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S1是10道填空题,咨询场景,为常见场景,偏简单。场景: 两学生讨论选课(新题)Yes, many Chinese prefer to drive to work because they don’t want to wait for public transport. They can leave for work at any time they are ready. So it’s more convenient. Besides, owning a car also means that this person is living a good li...
举例Giving an Example.③ To give an example…④ I can give a relevant example here…Take my country, for example, where most of the people still believe in strong family ties and support each other no matter what.To give an example, such professionals not only make an extensive amount of money but also have a great ...
解析:今天的S1中,有一个数字题,一个日期题,两个专有名词题,一个电话号码,一个邮编,一共六个题是相对来说比较简单的,相信考生不会觉得太难。题型:6段落信息配对题+3选择题+4填空题。题型:4判断题+ 5选择题+5配对题。Two main classifications of amusia exist: acquired amusia, which occurs as a result of brain damage, and conge...
题型:4流程图+6匹配。本次考试的题目配对题占了32%,比填空题的30%比例稍高了点,更高于判断题。题型:4判断题+9表格填空题。题型:7段落信息配对题+3人物观点匹配题+3填空题。题型:4判断题+ 5选择题+5句末配对题。Some people think that schools should stop teaching children by using books, because children find them boring and th...
题目:bar code 条形码。题型:填空题 8+判断题5.题型:段落细节配对7+多选题 2+完成句子题4.题型:单选题5+判断题5+配对题 4.In today’s material world, people are inundated with various forms of advertising. Particularly, there is an increasing trend for advertisers to target children. While I agree that advertising may hav...
作为8月的第一场考试,本场考试的题目难度适中,选择类题目占20题,填空类题目占20题。题型: 6填空题+7判断题。题号:新题。The development of online children’s games today is beyond our wildest expectation. However, some people argue that modern games are not good for cultivating a variety of useful skills and that traditi...
题型:单选题5+判断题5+段落信息配 4.判断题:The first important river that comes into my mind is Chang jiang river, which is also known as Yangtze river.The prosperous Yangtze River Delta generates as much as 20% of the China’s GDP. The Yangtze River flows through a wide array of ecosystems and is habitat to several e...
题型:10笔记。1-10)笔记完成题。第一篇文章没有像前几次考试一样仅出现填空题和判断题,反而考了大量的配对题。题型:配对题 6+多选题2+判断题 5.题型:段落细节配对5+填空题 3+人名配对题5.题型:单选题4+判断题5+句首句尾配对题 5.At the first stage in the paper recycling process, waste paper is collected and transported to a wate...
题号:新题。题号:旧题。The bar chart illustrates how the average number of students in primary school and lower secondary school classes varied in 6 different countries in the year 2006 and the figure for the global average.Unlike rural areas, where comparatively fewer people live together, city areas are highly popu...
雅思小作文各种图题、表格题技巧总结雅思作文Task 1受图表内容的限制,遣词造句的要求非常有限,只需针对考试,把核心表达用准用熟即可,所谓博大不如精深。下面是威学教育雅思教研组总结的雅思小作文线图题、柱形图题、饼图题、表格题以及流程图等的写作总结!(分别描述两幅图,形成风格哦,第一幅图用chart,第二副图用graph,第一幅图shows...
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