

 威学一百 2018-06-25





S2:场景:独白-- Music courses in 17Th century


S3:场景:学术-- 绘画与画家(新题)









1 5174XCM

2 summer

3 bottle 

4 map 

5 baseball 

6 pump 

7 Taupo 

8 .50

9 rubber 

10 tools


细节:填表格;不要塑料的、要金属的盘子,女接线员重复four plates,题目是a set of Metal xxx;听写表格单号、家庭住址




场景:独白-- Music courses in 17Th century


11. 问男生最喜欢女生那首表演曲目的什么:A structure

12. 说话的两人觉得教授怎么样:B his subject

13. 学生认为老师为什么没讲某些内容:C teacher has a bad memory

14. 为什么这个学生要学17世纪的音乐:A he uses the knowledge already learned

15. 女的对这些设施有什么态度:B disappointed

16. why content for this course of 17th music的音乐课程还有这样的内容:C influenced by a previous staff's research

17. material - C individual ability

18. concert group - G shared the interpretation

19. reviewing system - A help to be a musician

20 understanding directions - D historical reason






场景:学术-- 绘画与画家(新题)


21. why they chose the Nigeria African arts for this presentation topic: B visited exhibitions

22. what kind of sculpture does he like most: C people

23. where did he get money from for this field trip: A from an art organization

24. what the highlight of this trip which impressed him most: B they meet a professor

25. what parts should he make revision for next draft: A enlarger photos

26. C involve more his opinion

27. what researchers should he spend more time on: B additional information aboutsurrounding

28. D belief of locals

29. what will be more specified in the future: A data for subjects

30. D sources of material






场景:讲座-- 介绍三类不同的语言


关键词:三种语言的特点(是否古老;vocabularygrammar是否复杂;mixture pronunciation


31 Greek

32 previous 

33 comer 


35 advanced 

36 children 

37 rare 

38 mixture 

39 invented

40 commerce









Passage 1

题目:Dinner of Rome 2000 Years Ago罗马晚宴






1-7) 判断题

1. NOT GIVEN.没提到Rome第一个将仪式和晚宴联系到一起。

2. TRUE.某些庆典是为了社会的所有人。 

3. TRUE.文学中有consistent的体现。 

4. FALSE  

5. FALSE.大家共用一张桌子,所以题目中每个人都有自己的桌子,是错的。 

6. NOT GIVEN.文章中只提到了木头贵,没有提到最贵,所以bronzemost expensive没有提到。

7. TRUE  


8-13) 判断题

8. s开头的一个单词

9. affluence 

10. decorative 

11. spoon 

12. pottery 

13. a开头的一个单词





Passage 2

题目:Amateur Naturalists业余自然者






14-19) 段落信息配对题

14. BThe definition of phenology   

15. CHow Sparks first became aware of amateur records

16. ERecords of a competition providing clues for climate change

17. GA description of using amateur records to make predictions

18. HHow people reacted to their involvement in data collection

19. AA description of a very old record compiled by generations of amateur naturalists


19-22) 填空题

20. beekeeping

21. life cycles

22. competition

23. droughts


24-26) 选择题

24. C。科学家为何不新人业余者收集的数据?因为业余者数据不可靠。

25. DMark Schwartz使用叶子的例子是为了说明:珍贵的信息通常是精确的。

26. A。科学家建议业余数据如何使用?利用改善的方法使用。




Amateur Naturalists

You should spend about 20 minutes on Question 14-26 which are based on Reading Passage below.



Tim   Sparks slides a small leather-bound notebook out of an envelope. The books   yellowing pages contain beekeeping notes made between 1941 and 1969 by the   late Walter Coates of Kilworth, Leicestershire. He adds it to his growing   pile of local journals, birdwatchers' lists and gardening diaries,   "We're uncovering about one major new record each month,” he says, “I   still get surprised." Around two centuries before Coates, Robert   Marsham, a landowner from Norfolk in the east of England, began recording the   life cycles of plants and animals on his estate when the first wood anemones   flowered, the dates on which the oaks burst into leaf and the rooks began   nesting. Successive Marshams continued compiling these notes for 211 years.



Today,   such records are being put to uses that their authors could not possibly have   expected. These data sets, and others like them, ire proving invaluable to   ecologists interested in the timing of biological events, or phenology. By   combining the records with climate data, researchers can reveal how, for   example, changes in temperature affect the arrived of spring, allowing   ecologists to make improved predictions about the impact of climate change. A   small band of researchers is combing through hundreds of years of records   taken by thousands of amateur naturalists. And more systematic projects have   also started up, producing on overwhelming response. "The amount of   interest is almost frightening," says Sparks, a climate researcher at   the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology in Monks Wood, Cambridgeshire.



