

 业成608 2017-10-14

对因其长时期恐惧的某事物感到害怕,,afraid of更常用一点,但也可以用frightened of. eg. I'm afraid of snakes.
如果单看frightened和afraid, frightened可以做定语,即有修饰中心词的作用,如a frightened kid,另外afraid比frightened程度要轻一些。
fear强调恐惧的更是一些实际上还没有发生的、而自己担心可能会发生的事情,如I'm living in fear of dismissal.我一直生活在会被解雇的恐惧中。fear更加强调一种anxiety。
scare强调一种比较突然的恐惧感,a sudden feeling of fear。但是语气强度和afraid差不多,都不算太强。

 1.frighten 只做动词vt. /vi. Did the noise frighten you. 那声音使你吃惊吗? I don't frighten easily. 我不会轻易害怕。 常用法 Frighten sb. into doing sth. 用恐吓手段迫使某人做 某事 Frighten sb. out of doing sth. 用恐吓手段迫使某人不做某事 Frighten the piss out of sb. 吓得某人屁滚尿流 frighten off/away 吓跑, 吓走 2.fear vt. /vi.,可以用做名词 害怕,恐惧,敬畏;担心,顾虑 常用法 Cats fear big dogs. 猫怕狗 The fear of DEATH. 害怕死亡 mingled hope and fear.喜忧参半 3.afraid adj. 近义词 frightened timid terrified fearful 常用法 be afraid of Afraid of ghosts 害怕鬼; afraid to die 怕死; afraid for his life 担心他的生命 I'm afraid it is/there is. 恐怕是这样/是有的 4.scared adj. scared<- scare 动词只见到过做vt. 该情况下可与frighten对换,不过语气上可能有时会不同。 或n. 常用法 scare away [off] 把...吓跑 Spiders scare me stiff. 蜘蛛把我吓呆了。 Doesn't scare the child。别吓着孩子 Scare the daylights out of sb.把某人吓得六神无...

Scared <形容詞> 是因為"真實的東西"所以害怕 通常是指物體 

Ex: scared of snakes(怕蛇), scared of cockroaches (怕蟑螂) 

Fear是恐懼 <名詞/動詞> 是因為害怕會發生所以恐懼 通常是用在比較抽象的東西 

Ex: He fears that the ghost will come catch him. (他怕鬼會來抓他) 
He fears that the teacher will catch him cheating. (他怕老師會抓到他作弊) 

Afraid <形容詞> 是比較廣泛的害怕 以上替換成afraid也說得通: 
Ex: afraid of snakes, afraid of cockroaches 
He is afraid that the ghost will come catch him. 
He is afraid that the teacher will catch him cheating. 

分辨的話不用擔心,只要理解"恐懼"的意思就好 但是使用方法就應該注意一下 

Afraid 和 Scared 是 形容詞 所以用法如下: 

☆ S (主詞)+ be動詞 + afraid/scared + of + 物 

Ex: I am scared/afraid of my mom. (我怕我媽) 


afraid 也有加子句的用法 有一種"要說壞消息"的感覺 解釋作恐怕 

☆ S(主詞) + be動詞 + afraid + that + 子句 

Ex: I am afraid that I can't let you go to the field trip. (我恐怕無法讓你去戶外教學) 


Fear 普通的用法類似"擔心" 

☆ S(主詞) + fear + that + 子句 



也可以是對甚麼東西的恐懼 ☆fear of + sth. 

Ex: Soldiers must let go the fear of death on the battlefield. (在戰場上,戰士必須放下對死亡的恐懼) 


顏色不多請見諒,希望你能搞懂如何使用囉 :)

 scared 通常用於 "短" "意外" 的怕 
fearful 是一般慨括性 的 "怕" 
afraid 通常用於"因為認知/聊解 而怕" 

去玩萬聖鬼屋 要用 scared 
對於胸部太小(怕被笑)要用 afraid 

afraid:「害怕」的意之最一般的詞。 例1. be (very much) afraid of dogs [thunder, death] (很)害怕狗[雷,死]例2.Are you afraid of dogs? 你怕狗嗎?frightened:對極為不愉快的事物而近乎畏怯的心情。 例1. I was frightened of being left by myself in the house. 我害怕自己一個人被留在屋裡。例2. be frightened at the noise scared:對危險的狀況而近乎畏怯的心情。例. The poor kid's scared to come home. terrified:不愉快或者危險的事物時的强大的畏怯的心情。例. She was terrified of being killed in an air raid. 她很害怕在空襲中被炸死。fearful:預測厄難、危險而生忌憚的心情。例. He was fearful of her anger. 他怕她生氣。

If somethng scares you, it frightens or worries you.(scare是動詞) 
If a sudden unpleasant experience gives you a scare, it frightens you. (scare是名詞) 
If you are scared that something unplesant might happen, you are nervous and worried because you thinkthat it might happen.(scared是形容詞) 

Fear is the unplesant feeling you have when you think tht you are in danger. (fear是名詞) 
If you fear something unpleasant or undersirable, you are worried that it mght happen or might have happened.(fear是動詞) 
If you are fearful of something, you are afraid of it. (fearful是形容詞) 

If you are afraid of someone or afraid to do something, you are frightened because you think that something very unpleasant is going to happen to you. (afraid是形容詞) 


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