

 昵称33542116 2018-04-05





LONDON – Thinkers50, the premier ranking of global business thinkers, today announced the Thinkers50 Radar list of the 30 management thinkers most likely to shape the future of how organizations are managed and led.


【伦敦】今天,全球首个商业思想家排行榜Thinkers50公布了一份由30位管理思想家组成的“Thinkers50雷达”名单(Thinkers50 Radar list)。这30位思想家很可能将对未来组织机构的管理和领导方式产生深远影响。


The Thinkers50 Radar recognises the talent of up-and-coming management gurus. “The Radar list is keenly anticipated,” says Thinkers50 co-founder Des Dearlove. “It is an early warning system to alert managers about the people who are doing exciting and important work. We hope to see many of them on future Thinkers50 rankings of the world’s leading management thinkers.”


“Thinkers50雷达”(Thinkers50 Radar)能够识别那些暂露头角的管理思想天才。“人们热切期盼能出台一份雷达名单”,Thinkers50的合作创始人戴斯·狄洛夫(Des Dearlove)说,“雷达名单就像一个预警系统,提醒管理者们哪些人在从事激动人心且非常重要的工作。我们希望他们中的许多人能出现在Thinkers50排行榜上,成为全球领先的管理思想家。”


The Thinkers50 Radar list is more global than ever before. Nationalities represented include the Netherlands, South Africa, America, India, China, Norway, Canada, and the UK.




In 2018, for the second time, the Radar includes more women than men. The rise in influential women thinkers is also notable on the Thinkers50 ranking where the number of women thinkers has grown rapidly over recent years.




“The Radar list offers a smorgasbord of great business ideas – from Irene Yuan Sun’s work on how Chinese investment is reshaping Africa to Tendayi Viki on developing innovation ecosystems,” says Thinkers50’s Stuart Crainer. “What is interesting is that ideas and thinkers are increasingly difficult to pigeon-hole into traditional categories like leadership and strategy. These thinkers are truly independent minded. They are driven by curiosity and innovation. In addition, their work shows broad global ambition. When we started the Thinkers50 in 2001 the emphasis was on improving corporate performance and profitability. The next generation of thinkers wants to make the world a better place. We are optimistic that their ideas will indeed make a difference.”


“该雷达名单汇聚了各种伟大的商业思想——从Irene Yuan Sun的中国投资将如何重塑非洲,到Tendayi Viki的开发创新生态系统”Thinkers50的斯图尔特·克雷纳(Stuart Crainer)说,“有意思的是,越来越难以将思想和思想家归类于像领导力和战略这样的传统分类之中。这些思想家拥有真正的独立思想,受到好奇心和创新精神的驱动。此外,他们的工作展现出了面向全球的远大抱负。2001年我们启动Thinkers50时,重点是提高企业业绩和盈利能力。下一代的思想家是要将世界变得更加美好。我们相信,他们的思想一定会对世界产生深远影响。”

About Thinkers50

Thinkers50 identifies, ranks, and shares the very best in management ideas. Its definitive global ranking of management thinkers is published every two years. The 2017 winner was Roger Martin. Previous winners include Clayton Christensen (2011 and 2013); CK Prahalad (2009 and 2007); Michael Porter (2005 and 2015); and Peter Drucker (2001 and 2003).



Thinkers50鉴别、排序和分享管理理念中最好的思想,其权威性的全球管理思想家排行榜每两年公布一次。2017年的获胜者是罗杰·马丁(Roger Martin)。以往的获胜者有克莱顿·克里斯坦森(Clayton Christensen,2011年和2013年)、普拉哈拉德(CK Prahalad,2009年和2007年)、迈克尔·波特(Michael Porter,2005年和2015年)和彼得·德鲁克(Peter Drucker,2001年和2003年)。


About Stuart Crainer and Des Dearlove

Des Dearlove and Stuart Crainer are the founders and directors of Thinkers50. They are the authors of more than 16 books available in 20 languages. Former columnists to The (London) Times, they are editors of The Financial Times Handbook of Management. They advise thinkers and organizations worldwide.






Stuart Crainer



Des Dearlove





On the Radar 2018


Emerging thinkers with the potential to make lasting contributions to management theory and practice.



Thinkers50 scans the globe on an ongoing basis for fresh, powerful thought leadership. We are committed to the search, we enjoy the process, and we invite you to participate by contributing your ideas about management thinkers on the horizon.





A professor at Peking University’s School of Journalism and Communication, Hu Yong’s publications include Internet: The King Who Rules, the first book introducing the Internet to Chinese readers, and The Rising Cacophony: Personal Expression and Public Discussion in the Internet Age, documenting major transformations in Chinese cyberspace. He is also co-author of Haier Purpose, which examines the innovative management philosophy of the global Chinese white goods company, Haier. He is co-founder of the Digital Forum of China, a nonprofit organization that promotes public awareness of digitization and advocates a free and responsible Internet. His blog has a readership of seven million.




http://huyong.blog.caixin.com, http://huyong.blog.sohu.com和@huyong

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