

 _bolo 2017-06-13


                                                      大英1第一次网上作业 (Units1&2)

  1. 1. The attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 was a(n) ___A___ event which brought America into World War II.

A. unexpected B. unexpecting C. expected D. expecting

  1. 2. American education ___C_B__ a great debt to Thomas Jefferson, who believed that only a nation of educated people could remain free.

A. owns B. owes C. owned D. owed

  1. 3. The coat fits the boy perfectly now, but he will ___A___ it in a year’s time.

A. outgrow B. grow up C. grow out D. grow

  1. 4. At the first light of dawn the warship ___C_D__ for the open sea. 

A. made to B. made in C. made up D. made for

  1. 5. The millionaire’s daughter left her parents’ home because she didn’t want to lead a(n) ___A_B__ and meaningless life. 

A. bare B. empty C. senseless D. tear

  1. 6. Once he realizes that it is his mistake, Jim never ___A___ to admit and correct it. 

A. hesitates B. astir C. appoint D. resent

  1. 7. A man of humble ___ C___, Lincoln eventually became President of the United States through his own efforts. 

A. original B. originate C. origin D. origins

  1. 8. There are in China over fifty nationalities ___D_B__ the Hans.

A. beside B. besides C. except D. except for

  1. 9. Many species of animals which once lived on the earth are no longer ___A_D__.

A. with existence B. out of existence C. of existence D. in existence

  1. 10. A heated discussion about whether men are braver than women is ___B_A__ in a rather unexpected way. 

A. settled B. settling C. stirred D. stirring

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