

 smiller2016 2017-05-14



每次想起那几年等孩子睡着后我独自出门在昏暗的小区里走上无数个圈排遣完当天阴霾后才能平静的回到家 ,心头总是一紧。有个冬天的晚上出门觉得没地儿可去,漫无目的的走到附近的一家麦当劳,点了杯热橙,坐在吧台发呆直到关门。再独自回到家时,安静得好像什么都没发生一样。



演讲中凯特反复用到一个词overwhelming ,中文很难有对应的翻译。朗文词典解释是“having such a great effect on you that you feel confused and do not know how to react 难以抗拒的,令人不知所措的”。这正是初为人母的状态。其实每个刚强的母亲背后都藏着脆弱和忧郁,不要等到已经出现医学上的抑郁症了造成不可挽回的后果了才想到关心母亲。

▲ Simne Cake 英国母亲节传统蛋糕

中国其实并没有母亲节的传统,对母亲的关爱淹没在了对家庭大和谐中,对母亲的要求更多的是自我牺牲和无私奉献。而在我看来,一个好的家庭是因为有了你, 所以让我成为更好的自己。不管你是我的爱人还是我的孩子,我想这是对任何一段人际情感最好的诠释了。


Speech by The Duchess of Cambridge at the Best Beginnings “Out of the Blue'

Before I begin, I know you would all want to join me in sending our thoughts and prayers to all those sadly affected by yesterday's terrible attack in Westminster. We will be thinking of all the families, as we discuss the important issues we're here to talk about.


I would like to thank Best Beginnings for inviting me here to introduce the Out of the Blue series. This collection of films highlights how vital it is to be open about our mental health, especially in the early years of parenthood.

非常感谢Best Beginnings邀请我到这里谈及“晴天霹雳”Out of the Blue 系列片。这个问题突出显示对心理问题的开放治疗是至关重要的,特别是在为人父母初期。

Personally, becoming a mother has been such a rewarding and wonderful experience. However, at times it has also been a huge challenge—even for me who has support at home that most mothers do not.


▲ 2016年6月11日,凯特一家参加女王90岁生日皇家军队阅兵仪式

Nothing can really prepare you for the sheer overwhelming experience of what it means to become a mother. It is full of complex emotions of joy, exhaustion, love, and worry, all mixed together. Your fundamental identity changes overnight. You go from thinking of yourself as primarily an individual, to suddenly being a mother, first and foremost.


And yet there is no rule book, no right or wrong—you just have to make it up and do the very best you can to care for your family. For many mothers, myself included, this can, at times, lead to lack of confidence and feelings of ignorance.


Sadly, for some mothers, this experience can be made so much harder due to challenges with their own mental health. Two in 10 women will suffer mental health issues that can occur during pregnancy and in the year after birth, often clouding their moments of joy with a real sense of darkness and isolation.


Many of these women also suffer in silence, overwhelmed by negative feelings, but also afraid to admit to the struggles they are facing due to the fear or shame of what others might think if they 'aren't coping.'


Some of this fear is about the pressure to be a perfect parent; pretending we're all coping perfectly and loving every minute of it. It's right to talk about motherhood as a wonderful thing, but we also need to talk about its stresses and strains.


It's OK not to find it easy. Asking for help should not be seen as a sign of weakness. If any of us caught a fever during pregnancy, we would seek advice and support from a doctor. Getting help withour mental health is no different—our children need us to look after ourselves and get the support we need.


▲ 2016年10月2日,凯特一家在加拿大参加儿童派对

Conversations are crucial for mental well-being, and they should be part of everyday family life. Talking about a problem with a friend or another trusted person can be the beginning of getting better.


This week, as we look forward to Mother's Day, I would love to see everyone celebrate and value the fundamental importance that mothers play in family life. Mothers take on an overwhelming responsibility of caring for their families. Their role is vital in providing unconditional love, care, and support at home, particularly in the early years of a child's development. We therefore should do everything we can to support and value their hard work.


▲ 2016年10月1日,凯特一家访问加拿大

The work of Best Beginnings is vital. By providing tools and resources to help parents establish their own confidence and their own self-awareness, Best Beginnings enables mothers and fathers to do the best they can for their families.

Best Beginnings所做的工作非常重要。他们提供工具和资源来帮助父母,重塑他们的自信心和自我价值,Best Beginnings让父母为了家庭成为更好的父母。

The Out of the Blue films you are about to see are also an amazing example to all parents, that starting conversations and asking for support is a real source of strength. They have been created with real parents, talking honestly and openly about their own experiences of parenthood.

你即将看到的The Out of the Blue电影中对于所有父母来说都是很好的榜样。和人沟通以及寻求帮助是力量的真正来源,他们与真实的父母一起完成,诚实公开地讲述自己为人父母的经历。

I am now delighted to introduce two brave parents who have contributed to the films, Jessica and John Warne. Thank you.


▲ 2016年12月25日,凯特一家前往教堂,出席圣诞节活动


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