
每日一歌|听歌鄙视链:没听过Chuck Berry,还听英文歌?

 老CK 2018-04-18



「 If you tried to give rock and roll another name, you might call it 『 Chuck Berry』 - 如果你给摇滚另取一个名字,你可以叫它『查克 · 贝里』」

——John Lennon - 约翰 · 列侬



如果沿这条鄙视链一路向上,最后在顶端找到的人,我想大概是Chuck Berry——


The Beatles主唱「John Lennon - 约翰 · 列侬」的评价更直接:「如果你给摇滚另取一个名字,你可以叫它 Chuck Berry。」

对Chuck Berry推崇备至的,不仅John Lennon一人:

「The Rolling Stone - 滚石乐队」翻唱过14首不同版本的Chuck Berry作品,甚至出道第1首歌曲就是翻唱自他的「Come On」。

崔健1986年高唱「一无所有」的那个夜晚,似乎也在模仿Chuck Berry标志性的鸭子步。

崔健还说过,写「新长征路上的摇滚」时,受过Chuck Berry一首「Roll Over Beethoven」的影响——Chuck Berry颠覆贝多芬,他也要颠覆些什么。

今天这首「Johnny B. Goode」,是Chuck Berry的代表作品之一

Chuck Berry承认,这首歌是半自传体,歌词中本来称主人公为「Colored Boy」,后来为了能在电台播放才改成「Country Boy」。



Johnny B. Goode

Way down Louisiana close to New Orleans,

Way back up in the woods among the evergreens...

There stood a log cabin made of earth and wood,

Where lived a country boy name Johnny B. Goode...

Who never ever learned to read or write so well,

But he could play the guitar like ringing a bell.

Go Go

Go Johnny Go

Go Johnny Go

Go Johnny Go

Go Johnny Go

Go Johnny B. Goode

He use to carry his guitar in a gunny sack

And sit beneath the trees by the railroad track.

Oh, the engineers used to see him sitting in the shade,

Playing to the rhythm that the drivers made.

People passing by would stop and say

Oh my that little country boy could play

Go Go

Go Johnny Go

Go Johnny Go

Go Johnny Go

Go Johnny Go

Go Johnny B. Goode

His mama told him someday he would be a man,

And he would be the leader of a big old band.

Many people coming from miles around

To hear him play his music when the sun go down

Maybe someday his name would be in lights

Saying Johnny B. Goode tonight.

Go Go Go Johnny Go

Go Go Go Johnny Go

Go Go Go Johnny Go

Go Go Go Johnny Go

Go Johnny B. Goode

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