
Reflex Trader

 昵称11516322 2018-01-17

A calendar showing you the best
days to trade stocks in 2018

The specific days and dates have been removed... for now.

On Thursday, we're releasing the full calendar – for immediate download.

This is unlike anything you've seen before in Britain.

The calendar depicts a precision market timing strategy, perfect for short-term traders.

It tells you when – precisely when – to go long the market in 2018.

And it tells you when to be out.

There are two 'magic
windows' every month

Statistics from my back testing results show – overwhelmingly – that you should be long the market during these windows.

  • Each window lasts 5-6 days.
  • When the window opens – go long.
  • When it closes – exit your trade.
  • Then wait for the next 'magic window' to open – so you can do the exact same thing again.

There are 25 'magic windows' opening in 2018.

They appear according to a pattern found in daily price data going back 17 years.

This pattern appears – finally – to support the idea that...

Some days are better for
trading stocks than others

Now what, exactly, do I mean by that?

Well, it's simple.

Since the year 2000, statistics show that, had you been long the market just on specific days marked out on the calendar each year...

Figure calculated based on back testing. Simulated past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.

...You'd have beaten the market by 322%.

That’s in comparison to just buying the market in 2000 and holding for 17 years.

Now remember, since 2000 we've seen two major bear markets... and a pretty big bull market in stocks.

In fact, the market has more than doubled overall in that time.

Yet, this 'Reflex Trading' strategy has seemingly smoothed out all the ups and downs...

...And beaten that overall performance by an incredible 322%.

But do you want to know what's really crazy...

Get this:

Had you gone long the market on every other day...

...i.e. the days outside of those green windows marked on the calendar, each year...

You'd have made a 61% LOSS.

That's right.

Even though the market itself has more than doubled...

You'd have made a huge loss, just by
investing on the 'wrong' days

Let me break this down, so you can see what this might mean for you...

Had you gone long on just those days in green...

And stayed out of the market on all other days...

...You'd have gained 7,634 points of profit OVER and ABOVE what the market paid regular investors over the same time period.

7,634 points better off!

What does that equate to in Great British Pounds?

Well, let’s say you used spread betting to buy the market during just these 'magic windows'...

At £10/point...

You'd now have £76,340
TAX FREE to enjoy

Now... you should remember that past performance doesn't guarantee the exact same outcome in the future.

It's absolutely impossible to make guarantees when it comes to the stock market. Not to mention utterly foolish. And it goes without saying that spread betting is high risk, meaning you shouldn’t invest capital you can’t afford to lose.

That’s because spread betting means you can lose more than your initial investment if the market turns against you. Keep that in mind.

But also remember that the higher the risk, the more you need a PLAN.

And that’s exactly what this is.

Like I said, it doesn’t guarantee you anything…

This is about the next best thing: predictability.

This pattern is what's known as a 'reflex action' in price data.

It's caused by an event that happens twice a month, every month, without fail (even in a recession).

You know the event is coming.

You can predict the 'reflex'...

...And you can trade it.

When you do, statistics from my back testing show that you are more likely to make money than by trading at any other time.

But wait a second...

Where do these 'magic
windows' come from?

As you'll learn on Thursday, this fortnightly pattern has repeated faithfully for the last 17 years. In fact, over that time, there have only been three losing years!

But it's not fundamentally-driven.

By that I mean, it’s not related to company earnings forecasts... takeovers... profit warnings... or what have you.

It's not linked to political events... like general elections... or Brexit.

It's got nothing to do with macroeconomic events... like changes in interest rates... currency spikes... or movements in the oil price.

It’s not a recurring technical pattern either.

It’s actually way simpler than any of that... as you'll discover.

Keep in mind: This is NOT just “buying blind” based on those dates…

We’ve discovered that those windows ARE hugely profitable, based on our backtested data.

But as well as revealing why that is… you’ll also have an experienced market veteran on hand in each window, telling you exactly when to pull the trigger on a trade… and when to sell.

Don't worry – we'll explain this breakthrough trading idea to you, in full, this coming Thursday...

Get ready.

Figure calculated based on back testing. Simulated past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results

You're going to see a selection of individual 'reflex trade' results from the last three years that will launch your eyebrows off the top of your head... (imagine, for example, making £26,250 net profit in four days when staking £50 per point...)

...Plus, you'll get full details on how you can use this same strategy to make up to 25 short-term trades in 2018...

...For the chance to make a significant profit by the end of the year... TAX FREE.

On Thursday you'll be able to download the 2018 trading calendar – with days and dates added – directly into whatever calendar app you use on your phone, tablet or computer.

Reader, this is HUGE.

Think about it.

The way to make money consistently in the markets could be far simpler than you ever thought... to explain AND execute.

Imagine for a moment...

...That all you need is a CALENDAR to tell you when to buy stocks!

Well, that's the exact promise of 'reflex trading' – a breakthrough market timing strategy... that was discovered by computer algorithms on a 'deep dive' into daily price data.

On Thursday, for the first time in Britain, private investors like you will get the chance to benefit from this discovery, too.

Save the date: Thursday January 18th.

On that day, I'll send you an email to let you know when the 2018 trading calendar has been released for download.

Remember what I said: you'll be able to open it up in whatever calendar app you use on your phone, tablet or computer.

When you download the trading calendar you'll also get:

  • A confidential briefing, introducing the idea of 'reflex trading', called: 'How we'll trade predictable events to make a fortune in 2018'... I must stress, this is for your eyes only.
  • A private video tutorial that explains the theory behind 'reflex trading' in more detail... Plus shows you more incredible, real-world examples of this little-known trading strategy in action.

I'm thrilled to put this breakthrough trading idea in front of you. This is a real coup for us here at Southbank Investment Research.

Seriously – I'm not bowled over by many things.

But this... this is different to anything I've ever seen.

It's mind blowing.

I know it will change your view on buying and selling stocks... forever.

...And help you make 2018 the most lucrative year of your life.

So just imagine… for a second… that this idea pays off in the way I think it will.

'You could be sitting on a five-figure profit this time next year. How would that change your life?”

Please – whatever you were planning for Thursday; postpone it. You'll be glad you did!

In the meantime, let me know if you’d be excited to try this idea. Please put your thoughts in the box below and then click where it says “submit”.

[If you are happy for us to publish your comments in marketing or editorial, please enter your name as you would like it to appear. If you would rather we didn’t use your comments please say so or don’t enter your name.]

Then keep your eye out for my email...

Until then,

Nick O'Connor
Publisher, Southbank Investment Research

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