

 田牧 2017-07-26



  在浩瀚如海吟咏金陵的诗词歌赋中,王安石的《桂枝香·金陵怀古》,历千年而不朽:登临送目,正故国晚秋,天气初肃。)千里澄江似练,翠峰如簇归帆去棹残阳里,背西风,酒旗斜矗。彩舟云淡,星河鹭起,画图难足。 念往昔,繁华竞逐,叹门外楼头,悲恨相续。千古凭高对此,谩嗟荣辱。六朝旧事随流水,但寒烟衰草凝绿至今商女,时时犹唱,后庭遗曲诗里行间涌动着对金陵山水的热爱和政治家胸怀的感慨。
  Of all the poems in praise of Nanjing, Wang Anshis Guizhixiang: Meditating on Jinlings Past has won universal acclaim for nearly a millennium: Scaling the mountain to overlook, the late autumn beauty of my homeland Like a lucid belt the Yangtze flows eastward, and blue mountain peaks point skyward. Gone are the stories of Six Dynasties with the wind, but autumn grass tinges with green in cold wind. Up till now, Shangnu still sings the old tune of Houting. Between the lines surges his love for the beautiful scenery of Jinling and his emotions as an ambitious statesman.


  Wang Anshi was born in Linchuan county, Jiangxi province, yet he had close association with Nanjing. When he was still a child, Wang came to Nanjing with his father and spend a total of more than 20 years in the city. He was not only a great statesman, but also a famous litterateur and poet. He was appointed governor of Jiangning three times, and served as prime minister twice. In 1067, Wang staged a political reform--the Xining Reform when he was 56 years old. His reform brought him into fierce confrontation with the conservatives of the court. As a result, he lost his premiership and began his hermit life in Jinling. He built a villa at "White Pond" by Lake Yanque. He named the villa Banshanyuan (meaning a villa half way to the mountaintop), because it lay seven li to the east of the city and seven li to the peak of Mt. Zhongshan. He called himself Banshan Laoren (Old man at Banshan).


  Banshanyuan, a blue-brick, gray-tile ancient style villa, lies very close to the city wall of Nanjing, inside today's Zhongshanmen Gate. According to History of Jiangkang, the simple, ordinary-looking villa was surrounded by a low wall, and can only serve to shelter him from the weather. But Wang didn't care. He planted trees around the villa, remolded a pond, making himself a home with natural scenery. The two juniper trees still standing are said to be planted by Wang himself.


  He lived a very simple and quiet life, a hermit life at that. In his poem he depicted the elegant beauty of his villa in spring: The spring wind gives the willow a touch of green, the sunshine brings flowers to the peach trees, in the pond the fish feel the warmth of water, and from the pavilion rings of ripples can be seen.


  In his spare time, this one-time important political figure would indulge himself in roaming on donkeys back, visiting scenic spots and places of historical interest, and enjoying the beauty of nature. Now an ordinary person with no official title, Wang remained open-minded and relaxed, totally different from the man who had harnessed the torrential tides of the time. The Song Dynasty poet Huang Tingjian praised him as a man who regarded wealth and official position as floating clouds.


  Wang Anshi, one of the eight famous men of letters of the Tang and Song Dynasties, wrote beautiful essays and poems in his own style, with magnificent elegance and profundity. Although he lived a hermit life, he was still thinking of the destiny of his nation and of how to right the wrongs. Writing poems and essays became his mental sustenance. In nearly a decade when he lived in Banshanyuan, he devoted his time to writing the famous book On Words, which later became a textbook for teaching the Chinese language. This was also a decade that saw many of the poems by the prolific poet. More than 300 of these poems were in praise of Nanjing, and all were graceful, fantastic and profusely spiritual.?


  In 1084, Wang fell seriously ill. Emperor Shenzong sent court doctors to Jiangning to give him treatment. After his recovery, Wang wrote to the emperor, asking for permission to convert his villa into a temple. The emperor granted it a name: Baoning Temple. Wang did not build any new house for himself, instead he rented a house by the Qinhui River and lived there till his death in 1086. He was buried on Zhongshan Mountain.


  History will never forget the elegance of Wang Anshi, the great statesman, litterateur and poet, and many stories still tell about his life as a prime minister and as an ordinary man.



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