

 徒步者的收藏 2018-05-12
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www. 翻译:翻译加工厂 转载请注明出处


–]RoomTempBeer 16 指標 19小時前* 
There's an element of truth/common sense to it though at least from one specific aspect.
The Tinea fungus (which causes both athlete's foot and 'Jock Itch' - also has the gross and misleading name 'ringworm' (not actually a worm)) can cling to and spread between socks underwear towels and other clothes (cold wash doesn't kill it hot wash might). It's quite tenacious.
Tinea also seems to be rampant generally in China's warm damp climate.


If you get a case of athlete's foot or jock itch (easily done here at the gym pool or even from hotel bathroom floors) it's really easy to keep re-infecting yourself especially in the rainy season when clothes and towels seem to take days to properly dry.


Source: Never had athlete's foot before China now have to be really careful about keeping it at bay.
Also here: https:///health/fungal/laundry-error-to-blame-for-persistent-athletes-foot-and-toenail-fungus



[–]cuteshooter 3 指標 15小時前 
That's why i dont swim in pools here.


[–]-ipa 2 指標 11小時前 
“especially in the rainy season when clothes and towels seem to take days to properly dry”
Same in winters so I just dry them inside near the aircon. A plus is that it keeps them clean from dust and pollution too. No idea how the racks are called in Chinese though.


[–]RoomTempBeer 2 指標 56 分鐘前 
Yeah we have a drying rack that goes over our space heater in winters it's a godsend.


[–]redfrog75 4 指標 13小時前* 
In China our cleaners dont clean infact its often the opposite. If you must go bearfoot e.g. gym bring your own pair of flip flops. Wear open toe sandals during the day.


Stories of our cleaners in China. Include using dirty rags already soiled to clean/dry the inside of blender at fresh juice stalls. Using a toilet instead of a bucket.
Dont expect your glass or chop sticks to be cleaned since used by the person before. This is China. Its dirty most are lazy and dont care.


[–]-ipa 1 指標 11小時前 
Wouldn't go that far an generalize everyone but there were many incidents of the things you have mentioned.


[–]redfrog75 2 指標 9小時前 
Yeah your right a bit too far. I change to say 'most' But its more the norm than not.


[–]-ipa 1 指標 7小時前 
But I get where it's coming from e.g. the gym toilets and showers are disgusting doesn't matter which gym you're visiting. The management and 'cleaners' just don't realize that the hygiene there is extremely important hence they're getting paid too less and their working attitude is terrible.


We've seen similar reports coming from Europe a few years ago where cleaners used dirty ground rags and the water to clean the classroom desks in schools just because the budget cuts.



[–]lindsaylbb 1 指標 11小時前 
Soaking in disinfectant should help right?


[–]oneLpUnited States 13 指標 18小時前 
You're supposed to boil the underwear in the kettle. That's why all hotel rooms have one.


[–]EtienneraCanada 7 指標 14小時前 
I'm glad I never used those because hearing you say this now I'm sure it's been done.


[–]ssdv80gm2 1 指標 2小時前 
My wife always says that many people pee into the kettle - never use a kettle in Hotels or at least clean it before use.


[–]Smirth 5 指標 14小時前 
Adds flavor to the noodles you put in the kettle later on


[–]pavany 1 指標 2小時前 
No not you. It's the privilege of being a flight attendant.


[–]enxiongenxiongUnited States 8 指標 19小時前 
Cold water washing machines don’t kill germs. But they are massive germ colonies whether you wash socks in them or not. Using bleach or very hot water is about the only thing that would really make a difference. Washing socks and underwearw ith anything other than anti-biotic soap/bleach/very hot water will also be filled with germs.


[–]SentientCouchUnited States 3 指標 13小時前 
How the hell did I manage to reach an age of maturity with all my clothes having been washed all my life in the festering filth bucket that is a washing machine? Has the CDC addressed the epidemic of laundered fabric disease vectors? The germs! The... germs...


[–]enxiongenxiongUnited States 4 指標 12小時前 
If only our bodies had some sort of system that fought germs.


[–]-ipa 1 指標 11小時前 
That would be amazing we wouldn't need to go to the hospital for a cold and get 1L of antibiotic infusions anymore.



[–]ssdv80gm2 3 指標 19小時前* 
I'm in similar situation.
That's exactly my point but 'germs' do not exist in my wifes parents vocabulary. Explaining doesn't help...


And my wife understands the scientific explanation but still rather trusts the traditional approach... At least she agree to me when it come to hygiene problems in the kitchen.


