

 Radhakrsna520 2018-05-09


Notes taken by Claire


It’s getting very close to the Spring Festival. So I guess maybe a lot of people are preparing for their holidays. So how can we prepare for our holidays? We have a lot of work to do. I locked myself at home and doing all the work for the Spring Festival. I guess maybe you have also wrap up your work in your company.


Let’s wrap them up. 最后总结一下

News wrap up 新闻联播


I’m a little bit under the weather these days. 有点抱恙,身体不舒服

Cough 咳嗽

It’s pretty fearsome. Because those viruses, you never know what they are. And you don’t know what the right treatment is. Simply put, people die fast and life is vulnerable. So what can we do? I think that the only thing we can do is just to be positive, because you can never predict the future and do something you love, enjoy your life. That’s it. That’s pretty much everything you can do.


Do not go to those populated place. Stay home, let’s do the online teaching, this is really safe.


Unit 28 About Sickness


406.  原句:How are you feeling today?



407.  原句:I don’t feel very well.



408.  原句:Do you feel better now?

扩展句:Is it getting better? 病好点了吗?


409.  原句:Much better.

扩展句:只能用much better,不能用more better


410.  原句:I’m sick.

扩展句:sick 有两种意思,一种是我病了,另外一种是我有点恶心,需要根据上下文的意思来推断。比如说你在坐飞机,你说I’m a little sick 就可以表示晕机。

Airsickness 晕机

I’m sick of this 9 to 5 life every day, I want a change. Life is short.

We have to seize the time. 把握时间


411.  原句:He’s got a bad headache.

扩展句:生病我们一般都用get, have

I got a cold/fever.

I’m having a cough.

I have been coughing for a long time.


412.  原句:My fever is gone.

扩展句:I don’t have a temperature right now. 不发烧了

You’ve got a temperature. 你发烧了

Diagnose 诊断


413.  原句:What’s the matter with you?

扩展句:What’s the problem with you? Tell me how you feel right now.


414.  原句:I’ve got a pain in my back.

扩展句:a pain in my head 头痛,a pain in my shoulder 肩膀痛, a pain in my ass 屁股痛


415.  原句:It really hurts.

扩展句:Let go of me. You hurt me. 放手,你弄痛我了

It hurt badly. There’s a huge pain in my chest. 胸口很痛


416.  原句:It hurts right here.

扩展句:Yes, just this spot. Right in the spot. 这个点痛

Hit the spot. It really hits the spot. 正中痒的这个点,很爽的感觉

Last night, I watched two films and it really hit the spot. 对于电影爱好者来说,连看两场电影当然很爽。

Moviegoer 电影爱好者


417.  原句:It’s bleeding. You’d better see a doctor about that cut.

扩展句:cut 是被切开来的伤口

Wound 被咬或炸开的伤口

You blood is coming out of the wound. 血从伤口流出来了。

Trickle down policy 里根总统的自上而下的政策(给富人减税)

Trickle 涓涓细流流下来

The blood is trickling down from the wound. 滴血


418.  原句:Call the doctor!

扩展句:Call the ambulance! 叫救护车

Get the doctor! Get the paramedic. 急救医生(随救护车来的)


419.  原句:Take two pills and have a good rest.

扩展句:treatment 治疗方案

Treat the disease 治病

The disease needs to be treated the right way. The disease needs to be treated with the right treatment. The disease needs the right treatment. 疾病需要得到正确的治疗。


420.  原句:I hope you’ll be well soon.

扩展句:I wish you a fast recovery. Recover 是恢复的意思

You will be fit very soon. 很快恢复健康

Fitness center 健身中心

I’m in good shape. I’m in great condition. 我身体状态很好

I’m robust. 我很结实


Unit 29 Talking About Habits


Health comes from good habits. 健康来自于好的习惯。

Form a habit 养成一个习惯

Shape a habit 塑造一个习惯

Develop a habit 发展一个习惯

Get rid of a bad habit 改掉一个坏习惯


421.  原句:I get up at 8 every morning.

扩展句:I usually get up at 8.


422.  原句:I then take a bath in the bathroom.

扩展句:take a shower 冲凉,take a bath 在浴缸里泡澡


423.  原句:I shave, brush my teeth, and comb my hair.

扩展句:Gillette razor 吉列刮胡刀,electric razor 电动刮胡刀

Electric brush 电动牙刷

Technology 科技

I shave my hair. 剃光头

Braid 辫子

I braid my hair. 编辫子

I tie my hair up. 把头发扎起来,丸子头

Pony tail 马尾辫

I actually have a crush on girls with T shirt, jeans, white sneakers, and pony tail. I like those kinds of girls when I was young. 小麦老师年轻时候梦中情人是这个样子的


424.  原句:I put on a bit of makeup.



425.  原句:I cook breakfast for the family.

