
创业公司持续发展的十个要素 I 精创社

 天道酬勤YXJ1 2017-04-26



Elements of Enduring Companies


Startups with these characteristics have the best chance of becoming enduring companies. We like to partner with startups that have:

创业公司持续发展的十个要素 I 精创社

  • 目标清晰:在名片背面概述公司的业务。

Clarity of purpose: Summarize the company’s business on the back of a business card.

  • 市场巨大:保证现有市场做好面对快速增长或变化的准备。 一个在十亿美元潜在利润道路上前进的市场,应有一些容错空间和回报时间去发展真实利润。

Large markets :Address existing markets poised for rapid growth or change. A market on the path to a $1B potential allows for error and time for real margins to develop.

  • 富有的客户:瞄准会迅速购买并会为独特产品支付溢价的客户。

Rich customers: Target customers who will move fast and pay a premium for a unique offering.

  • 聚焦:聚焦那些只购买具有突出价值主张的普通产品的客户。

Focus: Customers will only buy a simple product with a singular value proposition.

  • 解决痛点:选择一个对客户极其重要的东西,然后投其所好,为他们提供有力的解决方案。

Pain killers: Pick the one thing that is of burning importance to the customer, then delight them with a compelling solution.

  • 不同凡想:不断挑战传统智慧;采取逆向路线;创建新颖的解决方案;智胜对手。

Think differently: Constantly challenge conventional wisdom. Take the contrarian route. Create novel solutions. Outwit the competition.

  • 团队DNA:公司的DNA在最初的90天设置。所有团队成员都是他们领域最聪明或最机智的人 —— 一流创始人吸引一流团队。

Team DNA: A company’s DNA is set in the first 90 days. All team members are the smartest or most clever in their domain. “A” level founders attract an “A” level team.

  • 敏捷:不事声张地快速行动通常有助于击败大公司。

Agility: Stealth and speed will usually help beat large companies.

  • 节俭:把资金集中在至关重要的事务上。只在优先项上花费并将利润最大化。

Frugality: Focus spending on what’s critical. Spend only on the priorities and maximize profitability.

  • 星星之火可以燎原:一个以少量资金起家的公司,必须强调规范和重点。然而,对于一个客户们都如饥似渴地呼唤由伟大工程师开发的产品的巨大市场,只需要很小的火力便能将其点燃。

Inferno: Start with only a little money. It forces discipline and focus. A huge market with customers yearning for a product developed by great engineers requires very little firepower.


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