
亲历IB体系的一位青苗爸爸对IB考试的思考(一) A Parent’s Glimpse into D...

 暴走张 2018-05-22

大约二十五年前,我学习过并参加了IB考试, 虽然时隔多年,但是我一直非常推崇IB教育,不仅推崇它探究式学习的过程,更加推崇IB教育的精神,我觉得这些在我个人人生经历中发挥了很大的作用。

多年后,我以另一种身份回到这个熟悉的教育体系周围,这一次是作为一个国际双语学校学生的家长。可是我发现,国际学校的家长们变得越来越焦虑。除了一些“常规必备”的焦虑项目外,我们的家长还有一个特别的焦虑来源,那就是家长们对IB,AP,SAT这些“洋高考”的焦虑。 人们往往会对自己不熟悉的事务心生恐惧,那么我就尝试着用通俗的方式讲解一下我所理解的IB考试,希望给各位IB体系中的学生家长一些直观认识与信心。 

首先声明,我不是专业人士,没有长期系统地研究IB,而且IB系统也一直不断地在微调, 所以我的说法可能和学校专业老师的有差异,我还使用了一些个人习惯的比喻,比如文科理科这类中国特色的词语,如果我哪里讲错了,误导了大家,先表示歉意!哪里需要指正的也请提出来, 提前谢了!


IB考试本身是要选择六门课程,中国的孩子一般来说会选英文,数学和中文。 其余三科要选一门 “文科” 如地理, 历史(但许多学校无法提供),经济和哲学等。还要选一门“理科”如物理,化学,生物等, 剩下一门IB推荐选艺术类的如舞蹈,音乐,电影等。 但是最后一门也可以从其他学科中再多选一门代替艺术类科目。 每个学生至少要选三门高级high level(HL)科目,最多选四门,剩余的选普通级standard level(SL)的。每科满分7分。 

IB评分系统比较复杂,除了传统形式的考场试卷考试外一般还需要在所选科目在校期间写一篇论文以及其他的校内测试内容,这两部分作为评分标准, 一般来说是70-80%和20-30% 的权重。也就是说不光要考场发挥好,平时也要努力。  

除了纯学术方面42分(6*7),还有知识论Theory of Knowledge (TOK) 和拓展论文Extended Essay(EE), 以及Creativity, activity, service(CAS)活动,共计3分。 知识论(TOK)目的是培养学生的判断与综合归纳能力, 要写一篇论文及口头表达。Extended Essay是一篇4000字的拓展论文, 更加深入地探究一个课题。 CAS可以理解为参加那些有创意, 能动起来的(如体育)以及公益的活动。

IB考试总分一共45分, 一般考生24分就有资格在世界范围内申请大学,虽然各个顶级大学的入学标准都有所不同, 但40分左右就有资格申请世界范围内的顶级大学了。目前IB成绩无法在中国申请大学, 但是中国日新月异, 而IB系统又是世界范围内最流行的, 因此我认为IB成绩被中国高校承认并接收IB考生只是时间问题。 俗称的IB教育系统分三个阶段小学, 初中和高中阶段即PYP(一年级到五年级),MYP(六年级到十年级)和DP(十一年级到十二年级)。 今天只谈DP高中阶段。 




As an IB parent, I was personally an IB student about 25 years ago. I had ever since become a huge fan and supporter of the IB education.  I believe in the value of its inquiry-based transdisciplinary studies and its ability to nurture students’ curiosity and develop their skills for inquiry and research. I also admire greatly the IB mission which endeavors to develop internationally-minded young people who will help to create a better and more peaceful world.  All these had an incredible influence on me.  

Yet returning to the IB learning community as an IB parent in recent years, I found an increasing sense of anxiety among IB parents around me. They have a lot to worry, especially about all kinds of standard tests.  I want to take this opportunity to share with fellow parents my personal understandings of the IB DP studies and DP assessments in particular. I welcome and thank all comments and suggestions.

 IBDP Curriculum and Assessment

In the IB diploma program, students have a choice of six subjects, which include two  languages (for most of the Chinese students, these two languages are more likely to be Chinese and English), a subject from individuals and society, a science, a maths and an art.  Some may choose not to take any art subject but take another subject from individuals and society, language or science instead.  Three subjects (occasionally four) are taken at higher level (HL) and three subjects (occasionally two) are taken at standard level (SL). The top IB exam score for each subject is 7. In addition to standardized objective achievement tests, formative assessments are also used to identify and to help develop students’ capabilities. This means that you need to do well both at the final-term tests and in your everyday studies.


In addition to the six subjects, students will also challenge themselves by taking part in Theory of Knowledge (TOK), Creativity, Activity and Service (CAS) and Extended Essay (EE).  TOK challenges students’ perceptions and asks them to question their thinking. This subject is very useful for developing critical thinking and establishing the students as life-long learners. It is assessed with an essay and a presentation. The extended essay is an independent, self-directed piece of research which delivers a 4,000-word written paper. CAS ensures that students develop holistically and engage with the local community through creative and social projects and actions.


With an average global diploma score of 24 points out of a possible maximum of 45, students can apply to any university worldwide.  With a DP score of 40 points, they are eligible to apply for top-tier universities.  IB scores are not yet acknowledged by most Chinese universities but I personally believe that this might change in the future.    

(To be continued…)


(We thank Mr. Charlie Wang, a BIBS UES parent, for writing and sharing with us his IB observations and reflections. This is the first part of his article, with part II and III to follow soon.)

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