

 威学一百 2018-01-12

复习过雅思的同学都知道,雅思第二部分口语的题目就是由whatwhenwhowherewhy how/how often 组成。很多同学一看题目,觉得除了why的问题可以回答出一些东西,剩下的问题回答不超过3句话,更有甚者,有的学生一句话就概括了3个问题。

雅思的评分标准Fluency里就有一项要求叫做: students should be able to speak at length. 也就是说学生在考官提出问题后要自己能够给出完整的答案,有理有据,而并非简单的yes or no就可以解决的。


那么我们怎么才能做到滔滔不绝呢?最简单的方法就是在whenwhowherehow often之类的客观问题后面问自己一个why


Describe another language (in addition to English and your own language) that you would learn, if you wanted.

You should say,
The name of this language
How you would learn it
What equipment or facilities you would need to study this language
And explain why you would choose to study this language. 


以法语为例,抛弃 the language I would like to learn is French 这样一句话。我们可以介绍法语的一些情况,如it is said that French is considered as the most romantic language in the world.这样不但延长了时间,而且很具体。当然同学们还可以交代法语是联合国会议的重要语言等等信息。但此处谨记不要着急说原因,因为后面有why, 可以慢慢解释,要不然整篇布局会乱。

学任何语言都是相通的,你是怎么学英语的,把这些方法说出来就可以了。你就可以说 joining a training session is the most effective way to pick up a new language.加上理由。比如:(接上句)since the professional teachers will introduce you the right techniques and tips to master it. 当然学语言不止一种方法,你还可以接着列举另外的方式。

有的学生会提到通过交法国朋友来学习,那么一定要记得加上理由,比如:I can practice my spoken French with some local friends. This is mainly because they can point out my mistakes and show me the right usage of the slang or idiom that Chinese teachers rarely use.

第三个问题,equipment or facilities。同学们首先就想到了电脑:

In terms of the facilities, computer plays a significant role in the process of language studying. 还是记得加原因——we can download a large quantity of references which are definitely useful to our studie. 当然你还可以说看电影、报纸之类的都行。如果还有其他的比如mp3mp4都可以接着说的。无论你选择什么,作者还是要不厌其烦地提醒一句,记得加原因拓展你的speech


雅思评分标准里有一项叫coherence——连贯性、一致性。口语中的连贯性一定是要靠连接词或者连接句来完成的,比如最熟悉的已经用烂的and, also, 还有的童鞋可怜巴巴的只会用一个and

延长一些连接词的好处有两个,第一它们会让你的答案的逻辑性非常明显,让考官很容易抓住你的观点;第二在你没有特别多话说的情况下kill time

例:Why would you want to learn this language?



As for me, I would want to study French for a couple of reasons. The most important one would be that I've always dreamed of going to France for a visit. The ability of speaking the language could make my journey more enjoyable. In addition to what I've just mentioned, a plus point would be that being able to speak French would probably increase my chance of getting a job.

从范文可以看出,其实它是延长了同学们的口头禅firstly, secondly。既清楚明了地告诉了考官思路,同时又减少了说实际内容的时间,摆脱哑口无言的尴尬境地。



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