[–]enxiongenxiongUnited States 1 指標 17小時前 
Yeah. Lack of germ theory doesn’t really help either.


[–]NH3R717 3 指標 14小時前* 
Adding Dettol and add hot water manually is a good move.


[–]Josef_Pwag 3 指標 14小時前 
Dettol doesn't even kill mosquito larvae


[–]lindsaylbb 5 指標 11小時前 
Σ(O_O;) you mean I don't need to buy dettol anymore?


[–]cuteshooter 2 指標 16小時前 
Ummm...you can pour a bucket of boiling water in the washing machine. If you need instructions pm me.


[–]BlazeMiskulinUnited States 1 指標 14小時前 
Using ... very hot water is about the only thing that would really make a difference.
The hot water you get from your tap is no where hot enough to kill germs. The advantage of hot water is that it softens lipids making it easier for the soap to dissolve them.


In order to kill germs with heat you'd need the water to be boiling for several minutes.


[–]enxiongenxiongUnited States 1 指標 13小時前 
Hence the “very”


[–]redfrog75 22 指標 19小時前* 
The final step in Hygiene with Chinese Characteristics. Hang the underware out in the dirtiest polluted air in the world. On the street is good near traffic.


[–]IPhantom99 9 指標 19小時前 
Sun light kills all the bad things!


[–]redfrog75 8 指標 16小時前 
Comrade blue sky thinking


[–]losacn[S] 1 指標 1小時前 
The UV in the sunlight can indeed kill some germs not sure about the percentage though.



[–]MrsPandaBear 8 指標 13小時前* 
As a young girl my Chinese mother told me people wash their wash socks and underwear daily because they are small items that are easy to wash in a small bowl. And since they are changed regularly they tend to pile up so daily washings were a practical housekeeping strategy for her. This was in the 80s when most Chinese still washed their clothes by hand.


When we came to America we had to use public laundromats but my mom insisted on hand washing underwear at home because she said she didn’t know how clean the public washing machines were. But once we moved into a house and had our own washing machine we’ve always tossed the underwear into the washer—-separately—-to wash. I dunno...maybe this type of thing varies from person to person. My parents certainly never felt leaving underwear around for a week to wash was unhygienic.


But I kind of disagree that hand washing underwear will not get it clean like a washing machine. I’d say it’s the opposite: if you want something truly cleaned hand washing is the only way to ensure it gets cleaned because you can focus on the particularly difficult stains. A washer won’t focus on any particular part of the clothes. There’s nothing magical about a washer it basically does the same thing that a person does to wash clothes. I’ve washed plenty of stains off of clothes by hand. I always reserve the harder ones for a hand washing because i know where to focus the scrubbing on.


[–]losacn[S] 1 指標 2小時前 
“But I kind of disagree that hand washing underwear will not get it clean like a washing machine. I’d say it’s the opposite: if you want something truly cleaned hand washing is the only way to ensure it gets cleaned because you can focus on the particularly difficult stains. A washer won’t focus on any particular part of the clothes. There’s nothing magical about a washer it basically does the same thing that a person does to wash clothes. I’ve washed plenty of stains off of clothes by hand. I always reserve the harder ones for a hand washing because i know where to focus the scrubbing on.”
I agree about the stains. But you cannot clean by hand with 60C or hotter water but which is necessary to kill germs that cause athletes foot or similar issues. I would be totally fine with hand washing if it's cooked after washing. But my experience with others hand washing underwear is they use at best hand warm water.


[–]IPhantom99 14 指標 19小時前 
Do you really want to argue with someone about science who believes deer horn has an actual medical effect?


[–]losacn[S] 1 指標 1小時前 
If you're using a normal washing machine there is no issue as every normal washing machine has settings to wash at 60 Celsius or 90 Celsius.


[–]americarthegreat 3 指標 20小時前 
Most all Chinese I talked about this with insist on washing underwear separately from other clothes but only some (I'd say it's 50/50) insist on washing them by hand.


[–]barryhakker 3 指標 13小時前 
And you never got any raised eyebrows when enquiring about people's underwear policies?


[–]-ipa 4 指標 11小時前 
Doesn't really make a difference once the girl is tied up hanging from the ceiling. Every topic is a welcome conversation from that point on.


[–]aswillow 3 指標 13小時前 
I use laundry sanitizer instead of hot water.


[–]losacn[S] 2 指標 2小時前 
I sometimes use sanitizer and hot water. Some sanitizers help only against specific germs hot water is kills them all.