Sparks   became aware of the army of "closet phenologists", as he describes   them, when a retiring colleague gave him the Marsham records. He now spends   much of his time following leads from one historical data set to another. As   news of his quest spreads, people tip him off to other historical records,   and more amateur phenologists come out of their closets. The British devotion   to recording and collecting makes his job easier - one man from: Kent sent   him 30 years' worth of kitchen calendar, on which he had noted the date that   his neighbour's magnolia tree flowered.



Other   researchers have unearthed data from equally odd sources. Rafe Sargarin   recently studied records of a betting contest in which participants attempt   to guess the exact time at which a specially erected wooden tripod will fall   through the surface of a thawing river. The competition has taken place   annually on the Tenana River in Alaska since 1917, and analysis of the   results showed that the thaw now arrives five days earlier than it did when   the contest began.



Overall,   Such records have helped to show that, compared with 20 years ago, a raft of   natural events now occur earlier across much of the northern hemisphere, from   the opening of leaves to the return of birds from migration and the emergence   of butterflies from hibernation . The data can also hint at how nature will   change in the future. Together with models of climate change, amateurs'   records could help guide conservation. Terry Root, an ecologist at the   University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, has collected birdwatchers' counts of   wildfowl taken between 1955 and 19% on seasonal ponds in the American.   Midwest and combined them with climate data and models of future warming. Her   analysis shows that the increased droughts that the models predict could   halve the breeding populations at the ponds. "The number of waterfowl in   North America will most probably drop significantly with global   warming," she says.



But   not all professionals are happy to use amateur data. "A lot of   scientists won't touch them, they say they're too full of problems,"   says Root. Because different observers can have different ideas of what   constitutes, for example, an open snowdrop. The biggest concern with ad hoc   observations is how carefully and systematically they were taken," says   Mark Schwartz of the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, who studies the   interactions between plants and climate. "We need to know pretty   precisely what a person's been observing - if they just say 'I noted when the   leaves came out', it might not be that useful." Measuring the onset of   autumn can be particularly problematic because deciding when leaves change   color is a more subjective process than noting when they appear.



Overall,   most phenologists are positive about the contribution that amateurs can make.   "They get at the raw power of science: careful observation of the   natural world," says Sagarin. But the professionals also acknowledge the   need for careful quality control. Root, for example, tries to gauge the   quality of an amateur archive by interviewing its collector. "You always   have to worry things as trivial as vacations can affect measurement. I   disregard a lot of records because they're not rigorous enough," she   says. Others suggest that the right statistics can iron out some of the   problems with amateur data. Together with colleagues at Wageningen University   in the Netherlands, environmental scientist Arnold van Vliet is developing   statistical techniques to account for the uncertainty in amateur phenological   data. With the enthusiasm of amateur phenologists evident from past records,   professional researchers are now trying to create standardized recording   schemes for future efforts. They hope that well-designed studies will   generate a volume of observations: large enough to drown out the   idiosyncrasies of individual recorders. The data are cheap to collect, and   can provide breadth in space, time and range of species. "It's very   difficult to collect data on a large geographical scale without enlisting an   army of observers," says Root.



Phenology   also helps to drive home messages about climate change. "Because the   public understand these records, they accept them," says Sparks. It can   also illustrate potentially unpleasant consequences, he adds, such as the   finding that more rat infestations are reported to local councils in warmer   years. And getting people involved is great for public relations.   "People are thrilled to think that the data they've been collecting as a   hobby can be used for something scientific -it empowers them," says   Root.



Questions 14-19

The reading Passage has seven paragraphs A-H

Which paragraph contains the following information?

Write the correct letter A-H, in boxes 27-33 on your answer sheet

14.    Definition of Phenology introduced

15.    How Sparks first became aware of amateur records

16.    Records of a competition providing clues for climate change 

17.    A description of using amateur records to make predictions

18.    How people reacted to their involvement in data collection

19.    A description of a very old record compiled by generations of amateur naturalists


Questions 20-22

Complete the sentences below with NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the Reading Passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 34-36 on your answer sheet.

20.    In Waiter Coates' records, there are plenty of information of .

21.    Robert Marsham is well-known for noting animals and plants' .

22.    The number of waterfowl in North America decreases because of increased according to some phenologists.


Questions 23-26

Choose the correct letter, A, B, C, or D.

