
12 Health Benefits of Clitoria Ternatea (#1 Home R...

 給你的 2018-03-19

Clitoria ternatea may attract your attention due to its unique name which related to female’s vital organ, clitoris. Well, you will not as surprise as you were if you know exactly how this flower looks like which is really similar to female’s vital organ. Being tropical flower plant, there are a lot of health benefits of Clitoria ternatea. However, before you find out more about the benefits is better for you to learn about some interesting fact of this unique tropical flower plant.

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What is Clitoria ternatea?

Though the name if similar to clitoris, Clitoria ternatea is actually coming from specific genus which name is Clitoria. The flower really looks like human female genital organ but it has dark but bright blue color. This flower plant is native to Indonesia and Malaysia which has local name as Kembang Telang but right now due to its benefits for human health, this flower plant has been introduced as far as Australia, America and Africa. Due to its unique appearance and closely related to peas family, Clitoria ternatea earns some beautiful names as butterfly pea, blue pea vine or pigeon wings. Though, the most common flower of Clitoria ternatea is bright blue but there is also other variety that has flower in white and purple color.

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Health Benefits of Clitoria Ternatea

So far only some locals in the countries where this flower plant is originated like Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand are using this flower in daily basis. In those countries, the petals of the flower are used as natural food coloring while the other parts are used as traditional or herbal medications. Below is the list of health benefits of Clitoria ternatea you should know.

  1. Natural Remedy to Diuretic

It has been well known widely among Asian that Clitoria ternatea could be used home remedy to diuretic.

  1. Great for Digestion System

Due to its antibacterial properties, this flower could treat some digestion problems including food poisoning. Though further treatment from professional is still required.

  1. Used as Tonic to Treat Dementia

Some animal studies have shown how effective Clitoria ternatea in improving ability of a mouse in memorizing, so it is possible to treat dementia in human.

  1. Home Remedy to Headache

Got problem with your headache but somehow you cannot consume painkiller; you don’t need to worry because Clitoria ternatea could be used as home remedy to headache.

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  1. Treats Asthma Naturally

Allergic reaction could be the trigger of asthma. However, some studies have shown the effectiveness of Clitoria ternatea in treat this condition.

  1. Could Act as Antidepressant

Depression is not an easy thing to deal with but at least Clitoria ternatea could help in reducing the worst of this condition.

  1. Improves Nerves System

Nerve system has essential role in the whole body metabolism and amazingly Clitoria ternatea contains some compounds that are great to improve the function of nerve system. In other words, this flower is also great for brain.

  1. Solution to Irregular Period in Women

Asian women must have known how great Clitoria ternatea is in helping them dealing with their irregular period issue. Moreover, this beautiful flower is also able to help dealing with some reproductive issues in women.

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  1. Natural Remedy to Diabetes

One of the amazing health benefits of Clitoria ternatea is able to control the absorption of blood sugar so it could help in controlling the blood sugar level in diabetic patients.

  1. Reduces the Risk of Cardiovascular Conditions

Conditions like heart attack, blood pressure and cholesterol could be reduced by Clitoria ternatea.

  1. Home Remedy to Light Cold

When it comes to light cold, instead of taking medicine is better for you to take Clitoria ternatea instead.

  1. Treats Insect Bites or Poisonous Bites of Snake

Among Asian people, poisonous bites of snake and insect could be treated naturally by this beautiful flower plant though seeing a doctor immediately is still highly recommended to prevent further issue.

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Cautions of Clitoria Ternatea

Actually there are more health benefits of Clitoria ternatea because basically this flower plant is a magical home remedy widely used as part of Asian traditional home remedy since ancient times. However, still there are some cautions you should aware of this flower as well.

  • Talk to your doctor whenever you want to add home remedy to your current medication especially you who have been diagnosed with specific health issue like heart problem or diabetes.
  • As mentioned above this flower could be used to treat poisonous bites of snakes or insects but still to make sure no further problem, meeting a doctor is highly recommended.
  • Though this could act as therapeutic solution for depression but this mental condition cannot be taken lightly, talking to the professional is still strongly required.

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In the native countries, the purpose of planting this flower is not only because of the health benefits of Clitoria ternatea but also because this flower is very beautiful and widely known as ornamental flowers. Furthermore, this flower is not difficult to grow as long as they grow in tropical climate.

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