

 启程的男孩 2017-09-15


1. It's our duty to protect our environment. 保护环境是我们的职责。

2. It is very important to take care of our environment 保护我们的环境是非常重要的
3. We should not throw litter onto the ground 我们不应该随地丢垃圾。
4. We should not spit in a public place/ cut down the trees 我们不应该随地吐痰/砍树。
5. We should plant more flowers and trees. 我们应该种植更多的花和树。
6. We must pick up some rubbish and throw it into a dustbin 我们应该捡起地上的垃圾把它丢到垃圾桶里。
7. If everyone makes contribution to protecting the environment, the world will become much more beautiful.如果每一个人都为保护做贡献,那么我们的世界就会变得更漂亮。


1. Last Sunday (Saturday), it was sunny (rainy, windy, foggy) 上个星期天(星期六),天气晴朗(下雨,刮风,多雾)。
2. I got up very early (late). After breakfast I went to …with my friends by bike, bus , … 我起的非常早(晚),早餐过后我就和我的朋友骑自行车去……
3. We enjoyed ourselves. 我们玩得很开心
4. We forgot the time. We didn't come back until 5 o'clock. 我们忘记了时间,所以直到5点钟我们才回来.
5. We all felt very tired, but we were happy. 虽然我们觉得很累,但是我们很开心.
6. I thought I would never forget this trip. 我想我忘不了这次难忘的旅行.
7. Last summer, my parents and I went to Beijing for our holidays. 上个暑假,我和我的父母去北京度假.
8. We visited a lot of places of interest. 我们游览了许多名胜古迹.
9. We had a good time there. 在那儿,我们玩得很开心.
10. We bought a lot of things. The clothes here are good and cheap. 我们买了许多东西,那儿的衣服又好又便宜.


1. Last Sunday, Class One had a football match with Class Two. 上个星期天,一班和二班举行了一场足球赛.
2. All of us went to watch it. 我们所有人都去观看比赛.
3. The match was very exciting.比赛很精彩.
4. In fact, I have never seen such an exciting match before. 事实上,在此之前从没看过如此精彩的比赛.
5. The score was 5-3. Our team scored three goals in the last fifteen minutes. 比分是5比3.在最后15分钟我们队进了3个球.
6. Class One won this match. Class Two lost. 一班赢得了比赛.二班输了.
7. Class One played well. They deserved to win. 一班踢得非常好,他们确信能赢.
8. Their PE teacher was very pleased with their performance.他们体育老师对他们的表现感到很满意.


1. It is very important to keep healthy. 保持健康非常重要。

2. How can we keep healthy? 我们如何保持健康呢?
3. We can't go to sleep too late. We can't get up too late. 我们不能睡的太晚,也不能起的太晚。
4. We should eat the food healthily. 我们应该健康饮食。
5. We should do more exercise. 我们应该多做运动。
6. Last Tuesday I got a cold and had a pain in my head. 上个星期二我感冒了,并且我的头很痛。
7. I didn't feel like eating anything. 我不想吃任何东西。
8. I decided to see the doctor.我决定去看医生。
9. In the doctor's office, the doctor looks over me carefully. 在医院,医生帮我认真的检查。
10. He said: 'Nothing serious.' And he told me to take a rest and drink more water.他说:不严重。并告诉我多休息多喝水。
11. A nurse gave me an injection. It was a little painful. 护士给我打了针,有一点疼。
12. The doctor asked me to take the medicine three times a day. 医生告诉我一天服三次药。
13. A few days later, I felt better. From then on I believe that keeping healthy is the most important thing in the world. 几天过后,我感觉好多了。从现在开始我才相信保持健康是世界上最重要的事情。


1. My favorite subject is English.我最喜欢的学科是英语。 
2. More than three quarters of the information on the Internet is in English. 网络上超过四分之三的信息是用英语来表达。
3. It is used by travelers and business people all over the world. 英语被全世界的旅游者和商人使用。
4. China has joined the WTO and the Olympic Games has h0ld in China . English becomes more and more useful. 中国加入了WTO并且成功的举办了奥运会,英语变得越来越实用。
5. So English is very important and I like English very much. 所以说英语非常的重要,并且我非常的喜欢。
6. We have a lot of fun in the English class. 在英语课上我们有很多乐趣。
7. Our English teacher often makes us happy in the English class. 在英语课上,我们的英语老师经常使我们感到非常愉快。
8. I hope I can go abroad one day, and then I can speak to foreigners in English. 我希望有一天我能够到国外去,并能用英语与外国人交流。
9. I like English and try my best to learn it.我很喜欢英语,并且我将尽我最大的努力把它学好。

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