
Part 2 考题:想去的国家/城市

 WUCXHEYU 2018-05-07

Describe a country or city where you want to live or work.

You should say:

Where it is?

Have you been there before? 

What you will do to make it happen?

Why you want to go there? 

语音跟读+解析 来自朱国伟 08:42

Cagliari is the capital of Sardinia, which is a beautiful island in Mediterranean Sea. It's a beautiful city with a long history, stunning landscape and a unique culture. That's the place where I want to spend the rest of my life.

I was in love with it when I was there for a vacation. I booked a room at a hotel which is on the top of a mountain. From my room window, I could have the view of the entire city which was spectacular. It just took my breath away. The next day, I rent a bike, traveled around the city. Those ancient stone buildings and narrow streets fascinated me. They are both historical and charming. 

Local people are very nice to tourists. Although I didn't speak a word of Italian and they didn't really speak English, I still had a great time there. 

After coming back to China, I started to think about moving there to start a new life. So I made several phone calls to some agencies to see if it's possible for me to settle down there. Luckily, Italian's immigration policy is quite friendly to Chinese. However, it still will take me a few years to get everything ready. But it doesn't matter since I also need some time to learn Italian. 

I want to settle down there because I want to run away from the life I have here which is very stressful. I've spent the past 10 years working hard, achieving goals and pursuing success. Now, I feel tired. After having spent a coule of weeks in Cagliari, I suddenly realized that's the life I want- sunshine, blue sky, starry night, ocean, beach, friendly people, slow life pace. Seriously, what more i can ask of life. 

Hopefully, my dream can come ture in the near future. 




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