扩展句:I think these kinds of families are getting kind of rare nowadays. 稀少

The cost is too high. But I really miss the feel that eating at home, sit together around the table with the whole family. 成本太高

This is my routine, you know, read the newspaper, drink a cup of coffee, turn on the computer, take out the phone, watch some news, check out some latest news. 这是我的惯例

Morning routine 早上的惯例

Bedtime routine 睡觉前的惯例

Put on the facial mask 做面膜

Roll out the Yoga blanket 铺开瑜伽垫


I think in a way, it’s good, because I don’t have time to be bored. If you can keep yourself busy, you don’t have time to feel bored. I really feel that I’m running so short of time. You don’t have time to think about this, you are push forward.


I don’t count my time, because other people are counting on me. English Michael Fun has become a lot of people’s habit. So I have to keep that habit. 我自己不数时间,因为其他人在期待着我。


Your schedule is arranged by your agent. 明星的日程安排被经纪公司安排好了。


How you count your time? Some people count their time by minutes, but I count my time by month. 有的人度日如年


426.  原句:I go downstairs and have my breakfast.

扩展句:How often do you eat out? 出去吃


427.  原句:I read the newspaper over breakfast.

扩展句:We don’t read newspaper, because we have cellphone. So a cellphone is like a newsfeed. 新闻集中器

Information overload 信息过载

Judgment 判断力

In order to be successful in a competition, I think it’s not a battle of knowledge, but it’s a battle of judgment.


428.  原句:I wake my sister up.



429.  原句:I dress my sister and wash her hands and face.



430.  原句:I drive her to school at 10.

扩展句:I pick her up from school. 从学校接回来


431.  原句:I get to my office at 10:30.

扩展句:My daughter is going to the kindergarten later this year. I guess there will be a little bit change in my schedule, which means I have to get up early to sent my daughter to the kindergarten and then I can enjoy my day, work. And then in the afternoon, around 3 or 4 o’clock, I have to pick her up from the kindergarten. When she is old enough, maybe I can drive her around to do something, go to the supermarket, and then we have dinner together. Ever since you have a child, ever since you become a parent, your schedule is fixed.

I remember before I got married, before I had a baby, I sometimes go outside in the middle of the night. I think this is my single life. Time really flies. Everything just happens. Everything seems like a blink of an eye. 弹指一挥间


432.  原句:I leave the office at 7.



433.  原句:I buy some food on my way home.



434.  原句:I pick up my sister from her school.



435.  原句:We go to bed at 10:30.

扩展句:My work time starts at 10:30. 小麦老师工作时间开始于10:30

The competition is really intense. 竞争激烈

I remember when I was in the elementary school, the rules of the elementary school students said that 8 o’clock you have to go to bed, 6 o’clock you have to get up. 小学生守则

When do your children usually go to bed?


Unit 30 Asking For Other's Opinions


Opinion 通常用的是单数形式,opinions表示很多不同的观点。

Public opinion 公众意见

I don’t think it’s worth it. 我认为没有意义

I believe that you will never meet that kind of people.


436.  原句:What do you think about it? 问你的意见是什么

扩展句:How do you think about it? 问你的态度是怎样的

举例:How do you like EMF? I like it very much. I read it every day.

What do you like EMF? I like the pronunciation, English microphone …


437.  原句:Is that right?

扩展句:Do you think it’s right?

Well, in that case, you think that’s right, don’t you?


438.  原句:Absolutely right.

扩展句:No doubt about it.

Thumb up 点赞

I’ll give you two thumbs up. 我超级同意你的观点


439.  原句:I think you’re mistaken about that.

扩展句:I think you didn’t see the whole picture. 你看问题不够全面

Sorry, I don’t get the picture of what you say. 我没理解你的大意

Did you get the picture? 你理解了吗?


440.  原句:Is that ok?

扩展句:Are you happy now? Is this all you want? Now you are happy, right? 比较情绪化的说话方式

Does it make any sense to you? 你觉得有道理吗?

It doesn’t make any sense.

Open minded 思想比较开放

I think you are not reasonable. 你不讲道理

Do you understand it? You see what I mean? 你明白了吗?


441.  原句:That’s ok/fine.



442.  原句:That’s excellent.



443.  原句:He was absent yesterday. Do you know why?



444.  原句:Do you have any idea?



445.  原句:I suppose he was sick.

扩展句:My guess is/ I guess that he was sick.


446.  原句:Will it rain tomorrow?

扩展句:Do you think there’s a chance of raining tomorrow? Well, I guess it’s very likely. 很有可能啊

It’s not likely 完全不可能


447.  原句:No, I don’t think so.

扩展句:No, not a chance.


448.  原句:Do you really want to know what I think? 言下之意我接下来要说真心话了


A: You really think so?

B: Do you really want to know what I think?

A: Come on, tell me the truth. What do you think about him?

B: Well, you deserve better. 你值得更好的


You deserve a better job.

You can offer a suggestion, but you don’t tell them to do something. I think friend should be neutral. 朋友应该是中立的立场,不要叫别人去做什么


When you stay with your boyfriend, you feel happy more than you feel sad, or you feel sad more than you feel happy?


Enlighten 点醒


I agree with you. I see what you mean. I feel the same way. We see eye to eye on this question. 我同意你的观点


449.  原句:Please give me your advice?



450.  原句:I want to hear your opinion.

扩展句:What would you do if you were me?


What happened to others would happen to you as well. So listen, and assume it is you.




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