

 alayavijnana 2017-07-14




 Buddha of the Eternal Life (Amitayus) and Eight Bodhisattvas

尼泊尔,13世纪,41.3 x 33厘米

Shakyamuni with scenes from the Kinnari Jataka

尼泊尔,16世纪,95.7 x 80.5厘米

Yama with Yajra Surrounded by Deities

尼泊尔,16世纪,83 x 61厘米

The Temptation of Shakyamuni

尼泊尔,16世纪,108.5 x 75.5厘米

A Mandala of Samvara

尼泊尔,17世纪,120 x 77.5厘米

Sarasvati Standing on a Gander with One Head and Eight Arms

尼泊尔,17世纪,63.5 x 43.7厘米

Astasahasarika Prajnaparamita (Sutra)

尼泊尔,17世纪,11 x 44厘米

 Leaf of a book

尼泊尔,17世纪,10.3 x 16.5厘米

Parvati Standing on Two Couchant Lions, She Has One Head, Eight Arms

尼泊尔,17世纪,62 x 43厘米

 Seated deity

尼泊尔,17世纪,14.6 x 12.8 cm

Usnisa Caitya with Five Dhyani Buddhas

尼泊尔,18世纪初,52.7 x 69.7厘米

Stupa and Deities in Niches

尼泊尔,18世纪初,103.5 x 73.5厘米

Guatama Buddha and Divinities and Worshipping Donors

尼泊尔,18世纪,63 x 74.1厘米

Mandala Of Usnisavijaya

尼泊尔,19世纪,78.7 x 127厘米

Siva and his Retinue, Krishna and his Retinue

尼泊尔,19世纪,112 x 123.2厘米

Amoghapasha Mandala

尼泊尔,19世纪,43.2 x 59.6厘米

Vairocana Buddha

臧中,15世纪,38.71 x 34.29厘米

Mandala of Hevajra

西藏,15世纪,62.2 x 55.8厘米

Kalacakra deity in yabyum position with Visvamata


 Mandala of Hevajra

西藏,16世纪,118.5 x 77厘米



Rakta Yamari in Consort with Svabha-Prajna


Mahakala as Panjaranatha, with Related Deities

西藏,16世纪,99 x 77.4厘米



Goddess Kurukulla

西藏,16世纪,40 x 32.4厘米

Mandala of Kalacakra (Wheel of Time)

藏中,约16-17世纪,139.7 x 96.5 x 3.8厘米

Female Deity (Tara) in a Group of Flowers and Fruit

西藏,17世纪,67 x 45.5厘米

Mandala of Samvara in yabyum position with Vajrahari

西藏,17世纪,28 x 24.7 cm

Portrait of a Lama

西藏,17世纪,109.5 x 80.5厘米

Raktayamari Father-Mother

西藏,18世纪上半叶,87.7 x 62厘米

Mahakala and Related Deities

西藏,18世纪,50.16 x 45.08厘米

The Mahasiddhas Saraha, Dombi Heruka, Naropa, and Virupa



西藏,18世纪,64 x 51cm

Amitabha surrounded by shrines and scenes of adoration of other Buddhas and Bodhisattvas


The Death of Buddha

西藏,18世纪末,67 x 49厘米

Padmasambhava surrounded by Lamaist saints with their disciples and worshippers


The Twenty-one Tara

西藏,19世纪,47.8 x 31.9厘米

Wrathful Deities of the Bar-do

西藏,19世纪,122 x 70厘米

Tree of Divine Assembly

西藏,19世纪,79 x 48厘米

Gautama Buddha, Seated in Bhumisparsa Midra with Two Arhats, Surrounded by Scenes from His Life According to the Lalita-vistara

西藏,19世纪,54.5 x 73.4厘米

Vision (No. 1) of Mkas-Grub-Rje in which Tsong-Kha-Pa is Turning the Wheel of the Law (D'harmacakra mudra)

西藏,20世纪,136.5 x 78.2厘米






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