
PDF Solutions For All Your Needs

 昵称40050925 2017-05-03

I have had a very positive experience with Foxit and am happy to recommend the company to anyone looking for excellent PDF software.

Heather Townsend

This is by far the best PDF software I've used in ages. I am very pleased with the ease of use and functionality of the program.

Ronn Buchanan

I used to dread working on PDF's in Adobe Writer. Foxit is much more intuitive and makes my life a little less stressful.

Ray Otberg

Foxit rocks! It's doing everything I hoped it would, and more I have yet to learn.

F.J. 'Paco' Amram

Foxit is without a doubt, the best PDF software I have ever used. It is much better than Nuance, by the way.

David Swinehart

Congratulations on an excellent product, and a big saving over Acrobat Pro, which I was using.

Grant Crawley

Greatest customer service in my entire life. You guys Rock!!

Vince Surace

It's awesome and I probably not even fully aware of features.

Martha Stanton-Smith

So far we are loving the many options available with your software.

Marlene Ruiz

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