
【今日健康】9 Impressive Benefits Of Coffee

 EngYifang 2017-08-29

9 Impressive Benefits Of Coffee

Improves Cardiovascular Health

Although too much caffeine can put strain on your cardiovascular system, research has revealed that regular coffee drinkers can actually reduce their risk of having a stroke, and in females, coffee seems to decrease the risk of heart disease. While it can increase blood pressure, that is more of a temporary side effect, rather than a permanent effect, and temporarily raised blood pressure does not mean that a stroke or heart disease is inevitable. It can often work to clear out the system and keep your cardiovascular system functioning at a high level.

Prevents Diabetes

This is a relatively new benefit learned about coffee, but in recent years, studies have shown that people who regularly consume the drink have a 23-50% lower chance of developing diabetes. The study covered nearly half a million people, and returned some very interesting results. This could be due to the appetite suppressing effects of coffee, or the fact that it simply makes you more energized and active, helping to reduce your risk factors for diabetes.

Increases your Metabolism

One of the most essential roles of B vitamins in our body is to regulate and guide our metabolic activity. The significant levels of niacin, pantothenic acid, and riboflavin mean that coffee helps us optimize our metabolic efficiency so we use nutrients efficiently, maintain balanced hormone levels, and generally keep our body running smoothly.

Helps in Weight Loss

An overlooked benefit of coffee is that it energizes people to move around, get active, and burn calories faster. The actual stimulant nature of caffeine speeds up the body’s metabolism briefly and increases calorie burning when coffee is drunk. Furthermore, it acts as an appetite suppressant, so you can calm cravings and remain firm in your dieting goals with a cup of joe on your side!

Maximizes Fitness Goals

Many people who regularly work out or train in a gym use coffee as a final burst of energy so they can get the most of their workout. That burst of caffeine acts as instant energy, allowing people to push themselves a bit longer and a bit harder to really begin seeing results from their exercise regimen.

Protects Liver

Although this is still an area that is being heavily researched, coffee consumption has been linked to liver health, particularly in the prevention of cirrhosis, hepatitis, and fatty liver disease. One study showed that regular consumption resulted in an 80% reduced chance of developing cirrhosis of the liver.


Prevents Cancer

It seems that everyone is always looking for the magical anti-cancer cure, as the disease is one of the most deadly and widespread on the planet. Coffee is not traditionally thought of as anti-carcinogenic, but it has been linked specifically to two types of cancer prevention – liver and colorectal cancer, which are the 3rd and 4th deadliest forms of cancer, respectively.

Helps Reduce Depression 

The natural effects of coffee are to energize and activate the mind and body. This can do wonders for someone suffering from depression, and has even been connected to a reduced occurrence of suicidal tendencies. However, it has been connected to anxiety and mood swings if consumed in excess, because the classic caffeine crash can be quite severe as the chemical’s effect runs out. Remember – everything in moderation!

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