Write your answers in boxes 37-40 on your answer sheet

23 Why do a lot of scientists question the amateurs’ data?

A.      Data collection is not professional

B.       Amateur observers are careless.

C.       Amateur data is not reliable sometimes.

D.      They have one-sided work experience

24 Example of leaves Mark Schwartz used to explain that?

A.      Amateur records arc not reliable at all.

B.       Amateur records arc not well organized.

C.       Some details are very difficult to notice.

D.      Valuable information is accurate one.

25 What suggestion of scientists for the usage of amateur data?

A.      Use modified and better approaches.

B.       Only Observation data is valuable.

C.       Use original materials instead of changed ones.

D.      Method of data collection is the most important.

26 What's the implication of phenology for ordinary people?

A.      It enriches the knowledge of the public.

B.       It improves ordinary people's relations with scientists.

C.       It encourages people to collect more animal information.

D.      It arouses public awareness about climate change.




Passage 3

题目:Optimistic Research乐观性研究






27-31) 配对题

27. H.是对all social groups来说

28. F 

29. A 

30. Cwork时间 

31. E.离婚概率


31-36) 配对题

32. A 

33. C 

34. A 

35. A 

36. C 


37-40) 判断题


38. NO 

39. NO 

40. YES 



Optimism and Health

Mindset (心态) is all. How you start the year will set the template for 2009, and two scientifically backed character traits hold the key: optimism and resilience (if the prospect leaves you feeling pessimistically spineless, the good news is that you can significantly boost both of these qualities).


Faced with 12 months of plummeting economics and rising human distress, staunchly maintaining a rosy view might seem deucedly Pollyannaish. But here we encounter the optimism paradox. As Brice Pitt, an emeritus professor of the psychiatry of old age at Imperial College, London, told me: optimists are unrealistic. Depressive people see things as they really are, but that is a disadvantage from an evolutionary point of view. Optimism is a piece of evolutionary equipment that carried us through millennia of setbacks.

BIt has been known that optimistic has something to do with the long life, and optimists have plenty to be happy about. In other words, if you can convince yourself that things will get better, the odds of it happening will improve - because you keep on playing the game. In this light, optimism "is a habitual way of explaining your setbacks to yourself', reports Martin Seligman, the psychology professor and author of Learned Optimism. The research shows that when times get tough, optimists do better than pessimists - they succeed better at work, respond better to stress, suffer fewer depressive episodes and achieve more personal goals.

CStudies also show that belief can help with the financial pinch. Chad Wallens, a social forecaster at the Henley Centre who surveyed middle-class Britons’ beliefs about income, has found that “he people who feel wealthiest, and those who feel poorest, actually have almost the same amount of money at their disposal. Their attitudes and behaviour patterns, however, are different from one another.”

DOptimists have something else to be cheerful about – in general, they are more robust. For example, a study of 660 volunteers by the psychologist Dr Becca Levy, found that thinking positively adds an average of 7 years to your life. Other American research claims to have identified a physical mechanism behind this. A Harvard Medical School study of 670 men found that the optimists have significantly better lung function. The lead author, Dr Rosalind Wright, believes that attitude somehow strengthens the immune system. "Preliminary studies on heart patients suggest that, by changing a person's outlook, you can improve their mortality risk," she says.

EFew studies have tried to ascertain the proportion of optimists in the world. But a 1995 nationwide survey conducted for the American magazine Adweek found that about half the population counted themselves as optimists, with women slightly more apt than men (53 per cent versus 48 per cent) to see the sunny side.

FAlthough some optimists may be accurate in their positive beliefs about the future, others may be unrealistic-their optimism is misplaced, according to American Psychological Association. Research shows that some smokers exhibit unrealistic optimism by underestimating their relative chances of experiencing disease. An important question is whether such unrealistic optimism is associated with risk-related attitudes and behavior. We addressed this question by investigating if one's perceived risk of developing lung cancer, over and above one's objective risk, predicted acceptance of myths and other beliefs about smoking. Hierarchical regressions showed that those individuals who were unrealistically optimistic were more likely to endorse beliefs that there is no risk of lung cancer if one only smokes for a few years and that getting lung cancer depends on one's genes.

GOf course, there is no guarantee that optimism will insulate you from the crunch's worst effects, but the best strategy is still to keep smiling and thank your lucky stars. Because (as every good sports coach knows) adversity is character-forming-so long as you practise the skills of resilience. Research among tycoons and business leaders shows that the path to success is often littered with failure: a record of sackings, bankruptcies and blistering castigations. But instead of curling into a foetal ball beneath the coffee table, they resiliency pick themselves up, learn from their pratfalls and march boldly towards the next opportunity.

HThe American Psychological Association defines resilience as the ability to adapt in the face of adversity, trauma or tragedy. A resilient person may go through difficulty and uncertainty, but he or she will doggedly bounce back.

IOptimism is one of the central traits required in building resilience, say Yale University investigators in the Annual Review of Clinical Psychology. They add that resilient people learn to hold on to their sense of humour and this can help them to keep a flexible attitude when big changes of plan arc warranted. The ability to accept your lot with equanimity also plays an important role, the study adds.

