

 阴山工作室 2018-05-21


毕加索 格特鲁德·斯泰因 纽约大都会艺术博物馆藏


The famous writer and expatriate Gertrude Stein was among the first Americans to respond enthusiastically to European avant-garde art. She held weekly salons in her Paris apartment populated by European and American artists and writers. For Picasso, Stein’s early patronage and friendship was critical to his success. He painted this portrait of her between 1905 and 1906 at the end of his so-called "Rose Period." He reduces her body to simple masses—a foreshadowing of his adoption of Cubism—and portrays her face like a mask with heavy lidded eyes, reflecting his recent encounter with Iberian sculpture.



格特鲁德-斯泰因(Gertrude Stein)



格特鲁德·斯泰因(Gertrude Stein)以及他的两个兄弟,都是二十世纪首个十年中的重要巴黎当代艺术赞助者。此次展览展出了200多件艺术作品,说明了斯泰因资助那个时期的艺术家的重要方面,以及这个家族传播的有关现代艺术品位的新标准。
此次展览由纽约大都会艺术博物馆、旧金山现代艺术博物馆以及Réunion des Musées Nationaux-Grand Palais共同组织。
格特鲁德-斯泰因(Gertrude Stein,1874年-1946年),美国作家与诗人,但后来主要在法国生活,并且成为现代主义文学与现代艺术的发展中的触媒。
她的一生主要被划分成两段主要的关系,第一段关系是在1874年到1914年期间与她哥哥雷欧-斯泰因(Leo Stein)的关系,第二段关系是自1907年至1946年斯泰因过世期间与爱丽丝-B-托克勒斯(Alice B. Toklas)的关系。格特鲁德-斯泰因分享她在巴黎27 rue de Fleurus的沙龙与这两个人,先是雷欧-斯泰因(Leo Stein)后是爱丽丝-B-托克勒斯(Alice B. Toklas)。格特鲁德-斯泰因在她的一生中与知名的前卫文学与艺术界的成员保持重要的第三关系。


格特鲁德-斯泰因(Gertrude Stein)


Gertrude Stein
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gertrude Stein
Gertrude Stein 1935-01-04.jpg
Stein in 1935 photographed by Carl Van Vechten
Born February 3, 1874
Allegheny, Pennsylvania, U.S.
Died July 27, 1946 (aged 72)
Neuilly-sur-Seine, France
Occupation Writer, poet, novelist, playwright, and art collector.
Nationality American
Literary movement Modernist literature
Partner Alice Babette Toklas
1907–1946 (Stein's death)
Gertrude Stein (February 3, 1874 – July 27, 1946) was an American novelist, poet, playwright, and art collector. Born in the Allegheny West neighborhood of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and raised in Oakland, California, Stein moved to Paris in 1903, and made France her home for the remainder of her life. She hosted a Paris salon, where the leading figures of modernism in literature and art, such as Pablo Picasso, Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Sinclair Lewis, Ezra Pound, Sherwood Anderson and Henri Matisse, would meet.[1]

In 1933, Stein published a quasi-memoir of her Paris years, The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas, written in the voice of Alice B. Toklas, her life partner and an American-born member of the Parisian avant-garde. The book became a literary bestseller and vaulted Stein from the relative obscurity of the cult-literature scene into the limelight of mainstream attention.[2] Two quotes from her works have become widely known: "Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose"[3] and "there is no there there", with the latter often taken to be a reference to her childhood home of Oakland, California.

Her books include Q.E.D. (1903), about a lesbian romantic affair involving several of Stein's friends, Fernhurst, a fictional story about a love triangle, Three Lives (1905–06), and The Making of Americans (1902–1911). In Tender Buttons (1914), Stein commented on lesbian sexuality.[4]

Her activities during World War II have been the subject of analysis and commentary. As a Jew living in Nazi-occupied France, Stein may have only been able to sustain her lifestyle as an art collector, and indeed to ensure her physical safety, through the protection of the powerful Vichy government official and Nazi collaborator Bernard Faÿ. After the war ended, Stein expressed admiration for another Nazi collaborator, Vichy leader Marshal Pétain.[5] Some have argued that certain accounts of Stein's wartime activities have amounted to a "witch hunt".[6]


格特鲁德-斯泰因(Gertrude Stein)


Gertrude Stein
Artist:Pablo Picasso (Spanish, Malaga 1881–1973 Mougins, France)
Medium:Oil on canvas
Dimensions:39-3/8 x 32 in. (100 x 81.3cm)
Credit Line:Bequest of Gertrude Stein, 1946
Accession Number:47.106
Rights and Reproduction:© 2018 Estate of Pablo Picasso / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York




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