
Griselle Ponce视频合集(一)

 brendawu113 2017-10-11



Griselle Ponce, the award winning instructor and role model to the Latin Community, one of the top dancers and choreographers in the world. Countless dancers admire her beautiful elegant style.


Before we get to see her in person next March, let's watch some videos to pre-heat a little bit~

很多人最先认识Griselle是因为她是Eddie Torres的舞伴之一,我们都知道老爷子的舞伴从来都是最辣、最美、最会跳的妹子,而这位永远齐刘海儿、黑色长直发飘飘的妹子是最闪耀的星星之一。所以我们从他们的表演视频开始。

Some of us got to know Girselle cuz she used to dance with Eddie Torres. We all know that Eddie only dances with the hottest, the most pretty and the best female dancers. And Griselle is definitely one of the best of the best. Who can forget her beautiful smile and long dark hair?

一个真正气场强大的Diva可以跟强大的舞伴一起闪耀,当然也可以一个人hold住全场,最近一次被她的气场震慑到就是11月Salsa4Passion四周年大Party上她的这段Boogaloo Solo,大家惊艳的哇塞哇塞,可精益求精的她在表演后看着视频给自己鸡蛋挑骨头的精细劲儿真正让我感受到专业舞者的专业态度。

A real diva can share stage with the best, of course she can own the stage if she wants. I can still remember her boogaloo solo performance from last Novermber in Guangzhou. Trust me, watching her performing live will blow your mind. She is a true professinal dancer.

看够了么,我知道你肯定没看够,再来一段儿小编自个儿最爱的一段Social视频之一,08年的,有些年头了,但是真的是很香的陈酿一样的好东西。视频里的男生叫Andy Cruz,如果你熟悉纽约Salsa Scene,应该对他也不会太陌生,来自芝加哥,人称(自称)Chicago Salsa Prince,引带稍微力道大些的那种(个人观点,小盆友时期跳过),是不错的老师和表演者。

I'm sure 2 videos are not enough. So I will give you another one, one of my favourite social dances for years. it's an oldie, but real goodie. The guy's name is Andy Cruz, aka Chicago Salsa Prince, If you are familiar with NY Salsa Scene, you probably know him. His lead can be a little rough for some girls, but he is a very good dance instructor and performer.


Griselle Ponce
Bring out your inner diva
Choreography Bootcamp

11th-13th March 2016

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