

 smiller2016 2018-06-02







空调的正确打开方式 来自RoundTable英语新闻脱口秀 04:42


It’s the hour of Roundtable. Say goodbye to cool days. Summer is finally here. Parts of China are in for a scorcher with sweltering indoor and outdoor temperatures. Air conditioners will be cranking up to full blast in office buildings and homes to keep people cool. They provide welcome relief from hot weather and is an obvious solution to prevent heat-related illness and deaths. But...




Yes, we need to use it the right way.


Well, unfortunately we cannot ask the man who invented modern air conditioning. Because he is long since dead. But that was American engineer Willis Havilland Carrier, and he lived in 1876 to 1950. He created the first electric air conditioner in 1902. And this guy pioneered it. So maybe he knows best. But years after, we have learned how to use the air conditioners, hopefully in the ways that promote better health and what not.

But according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, in the U.S., air conditioning is the No.1 protective factor against heat-related illness and death, a problem that claims hundreds of lives in the U.S. Each year, people that are most vulnerable, are of course the elderly, and the young children, children below the age of 4. Also I don’t know if you guys knew this, but for people suffering from allergies and asthma, research shows that air conditioning can help ward off attacks.




Yeah, according to the Mayo Clinic, air conditioning can filter out airborne pollen from trees, grass, and weeds to keep circulating the indoor air, and keep you feeling good. What else have we got Laiming?


Well, there are certainly some side effects that comes with using the A/C, for instance it gets you dehydrated. Well I think people living in Beijing, they’ll be more accustomed to living in dry environments, only that they need extra water when they’re turning the A/C on.


The hot water, right?


I need my hot water.


A/C is on, but a cup of hot water.


And also some people complain about having a headache after staying in the room with powered, with the A/C for a long time. So maybe we should try and avoid getting your head being blown by the air coming from A/C straight. Also there are something like respiratory system problems, like opera respiratory syndromes in the eyes, nose and throat. Tend to crop up much more often in people who spend a lot of time in places that are A/C than in those who spend time outdoors. I think it has to do with the fact that maybe these A/Cs are not cleaned very frequently.


Yeah, I couldn’t live without A/C. Thank goodness this guy Willis Carrier well lived before me because I just wouldn’t wanna live before Willis. It’s just be too hot for me. You know what I mean, now it’s a cooler day, you know, but summer especially here in Beijing, there are those days where you feel the heat and it’s almost like you can’t even get out of your room. It just makes you lethargic in and of itself. I remember you know, have you guys ever been in a car, in a long car ride, where it’s hot. It’s so easy to fall asleep. But the thing is, air conditioning in cars, in houses, in offices keeps us crisp, keeps our minds fresh, whereas heat can sometimes be just as dangerous as having a couple of drinks, when you are driving these kind of things. Because it makes us a little careless, it makes us a little woozy. It can even make us faint and stuff. So just the obvious stuff here guys, when you’re using A/C, make sure it’s nice and clean to avoid any problems. But keep in mind, summer is around the corner, so get those A/Cs, ready to go.


Yes, clean and change the air filter. 


So hot, oh yeah.


Because you are in the room.


Oh yeah. Because I’m in Beijing baby. What’s up?


Every day on Roundtable, I guess. You’re listening to Roundtable and that brings us to the end of today’s show. Thank you so much for your company. Have a great day. Bye-bye everybody!

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