

 雨雪霏霏vwngx3 2017-11-26





A Reply on a Rainy Night to My Wife

You ask when I come home… Here in mountains

Streams are swelling the rainy night of fall.

When shall we trim wicks in our western window

And talk about this rainy night of fall?

【tr. Zhibuzhizhai】

Translator's note: As this little poem is so condensed and elusive that it is often mistakenly translated into Enlish,even by some sinologists,among whom Herbert Giles,perhaps it's helpful to take a few words explaining its gist. The opening line says that the poet, or speaker, is asked by his wife in a letter when he can return home, and that he is unable to give an answer, because being stuck in the autumn rains and the mountainous streams' tidings, it's impossible for him to start a journey (line 2). Lines 3-4 imagine the warmth of reunion at home someday in the future when this sorrow of separation may turn into joy in recollection.

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