

 饼公子的文案馆 2023-07-13 发布于江西


-sweet talklover's prattle-

1. 生命里最温馨的时刻,不是过去,而是现在与你在一起的每一秒。The sweetest moments in life are now, every second with you.

2. 爱情,最初总像一场美梦。而遇见你,让我明白梦醒时分,你的笑脸才是我此生最想醒来看见的画面。Love, at first, always feels like a dream. But meeting you makes me realize that waking up to your smile is what I want to see most in my life.

3. 生命匆匆流逝,唯有我们之间的爱恒久长新。岁月变迁,只有你我之间的情谊永不变更。时光飞逝,愿与你白头。Life passes swiftly, only the love between us is eternal. Time changes, only the affection between you and me never changes. I wish to grow old with you.

4. 你的眼睛,是我此生最想迷失的森林。你的笑容,是我此生最渴望的天堂。Your eyes, are the forests I want to get lost in this life. Your smile is the paradise I long for the most in this life.

5. 遇见你,是命运里最美好的安排。你的出现,让我的世界里从此多了颜色。Meeting you is the most beautiful arrangement of fate. Your appearance has added color to my world.

6. 生命里最渴望与之白头的人,不是曾经的初恋,而是你。生命里最想守护的誓言,不是少年时的约定,而是我们的生命之约。The person I want to grow old with the most in life is not my first love, but you. The oath I want to protect the most in life is not the promise of my youth, but the oath of our life.

7. 生命里最想与之度过的时刻,不是过去的回忆,而是现在与你在一起的每一秒。The moments I want to spend most in life are not past memories, but every second with you now.

8. 生命匆匆流逝,唯有你我之情恒久长新。Life passes swiftly, only the love between you and me is forever new.

9. 生命里最美好的风景,不是久远的记忆,而是你的脸。The most beautiful scenery in life is not distant memories, but your face.

10.我要用我所有温柔,来爱你这一生。用我全部真心,来信守我们生命的诺言。I will love you with all my tenderness for this whole life. And keep the promise of our lives with all my sincerity.



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