
迷失东京之面对地铁头好大 【世界那么大,跟Lynn去看看】

 smiller2016 2018-05-07


 来自英语环球 06:38



原来全球最忙碌的铁路站,前50名里有45名都在日本!I recently learned that Japan boasts 45 ofthe world’s 50 busiest train stations, including the first 23. 霓虹国的人脑结构真的不一样啊。

The top three are all located in westernTokyo and the busiest one sees almost 4 million visitors per day.前三名都在东京!其中最忙的就是每天接待大约400万人次的新宿站Welcome to Shinjuku Station.


If this is your first time here, you willget lost. If it’s your tenth time and your name is Indiana Jones, you’ll stillget lost. 就算你是INDIANA JONE,(夺宝奇兵离的探险家),你也会迷路的!

This place is a sprawling maze ofcorridors, stairways, escalators and platforms and they all look nearlyidentical. As if that weren’t enough, restaurants and shops line the hallwaysand fill the air with the aroma of baking bread and steaming bowls of ramen.With so many distractions, you have no chance.


I can read maps and have a decent directionsense, so I rarely get completely turned around like that. But Tokyo’s publictransportation system is so extensive that you won’t generally find maps thatdepict all of it at once. Most maps will show either the subway system or thetrain lines. 什么!一个铁路站有十几张地图?!


The subway maps look like a four-year-oldhas spent an hour working over a piece of paper with one of those giant64-color crayon boxes. 地铁站地图看起来好像一个四岁的小孩用一盒64色的蜡笔画了一个小时的图。

The train maps look like that kid’s littlebrother scribbled all over his subway drawing with a pencil, until absolutelyno white space remains.


I arrived on the circle line, this time I had to change to the Oedo subwayline. This is one of Tokyo’s newer lines and one of the world’s deepest. Onesingle set of escalators connects the Oedo line Shinjuku station to the rest ofthe complex and they have been masterfully hidden. 他要在新宿站换成大江户线。这条线是全球最深得地铁线之一。只有一组电梯可以抵达这趟线,它被完美地藏了起来。



Twice a day, the main corridors of Shinjukustation turn into a river of bodies. If you enter that river, the currentimmediately grabs hold of you and sweeps you away. It doesn’t matter where youwant to go, you are now going where everyone else is going and chances are,most of them don’t really want to be going there either. 新宿站的高峰期,比北京上海的地铁一点都不差。你在人流里都不用挪步子,被推着走就是了。

You might feel the urge to panic, butthere’s no need. Just look around and see how calm the Japanese people driftalong. They barely even seem to notice. 刚开始,这几个美国游客还有些紧张,后来他们看看周围的日本人,个个都面无表情。就觉得自己应该学习日本人的淡定。

Despite the complexity and the chaos,I absolutely love Shinjuku Station. It has everything youcould ever need and a whole lot of things you don’t. You’ll find hundreds ofrestaurants, several electronic stores, one of the world’s largest bookstores,a couple of giant department stores and you’ll share it all with a populationthe size of Los Angeles passing through every single day. 这美国小伙儿还挺乐观。除了换乘地铁是噩梦以外,他还是很爱新宿站的。因为里面有成百上千家餐厅,电子产品店,世界上最大的书店。当然啦,对于来自人口稀少的美国人来说,每天看到自己国家一整个城市的人在一个地铁站里串流的机会也是很少的。


No trip to Tokyo is complete without atleast one visit to Shinjuku’s massive station; just make sure you comeprepared. I recommend a sleeping bag, basic survival gear, a three-day supplyof emergency rations and a GPS locator so the search parties can find you. 最后他说:不去新宿站就等于没去过东京。我建议你们带好装备:睡袋,够三天的急需品,还有一个GPS定位器,这样救援队可以随时找到你。

小编:那个---咱们那些挑战或奔跑的哥们儿们完全可以考虑去新宿拍啊,素材大概够用1年的~~ P.S. 摄影师估计就得带好几拨儿,丢了就换一批---

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