
【英语知识】新英语900句第二十五课PESSIMISM 悲观

 昵称21399464 2018-04-09


PESSIMISM 悲观 来自英语家园 01:21

This effort is hopeless.^这是没有希望的努力。

Why are you always a pessimist?^你为什么总是一个悲观主义者?

I don’t want to hear any more pessimism.^我不想再听到什么悲观的论调了。

The voters are pessimistic about the economy.^投票者对经济很悲观。

I’m a little pessimistic about our team’s chances.我对我们队获胜的机会并不看好。

Pessimism infects other people.^悲观情绪会影响别人。

I’ve given up hope for this job.^我对这份工作不抱希望了。

I’m not very hopeful about the future.^我对将来不抱太大希望。

Quit being such a pessimist.^不要再这么悲观了。

I don’t think I’ll ever get a better job.^我认为我不会找到更好的工作了。

We always tend to think we’re done worse than we have.^我们总是倾向于认为自己做得很糟,但实际情况并不是那么糟。

I’m never going to get into a good college, so then I won’t be able to get a good job.^我永远也进不了好大学,所以我也不会有好工作了。

They fired me because the company is losing money and they had to cut corners.^因为公司亏损要削减开支,所以他们把我给解雇了。

You shouldn’t dwell on the negative things in your life.^你不应该老是想着生活中消极的一面。

I don’t think my spirits can be raised.^我想我是高兴不起来了。

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