

 阿离777 2017-12-06



1. 你愿意承认“我不知道”。聪明的人不畏惧承认他们不熟悉某一概念,“聪明的人会迷上那些其他人觉得理所当然的事物”

You are able to admit “I don’t know”. Intelligent people 'are not afraid to admit when they aren’t familiar with a particular concept.'Intelligent people let themselves become facinated by things others take for granted'.

2. 你愿意用开阔的心胸接受和考虑其他观点,同时谨慎决定自己采纳的意见和想法。他们会对各种解决方案持开放态度,但同时又在得到充分证据前都持保留态度。

intelligent people are willing to accept with value and broad-mindedness and careful about which ideas and perspectives they adopt.They are open to alternative solutions but withholds belief until presented with ample evidence at the meantime.

3. 你很灵活,能适应不同环境。 能为了更有效融入环境,而改变自己的行为或所处环境。

You are flexible and able to thrive in different settings.You able to change your own behaviors in order to cope more effectively with your environment, or make changes to the environment you're in.


4. 你可以感受到他人的想法和感觉。同理心是情商的一个核心要素,情商高的人通常都愿意交新朋友,并且能理解他人的需求和感受。

You can 'almost feel what someone is thinking/feeling. Empathyis a core component of emotional intelligence.Emotionally-intelligent individuals are typically very interested in talking to new people and being attuned to the needs and feelings of others.

5. 更强的专注力。研究发现,智商测试得分较高的人,在“识别较大背景物体移动”的试验中得分较低,可能是他们习惯将注意力集中在重要信息上,忽略其他部分。

People who can focus for long stretches at a time. According to studies, people with higher scores on an IQ test were slower to recognize large background movements in an image.That's likely because they focus on the most important information and filter out the rest.


You procrastinate even on work you find meaningful.You wonder a lot about universe and meaning of life and noodling on possibilities was time well spent in letting more divergent ideas come to the tables, as opposed to diving right in with the most conventional, the most obvious.


7. 这种追根刨底也许是聪明人更容易焦虑的原因之一。他们可能会更好地从多种角度考虑情况,这意味着他们总能意识到事情出错的可能性。或许这种焦虑也常常来自于他们的自我反省:一开始为什么这么做?有必要吗?

That existential confusion may be one reason why smart people are more likely to be anxious. They may be better equipped to consider situations from a range of angles, meaning they're always aware of the possibility that things will go awry.Perhaps their anxiety also stems from the fact that they consider a given experience and wonder: Why bother going through it in the first place?


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