rivalsbehave. And it is not just in industrial economics that such calculationsmatter. Some countries may impose (or threaten) trade sanctions against othersin an attempt to prise open protected markets. A government may put upshort-term interest rates when inflation is low to convince financial marketsthat it is serious about fighting inflation; with luck, the markets will thenrequire lower long-term interest rates.


These examples are, in a way, just likegames: no football coach plans an attack without taking into account thedefenders' likely response. Modern game theory was fathered by John vonNeumann, a mathematician, and Oskar Morgenstern, an economist, who published 'Theoryof Games and Economic Behaviour' in 1944 (an anniversary which was notlost on this year's Nobel-prize givers). Messrs Harsanyi, Nash and Selten havehoned it into the sharp tool economists use today.

这些例子,从某种程度上来说,恰如体育比赛:没有足球教练会在不考虑防守一方的可能应对的情况下策划一次进攻。当代博弈论之父是数学家约翰·冯·诺伊曼John von Neumann)和在1944年出版了《博弈论和经济行为》(Theory of Games and Economic Behaviour)一书的和经济学家奥斯卡·摩根斯特恩。海萨尼、纳什和泽尔腾将其打造成了当今经济学家所使用的锋利工具。

In the early 1950s Mr Nash produced acompelling way of working out how games will end up when players cannot committhemselves, or do not want to collude with each other. A 'Nashequilibrium' occurs when no player wants to change his strategy, givenfull knowledge of other players' strategies.


Take one famous example of a Nashequilibrium. An industry has two firms (1 and 2). Each of them can choose a'high' or a 'low' price. If they both choose high prices,they make hefty profits, of $3m apiece. With low prices, they make only $2meach. But if one sets a high price and the other a low one, the low-price firmmakes $4m; the high-price firm gets a mere $1m. Although the firms would dobest if they both set high prices, they will not. If firm 1 sets a high prices,firm 2's best choice is to undercut it: it would earn $2m instead of $1m. Thesame goes for firm 1: it too sets a low price. So they both choose lowprices—and they make only $2m each.



But Mr Nash's work needed refining. First,it applies to games played only once, or in which players move simultaneously.But virtually all interesting economic games involve continual interactionbetween players. Mr Selten extended the Nash equilibrium to such settings. Fromthat emerges the importance of credibility: there is no point in one playerfollowing a plan which other players know will have to be changed at somepoint.


For example, a monopolist might try to keepa would-be rival out of its market by threatening a price war if the rivalsteps in. Such a war might mean that the entrant would make a loss. But itwould be costly for the monopolist, too. If the price war costs a lot, themonopolist would do better to share the market with the new entrant. In thatcase, the threat of a price war is not credible: the entrant can go into themarket, knowing that the incumbent would be foolish to fight back.


Second, it is not realistic to assume thatthe players know what is in each other's minds. As Adam Brandenburger ofHarvard Business School puts it, 'games are played in a fog.' MrHarsanyi cut through the mist, by showing that games in which players are notwell informed about each other can be analysed in almost the same way asordinary games.

其次,假设参与者相互知根知底是不现实的。正如哈佛商学院的亚当·布兰登伯格(Adam Brandenburger)所言:“博弈是在迷雾中进行的。”海萨尼通过展示参与者之间不是很好地知根知底的博弈是能够用几乎与普通博弈相同的方式进行分析的办法揭开了这层迷雾。

When some players have information thatothers do not, their strategies can alter their reputations to their advantage.A government that shoves interest rates up to signal its anti-inflationarycredentials is one example. Or take a monopolist that would like to stop entryinto its market. It can do so if would-be rivals fear that it likes fightingprice wars, in spite of the cost. By fighting anyone who does enter, themonopolist can built a reputation as a price warrior and put other entrantsoff. And oligopolists may be able to keep profits up by setting high prices andnurturing reputations for being friendly to their rivals.


Yet some economists are still wary of gametheory, despite the insights it has brought. That is partly because the theoryis difficult: it demands lots of tricky mathematics. That, however, is merely areflection of the complexity of the world. But there is a more tellingobjection—namely, that game theory is just that: theory. So far there have beenprecious few real-life applications. Game theorists have been good atexplaining the intricacies underlying strategic interdependence and producingever more refined concepts of equilibrium but less adept at giving governmentsand firms practical advice.


Even that criticism, though, is weakening.Central bankers now know all about reputation and credibility. America'sFederal Communications Commission used game theorists to design this year'sauction of radio spectrum. And businesses, too, are beginning to learn aboutgame theory: Harvard's Mr Brandenburger, for example, teaches it to MBAstudents and executives. The time is coming, he says, when self-respectingMBAs, as well as economics graduates with a taste for maths, will not leaveschool without it.


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