

 青木森森 2017-11-01


Aesthetics of Engraving Art (Part two)

书法、构图、刀法表现纯艺术的形式美感,逐步摆脱了制度、工艺等非艺术因素的制约,篆刻成为更为自觉的文字艺术,表达什么、用什么形式表达,个人的欣赏品味包括印章的大小都相对自由。篆刻创作诸构成要素中更为强调艺术家书法、 刀法等个性的表现。

The calligraphy, layout design and cutting techniques in seal engraving are esthetic expressions of pure artistic form Seal engraving was gradually liberated from non-artistic constraints such as political and technological factors in the time of ancient seals, and become a conscious art of Chinese characters. They enjoyed relative freedom in terms of content, form of expression, personal esthetic preference, and even size. Thus, creative seal engraving could fully stress the expression of the artist's personality through his calligraphy and cutting techniques.


Ivory seal with tuo (a large water turtle-like animal) knob. Qing Dynasty. Shanghai Museum


The sides of the seals, which on ancient seals were simply inscribed with names, became a space for recording stories, interpreting and expressing emotions. This trans-formation from a production procedure to expressive artistic action is a complete departure from the associations and forms of ancient seals. 


“Seal of Wei Xizeng, Style jiasun, from Renhe County” (仁和魏锡曾稼孙之印) cut by Zhao Zhiqian. Qian Dynasty


Seal engravers realized that different scripts, cutting techniques, textual content and graphics could all be used on the sides as a means of artistic creation. Thus the sides of seal become another opportunity for seal engravers to express their emotions and display their artistic accomplishments, and this further enhanced the appreciative value of the seals. External features such as material and decorative figures became more direct and concrete, bringing seal art closer to the common man and making it accessible both to scholars and to ordinary people. 

a. 寿山水晶冻石章,上海博物馆藏

b. 清,螭钮白玉章,上海博物馆藏

a. Shoushan crystal jelly stone seal. Shanghai Museum

b. White jade seal with chi dragon knob. Qing Dynasty. Shanghai Museum


So, the beauty of the zhuan script characters and the sides of the seal (not forgetting the literary beauty of what they say), of the knob decoration, and of the material all combined to form the inner and outer faces of literati seals, gradually creating a three-dimensional image of Chinese seals. 



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