

 JXY雨萌 2017-06-07

 1. forget/remember/stop

这三个词的共同点是后面既可以加to do,也可以加doing,但是意思区别大大滴有:

forget to do忘记去做某事,动作还没有发生;forget doing忘记做过某事,动作已经发生过了。

remember to do记得去做某事,动作还没有发生;remember doing记得做过某事,动作已经发生过了。

stop doing停止做某事,doing指停下来的动作;stop to do停止某事,去做另一件事情,to do指即将要去做的动作。


1) I’m sorry, Mr. Wang. I didn’t finish __________ (do) my homework last night. I ____________________ (forget do) it.

2)--- It’s too late. You must stop __________.

   --- OK, I’ll stop __________.

A. working; to have a rest                                   

B. to work; having a rest

C. working; having rest                                      

D. to work; to have a rest

答案:doing, forgot to do; A

2. –ing/-ed结尾的形容词

-ing结尾的形容词表示令人感到…的;-ed结尾的形容词表示人感到…的。敲黑板了!注意在an excited voice/face/look词组中用-ed结尾的形容词。


1) It’s surprising to know that elephants walk on tiptoe.

  Simon is __________ __________ __________ that elephants walk on tiptoe.

2) When he heard the __________ news, he felt __________.

A. exciting; excited                      B. excited; exciting  

C. exciting; exciting                     D. excited; excited

答案:surprised to know; A

3. care

看到care这个词请一定要careful不要careless! 看懂我说啥了吗,不明真相的吃瓜群众请拿好笔往下看

1) 词性 care n. ; careful adj.小心的; careless adj. 粗心的; carefully adv.小心地

2)词组take care of照顾; be careful with…小心……


1) She is good at Chinese but sometimes she is ______.

A. careful       B. brave         C. careless                 D. polite          


4. send


1)首先它是一个不规则动词 send-sent-sent

2)send也是一个双宾语动词, 说白了就是像这样用:send sb. sth. / send sth. to sb. 给某人发送某物

3)常考词组:send for sb. 派人去请某人


1) Don’t forget to send an email ______ me

  A. to                           B. for                          C. with                         D. on

2) --- What did you ______ to your brother last Christmas?

  --- I______ a new computer ______ him.

  A. send; sent; to                                              B. sent; send; for

  C. sent; sent; for                                              D. send; send; to

答案:A; A

5. be able to/ can

be able to do sth. 和can 都可表示“能做某事”, 但还是有区别滴:

(1)be able to do有除一般现在时外还有一般将来时、过去时等多种时态变化,而can只有can/could两种形式

(2)can强调天生有某种能力,而be able to do强调在某种具体情况下能成功做到某事。

注意:be unable to do…不能做到某事


1) Jim ______ speak Chinese last year, but now he ______.

        A. can; can                      B. could; can                   C. couldn’t; couldn’t        D. couldn’t; can  

2) My sister __________(能) draw when she was 7 years old. (同义句转换)

  My sister __________ __________ __________ draw __________ the age __________ 7.

答案:D; could, was able to at of

6. wide

wide adj. 宽的 adv. 宽地                  widely adv. 广泛地

width   n. 宽度

wide=in width


1) He was very surprised and opened his mouth _________ (wide).

2) Radio, telephone and television are __________ (wide) used in the world.

答案:wide; widely

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