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我想了解AI现在的近程以及未来的走向。以Deep Mind公司开发的Alpha Go为例,它是一个AI程序,专门被设计来玩Go这个游戏,Go是一种策略游戏,有点像下棋,然而Go有更多样的可能结果,在2016年,该系统对战传奇性的Go玩家李世乭,并以四比一的比数击败对方,2017年以三比零的比数击溃Go的全球冠军选手之后,Deep Mind让AlphaGo AI退役,但别忘了A...
澳大利亚三位科学家研究婚姻中“随夫姓”对个人和职业有何影响原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:土拨鼠之日 转载请注明出处论坛地址:http://www.ltaaa.com/bbs/thread-485657-1-1.html.So I was faced with another name choice: keep and/or adjust my name, or switch back to my maiden name.Others keep their maiden name pr...
There''''''''s a CLT building behind, where the timber building sits behind timber clad, and then there''''''''s a really simple galvanized steel walkway.When we build a cross laminated timber building, it''''''''s building...
世界上各个国家都在将自己的黄金取回本国原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:squart 转载请注明出处论坛地址:http://www.ltaaa.com/bbs/thread-485680-1-1.html.欧洲央行行长德拉吉最近声称,欧洲央行被要求,批准欧元区国家进行黄金储备的管理。据《华尔街日报》报道,意大利公民正准备接管意大利的黄金储备,在过去的几年里,由于...
鸟瞰赤石大桥,外国网友:一个发展中国家居然有如此成就。temps de qualitéwow I really must go in China live and work as architect ma professional work.Just if china accept me and me pot our reality ma visions as architect.I swear in God this is real this music is putting me put ma tears on ma face from happiness I s...
y thì lu?t ph?i quy ??nh c? th? thì dan m?i áp d?ng.i trên xe kh?ng có ng??i là b?n cho là kh?ng làm nhi?m v?, h? v? BV k?p ch? Bác s? ?i c?p c?u...Ch? kh?ng làm nhi?m v? tài x? ?au b?t còi ?i làm chi cho c?ng th?ng ??u óc, ch?y nhanh l?ng lách...
【英翻】德国人真的是世界上最好的工程师吗?I still can’t say if the Germans are the best engineers, but with full confidence I can say, German engineers are most honest engineers. (Except for the VW scandal. That’s a black spot everyone despises.)Having worked in a company and a startup for a while now. Here are few ...
ili, ko je va?Naposled se lahko sprostite, saj je v najnovej?Izkazalo se je, da je bila izpostavljenost umazaniji in bakterijam v ve?ek hrane, ki je padel na tla in ga je potem en otrok iz svojih ust dal v usta drugemu otroku, je pravzaprav stimuliralo in oja?Povedal je tudi, da otrokom ni treba uporabljati sredstev z...
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