[–]lindsaylbb 1 指標 11小時前 
They help right? Someone else in the post suggest they don't.


[–]aswillow 1 指標 2小時前 
YesI think so. I didn’t do any test but at least it’s better than nothing.



[–]nickdangernickdanger 6 指標 15小時前 
Sorry to say but Chinese are not known for their cleanliness and hygiene.


[–]DiabolicatUnited States 2 指標 13小時前 
I usually wash my underwear and socks together with all my other clothes. However my Chinese girlfriend thinks they should be washed separately for the same reasons as your wife. We got into a semi huge fight over this too. Now she doesn't care lol.


[–]FengTheCoder 3 指標 20小時前 
It depends on the way she was raised? I myself clean my underwear by hand (in hot water :p) and my parents taught me that when i was a kid. I do think that asian origins greatly influenced it though.


[–]uNhoLeee 3 指標 18小時前 
the girl used to do this. but puts her shoes in the washing machine. guess she's lazy since her underwear goes in there now. i gotta be careful she might get ideas.. and put the dogs in there too.


[–]UnimatrixBinary 4 指標 16 小時前 
It's only dirty because most people here shower once a week and wear the same underwears for 3 or 4 days at a time.


[–]saiyanjesus 3 指標 15小時前 
Wait are you serious? That is disgusting


[–]UnimatrixBinary 2 指標 12小時前 
Oh yeah have you ever noticed how bad so many people smell even though Chinese nationalists like to remind everyone that they don't have BO.


[–]Josef_Pwag 3 指標 15小時前 
There is something worse. Do you know that saying that laowai shower in the morning and chinese before going to bed? Well if you are clean right before going to bed you don't need to wash your sheets. Just once before CNY.


[–]UnimatrixBinary 2 指標 12小時前 
Yeah I can totally imagine Chinese making up something like this to justify their poor hygiene.
On a serious note I have often heard them saying that laowai shower in the morning only but I don't and don't know anyone who does all the people I know here and back home either shower in the evening or both.



[–]lindsaylbb 1 指標 11小時前
That's not true. My mom will have some serious words with you if you don't replace sheets every week. Theory regarding showing before bad is about no having the dirty stuff on you overnight and grow.
To not dirty the sheet you don't wear clothes for outside and sit on bed.

那不是真的。如果我不每周更换床单,我妈妈会对我讲些很严厉的话 。至于在睡前洗澡是为了保证我不带脏东西上床过夜,任其滋生(细菌)。为了不弄脏床单我不能穿着外衣坐在床上。

[–]lindsaylbb 2 指標 11小時前*
Completely not true dude.


I guess it depends on place. Down south in guangdong you will die in your own sweats if you don't shower every day, if not twice. So people do shower everyday. My mom will not let me sleep until I have a shower when I was a kid. It's true for most of the country I believe.


But up north in winter or in Tibet, it's so damn cold and you don't get dirty as quick from the sweats, they do shower less. And it's practical, according to them anyway.


[–]-ipa 0 指標 11小時前
I'm pretty sure it's BS too, I've been at the country side in Anhui for a while and IMO, Anhui people are the most backwards society on earth, yet they all take a shower every night. At least my wife's family and all their neighbors. ┬┴┬┴┤ ͜ʖ ͡°)


[–]nickdangernickdanger 1 指標 15小時前
I always suspected that, going by the smell. Really disgusting.


[–]UnimatrixBinary 1 指標 12小時前
I know right, as insecure nationalists like to remind everyone, Chinese (and Asians in general) are supposed to have less BO, and I don't deny it, it's been scientifically proven. But less BO doesn't mean no BO, the stinkiest people I have ever come across were all Chinese, and considering the aforementioned they simply have no excuse. And I'm not even talking about construction workers or farmers here, who I can understand don't have access to proper hygiene, but white collars and other professionals in large cities.


[–]Storm3yChina 1 指標 17小時前
I always sort my clothes when washing them. I was the socks & the underwear seperately on 90 degree washes. Then I wash t-shirts separate to other clothes.


[–]tiny_tim57 0 指標 15小時前
It's normal, my wife does the same thing. The logic is pretty poor in my opinion. After several years of being together she has accepted letting me wash my own in the washing machine.


Trying to convince Chinese people otherwise isn't very productive even you try to introduce Science into the conversation. Rather than fight it I accept it as a quirk of Chinese culture.


Also plenty of well off urban folks maintain this habit too so it's not just people from the countryside.


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