

 alayavijnana 2017-06-24



译 者:刘 蕊



What women in tech look like in 2017


本文选自 The Guardian | 取经号原创翻译

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When someone uses the phrase “women in technology”, what does it mean to you? Perhaps you picture a high-profile, senior technology figure like Sheryl Sandberg or Marissa Mayer. Despite myriad campaigns aiming to increase diversity in the sector, our view of what being a woman in technology means remains surprisingly narrow.

当有人提到“科技领域的女性”时,你会想到什么?或许你会想到像雪莉·桑德伯格(Sheryl Sandberg)或玛丽莎·梅耶尔(Marissa Mayer)这样万众瞩目的科技界高层女性。尽管科技界举行过大量旨在提升性别多样性的活动,但我们对于工作在其中的女性的认识仍非常狭隘。

myriad /?m?ri?d/ noun (literary) an extremely large number of sth 无数;大量

Recent research from PwC revealed that only 3% of female students would consider a career in technology as their first choice. The most common explanation? Many felt they didn’t have enough information about what a career in tech could involve. Others felt that the tech sector simply wasn’t creative enough. 


If we really want to close the gender gap, we need to show the next generation just how diverse, creative and exciting this sector can be.


A career in technology isn’t always about working for a tech giant


Director and YouTuber Hazel Hayes started out on this traditional route, working in-house for Google-owned YouTube, but found her niche when she broke away and built her own profile on the platform.

导演同时也是油管达人的黑兹尔·海耶斯(Hazel Hayes)一开始走的是传统路线——在谷歌旗下的油管内部工作。但她辞职后,发现了其中的商机,于是开始在油管上创建属于自己节目。

niche (business 商) an opportunity to sell a particular product to a particular group of people (产品的)商机;市场定位

Hayes acknowledges that there is a lack of understanding about the nature of her industry and the dedication and skill involved in building a successful career online.


“Often these are quite shrewd business people. I know it might seem like they’re making fluffy or unimportant content, but they’re very aware of who they’re making that content for and the kinds of things that people will enjoy.”


“So whatever people may think about [the video], an awful lot of work has gone into it behind the scenes. Even as something as seemingly simple as a straight to camera vlog will have actually have taken a lot of time, hard work and dedication.”


She uploads regular videos and handles every aspect, from scripting, the editing process, grading, music and graphics, as well as uploads and promotion. “All in all it can actually be a few days of process for every single video.”


For Hayes, using and promoting her skills in this way is paying off. She’s pitching three scripts at the upcoming Tribeca Film Festival and will shortly be directing an eight-part series for Fullscreen.

对海耶斯而言,在制作个人油管视频的过程中,她运用和提升了自己的技能。而这份努力正在得到回报。她将在即将到来的翠贝卡电影节(Tribeca Film Festival)上宣传自己的三份剧本。同时,她也很快将为Fullscreen公司导演一部八集的系列节目。

“None of this would have been possible if I hadn’t spent years learning to write, direct and produce content on YouTube and if I hadn’t built such a loyal and supportive audience in doing so.”


Think technology and creativity can’t go hand-in-hand? A huge number of business owners and entrepreneurs are using their expertise to build the backbone of their business and save costly outsourcing.


backbone [sing.] the most important part of a system, an organization, etc. that gives it support and strength 支柱;骨干;基础

Lisa Forde, owner of The Card Gallery, an online invitations and stationery supplier, has built her business from scratch and continues to handle coding for the website and all digital marketing in-house.

卡德画廊(The Card Gallery)是一家请帖和文具的线上供应商。老板莉莎·福德(Lisa Forde)白手起家,并一直负责卡德画廊网站的编码和内部所有的数字营销。

“Our initial site was basic but functional,” Forde says. “I would do everything, from writing the content, adding images, fixing bits of bad code and printing orders, to packing them and arranging the courier. My career background gave me a good foundation on the database management side of things, which has helped enormously when researching and implementing shopping cart systems and plug-ins.”


courier /?k?ri?(r)/ nouna person or company whose job is to take packages or important papers somewhere (递送包裹或重要文件的)信使,通讯员,专递公司

“Suppliers are often surprised by how much input the team and I want when dealing with the technical and digital side, but I feel it’s our business to be involved,” she explains. “Outsourcing can encourage business owners to let go too much, which can be a costly mistake.”


Forde’s business is a prime example of a creative enterprise that relies heavily on the technology that drives it. “The Card Gallery has changed massively in terms of its use and reliance on technology over the past 13 years,” Forde explains.


Katie Massie-Taylor and Sarah Hesz, co-founders of Mush, first met in a playground when their babies were newborns. ‘It occurred to us that in a world so well serviced with technology connecting people, it was madness there wasn’t one for mums to find other likeminded mums nearby,’ she explains.

凯蒂·梅西泰勒(Katie Massie-Taylor)和莎拉·海斯(Sarah Hesz)是Mush的联合创始人。她俩的第一次相遇是在一个操场上,当时她们的孩子都刚出生没多久。“我们突然想到,在这样一个互联互通的科技世界里,如果没有一个能够帮助妈妈们找到身边其他志同道合的妈妈的软件,那太糟糕了”她解释道。

Massie-Taylor’s background was advertising, while Hesz was a City broker. “Neither of us had any clue how to create an app,” she admits. 


Convinced that there was a market for their idea, they invited a friend to join the team as a tech adviser before they took their pitch to investors. While this helped with credibility, Massie-Taylor believes it was the idea itself that won over their investors.


“The tech was very basic for our product,” she explains. “The fact it was an easily understood premise and product helped, as did the market size of new mums around the world and the global opportunity it represented.”


premise /?prem?s/ noun (formal) a statement or an idea that forms the basis for a reasonable line of argument 前提;假定

Massie-Taylor believes that the parent tech market is a buoyant one, and that a lack of tech qualifications hasn’t held them back. Her advice to would-be entrepreneurs? “Having enablers, like our adviser, who allow you to build a product without committing to an incubator-style set up, would certainly be of benefit.”


buoyant (of prices, business activity, etc. 价格、商业活动等) tending to increase or stay at a high level, usually showing financial success 看涨的;保持高价的;繁荣的

Imogen Wethered, co-founder of customer management platform Qudini. With a history of art degree and training in advertising and communications, she wasn’t the obvious candidate for starting a tech company, but attending a Hackathon in 2012 changed that. She and her co-founder won the Hackathon with their idea, then applied to Telefonica’s accelerator Wayra and won a place and investment.

客户管理平台Qudini的联合创始人伊莫金·维瑟德(Imogen Wethered)对此表示赞同。维瑟德学的是艺术专业,曾接受过广告与通信方面的培训,这样的她曾经并不是很适合创立科技公司。但2012年的一次黑客马拉松(Hackathon)让一切都发生了改变。维瑟德和其他联合创始人凭借着她们的点子,赢得了黑客马拉松。随后,她们又将该点子运用到西班牙电信公司(Telefonica)的创业加速器Wayra中,并赢得了办公点和投资。

 “I only went to the Hackathon because I had basic knowledge of Photoshop so could try mocking up user interface designs,” says Wethered. “In the last five years I have learned so much about tech and business and I really believe the best way to learn is through having to do things on the job and being thrown in at the deep end.”


Being a woman in technology isn’t about limiting yourself, conforming to a narrow ideal or saying goodbye to creativity. It is quite the opposite – and we owe it to the next generation of talent to celebrate the diversity of the technology sector and everything it offers.




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<原文链接:https: www.theguardian.com/careers/2017/may/02/women-technology-2017-sheryl-sandberg-marissa-mayer=""> 

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