JOne of the best ways to acquire resilience is through experiencing a difficult childhood, the sociologist Steven Stack reports in the Journal of Social Psychology. For example, short men are less likely to commit suicide than tall guys, he says, because shorties develop psychological defense skills to handle the bullies and mickey-taking that their lack of stature attracts. By contrast, those who enjoyed adversity-free youths can get derailed by setbacks later on because they've never been inoculated against agro.

KLearning to overcome your fears. If you are handicapped by having had a happy childhood, then practising proactive optimism can help you to become more resilient. Studies of resilient people show that they take more risks; they court failure and learn not to fear it. And despite being thick-skinned, resilient types are also more open than average to other people. Bouncing through knock backs is all part of the process. It's about optimistic risk-taking - being confident that people will like you. Simply smiling and being warm to people can help. It's an altruistic path to self-interest - and if it achieves nothing else, it will reinforce an age-old adage: hard times can bring out the best in you.






 Word count189

The two maps illustrate the current school layout and its projected change.

At present, there is a car park in the northeast side of the campus, and at the west side is a land covered with trees. The cluster of many other tress can also be seen at the southwest corner of the schoolyard. At the very south side of the car park, there are three buildings, among which one is for biology and another is for genetics.

In the upcoming future, the campus is projected to experience tremendous change. The original car park would be converted to student car park. In the meantime, the original genetic building is planned to expand with a brand-new biology building to its south. The vast forest is predicted to be cut off to make room for the other genetics building and a new chemistry building. What is more, the rectangular building, sited in the middle of the school, would be changed into a L-shaped one close to which there would be a triangle-shaped car park.

Overall, more buildings are planned to constructed in the future at the cost of clearing the vegetation.







More   and more people want to buy famous brands of clothes, car and other items.   What are the reasons? Do you think it is a positive or negative development?


Word count334


It is commonly believed that there is a trend in owning a famous brand names with clothes, cars and other items. It is understandable that people tend to purchase top ranked labels due to the high quality of products that are provided to consumers. From my perspective, I do not agree with the idea of owning expensive items even though it may be warranted.


On the one hand, there are many reasons can be given to explain the rapid increasing in the number of clients using luxury products. People usually purchase high ranked products because these items often have the luxurious and come along with the unique appearances. Such products normally will offer the customers who wear it the strong confidence towards other people and also bring them the chances to show off their prosperity and social status. High quality products, such as Rolex Watch, often being crafted by professional craftsmen, which will give the owner of the products enjoy using it for many years.


On the other hand, there are some drawbacks on our families and also the society when following this trend. Besides from the high quality the products given, some people purchase these brand items are not because they need it but because it is trendy. For instant, lots of young middle-class people in Viet Nam spend a great deal of money into latest smartphone like the iPhone 6 plus currently, even though their old phone still functioning perfectly. This may cause some risks in the security of financial in the future. Moreover, this trend is usually happening in developed countries to symbolize the high classes people, however, we Vietnamese are not aware of our currently financial status, resulting in the fact that people’s belongings are considered a more important factor than who they really are.


In conclusion, the growing consumption of brand name products might be explained with their luxurious appearance, excellent quality and so on, however, I believe this trending is a disadvantage to all our families and society.







1. Describe a trip by public transport

2. Describe a time that you were shopping in a street market

3. Describe something you do to keep you concentrated

4. Describe a favorite song of yours

5. Describe a popular comic actor in your country



Describe a trip by public transport

You should say:

Where you were going

What kind of public transport it was

What you did during the trip

And explain how you felt during this trip



When I was young, probably prior to primary school, I went back to my grandmas home with my parents by boat, a motorboat. I went there because its a tradition to celebrate a family reunion during festivals, and we live in zhoushan, whereas my grandma lives in an inner land city.   

It took approximately 3 days, because shipping would be one of the least efficient means of transportation in the contemporary world. Even driving is faster than shipping I suppose.

I remember this trip because that was the first time I travelled by boat, and prior to that, I heard someone is seasick on the boat,so I was slightly worried. But after boarding, everything was fine; there was no feeling of vomit. So such an expectation gap kind of strengthened my impression of this trip.

Another reason is the food on the boat, which was completely a nightmare to me, because usually the cuisine served in south-western china is hot and spicy. But I was grown up in the southwest, so I cannot eat any spicy food at all, I have to drink so greedily to alleviate such a pain that sometimes I was full because of water rather than the meal.

Besides, the commodity, snacks on the boat is also quite limited. It seemed that the only snack available was instant noodles. And even those noodles were a spicy flavour. So during those days, I hardly had anything but noodles with boiled water.



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