

 航海资料收藏 2018-04-20


Laytime Clauses 装卸时间条款

Saturdays and other incomplete days


2.80 Where a vessel is destined to load or discharge at a port where weekend work is not the norm, the charter may provide for time not to count from, say, 17 00 on Friday or after mid-day on Saturday until, say, 08 00 on Monday.  If the effect of such a clause is to make Friday, Saturday and possibly Monday, days where the working period is shorter than usual, then how weather interruptions should be calculated where laytime is in weather working days is a question of some complexity. No difficulty will normally arise with regard to Sunday,  since that is not a working day. Although what follows relates particularly to Saturdays, the same principles will apply to other days on which there is reduced working. 


2.81 In the absence of a special clause, Saturday presents no problems since it is a normal working day and the method of calculating interruptions previously described will apply. As Viscount Radcliffe said in the Reardon Smith case:  

The only thing that matters in this case is, I think, that Saturday was not a holiday at the Port of Vancouver and the possibilities of working were not affected by bad weather. If so, Saturday counts among the lay days that are imputed to the charterers and it counts as a whole day, since the parties have made no stipulation for charging fine working days by any more meticulous scale. 

2.81在没有任何特殊条款规定的情况下,关于星期六并不会产生什么问题,因为它是一个正常的工作日,因而可以适用前面提及的计算中断作业时间的方法。正如Radcliffe子爵在Reardon Smith案中说过的那样:


2.82 It is therefore clear that, in these circumstances, even if there is a reduced working period on Saturday, unless the parties are held to have provided to the contrary, the full weekday period will be used against which to proportion any weather interruption. 


2.83 There seem to be three possible ways in which weather interruptions on Saturdays can be dealt with where the charter provides for time not to count after a specified time. 


Method A 方法A

2.84 This involves treating the Saturday exception clause literally so that if, for instance, it provides for ‘‘time not to count after 12 00’’, then the maximum period that can be debited against charterers is the 12 hours up to 12 00. From this maximum must be deducted an appropriate allowance for any time lost by bad weather. This is calculated on the same basis as interruptions on weekdays, so that if the full weekday working period is 12 hours and one hour is lost by adverse weather on Saturday morning, then this is geared up to represent an interruption of two hours (the proportion that one hour bears to 12 hours applied to 24 hours). This is then credited to charterers so that, instead of 12 hours counting, only ten hours are debited against the laytime allowed. 


Method B


2.85 Using the same times as in Method A, and assuming that Saturday working commences at 08 00, Method B involves interpreting the Saturday clause as meaning that the working period on Saturdays is between 08 00 and 12 00 when time ceases to count. On the basis that one hour lost due to adverse weather represents 1/4 of the hours available for work, charterers should be debited with 3/4 of a day against the laytime allowed, i.e. 18 hours. 

2.85 与在方法A中使用的时间相同,并且假定星期六的工作从0800时开始,方法B所涉及的是将星期六的条款解释为在星期六的工作时间是0800时到1200时,从1200时起时间便停止计算。根据这一原则,如果由于不利天气的影响而损失了 1个小时,那么这就相当于可用于工作的小时数的1/4,因此应当记入承租人帐上的允许使用的装卸时间是一天的3/4时间,也就是18个小时。 

Method C


2.86 This is in effect a cross between the other two methods. In this the Saturday clause is again given a literal meaning so that the maximum that can be debited against charterers is 12 hours. If one hour is lost due to adverse weather then, since 1/4 of the working period has been lost, this is then applied not to 24 hours, but to the 12 hours of the day that could count, reducing it by three hours to give nine hours debited against laytime. 

2.86这实际上是一种介于上述两种方法之间的一种方法。在这种方法中,星期六的条款同样被陚予了一种字面含义的解释,因此可以记入承租人帐上的时间最多是12个小时。如果由于不利天气的影响损失了 1个小时,那么因为已经损失了1/4的工作时间(上午4个小时中的1小时),所以就不能再将这1/4用于24小时,而应该将其适用于本来可以计算为一天单位的12小时,这样一天就被减少了 3个小时而只将9个小时记为装卸时间。

2.87 Needless to say, in each case it is only interruptions during working hours that can count. 


2.88 Method A might be justified by reference to that part of Viscount Radcliffe’s speech in the Reardon Smith case  where he says: 

But in my opinion the basic calculation in such cases should be determined by ascertaining what part of the calendar day was used, if loading was actually being done, or could reasonably have been used, if there was in fact no loading. The proportion which this bears to the working hours of the ship while in the particular port is the proportion of the calendar day which should be charged to the shipper. 

This seems to suggest that whatever is determined as the hours of work for the particular ship at that time should be applied to each day regardless of the actual hours worked. 

2.88 按照Raddiffe子爵在Reardon Smith—案中所阐述的部分判决意见,方法A或许是证明正当合法的。他说:



2.89 Method B might be justified, again in the words of Viscount Radcliffe,  as a stipulation charging fine working days by a more meticulous scale, notwithstanding that the meaning given to the Saturday clause is perhaps not the most obvious one. 


2.90 Method C is harder to justify as a matter of law. However, Methods A and B can and sometimes do produce somewhat illogical answers. For instance, applying Method A if all the Saturday working period is lost, charterers are still charged four hours against laytime. With Method B, if no time is lost then charterers are charged a full day and the Saturday clause is apparently given no effect. Method C avoids both these pitfalls giving answers of 12 hours laytime used where no time was lost and no time used where all the working period was lost. Despite its doubtful parentage, Method C would seem to give the right result but would have to be justified by saying that in providing a Saturday clause (or other reduced period) the parties agreed to a special definition of a weather working day for that day. This comes perilously close to the Rubystone formula. 


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