

 brendawu113 2017-11-15


1. 感受音乐背后的真相,以及为什么在舞蹈里表达音乐如此重要;
2. 音乐的不同表达方式;
3. 在音乐里找到自己的表达方式

Your expression of the music is how you interpret the feeling the music generates in you.


‘Expression’ doesn’t have to be an ’emotion’. It can be any feeling. You can express the music through dancing to display a texture – like smooth or sharp. You can also express music by dancing to display the emotion the song inspires in you – like happiness or sadness. Or, you can express music by displaying a particular ‘state’ – like ‘being romantic’ or ‘intensity’.


The best expressive dancers include facets of all types of expression, and they vary the expression within a single song.


For example, they may switch from smooth or sharp movements, depending on the sound of the music. Or, they may vary between small, intimate movements and larger, demonstrative steps based on the ‘size’ of the sound.


They may also include an ’emotional’ journey that mimics the emotions of the song. For example, if it is a song about love, they may favour soft, gentle touches. Or, an intense song may utilize a lot of counterbalance and power.


Extroverted vs. Introverted Expression


There’s a misconception that expression must be extroverted, like in a performance. This is false.


Expression can be shared with only a partner (or yourself), or shared with a room. You can express by how you move your wrist, or by how you hold your partner.If you are creating a visual representation of the feeling, it’s extroverted expression. You are displaying it outwards. The size of the expression doesn’t matter.


This can include how you choose to execute your steps or styling. This is the type of expression that is visible to outsiders, like during a performance.


If you are creating a connection based representation of the feeling, it’s introverted expression. Your partner generally will feel it, and an observant outsider may pick up on what you’re doing. But, the expression is more based on creating a moment with your partner.


This can include the amount of tension you use in your movements, how you breathe, and how you choose to touch a partner. For example, a dancer who never leaves close hold can still be expressing the music – it’s simply a more private form of expression.


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