

 威学一百 2018-07-09


一、 考试概述:





Section 1 咨询——社区课程,10笔记   

Section 2 介绍——英国驾照介绍,5单选+5配对  

Section 3 学术讨论——主动学习,6单选+4多选   

Section 4 学术讲座——沙漠蚂蚁,10笔记



Section 1


场景: 咨询——社区课程




1. time 7:45 Tuesday

2. something you can write on

3. $140 for 4 classes

4. Get a certificate

5. Bring your own knife and container for conditionings

6. extra $56

7. Lawton Community Centre

8. Good for problem with the neck

9. Towel and Special mat

10. a small mirror



 Section 2



题型: 5单选+5配对

11 What do you need to exchange driving in UK

A a medical report  B current non-UK license  C current residdents in UK/UE

12 What does speak say about transaction 

A need go to a official agency  B no always necessary  C company service included

13 Why the photos rejected

A wearing glasses  B cream background instead of mono grey  C in poor condition

14 How does speaker think about the check service 

A speed up the process  B the informaiton of forms is confused  

15 suggest for quick application

A look for personal recommendation  B compare for low prices  C field via the Internet


16-20 配对

16 London  - have clear signs

17 Edinburg - good traffic light

18 Cardiff - multiple lanes

19 Manchester - ring roads around the city

20 Oxford - many roads into the city centre




Section 3





21 experts said that the thinkers 

B take long time to make decions

22 innovators 

B have good instincts 

23 Eric says people in their class are

B thinkers (desire to be innovators,but in fact are thinkers who collect and analyze data)

24 Eris says that one a doer is

A impatience 

25 Alice says that what she will improve

C participate more (more proactive and stop letting who prepare worse than her to dominate)

26 Alice and Eric say that in the future,the workshop

A should be in an eariler state


27&28 two things of case studies to be difficult

B know when to avoid the safest option

C compare a number of possible solutions


29&30 two skills to focus on

C deal with opposition

D persuade others



Section 4


场景: 学术讲座——沙漠蚂蚁



31 live in environment except for desert and cold areas

32 often found under rocks

33 first found in Brisbane in 2001, near the port

34 carried in soil in farming equipment

35 prevent people from getting water

36 reduce use of sports facilities

37 damage electrical systems

38 aided by well-trained dogs

39 cameras wired to a helicopter 

40 insecticide and bait mixed with corn





 阅读 Reading





Passage 1

题目: Slow Food Production食物制造



文章大意:Slow Food组织的发展及其功能



1-6) 判断题

1. TRUEArk of T lists names of plants and animals in danger of extinction

2. FALSE.术语biodiversity应该局限于wild animals.  

3. TRUEGenes of heritage plants of vital importance to breeders  

4. NOT GIVENCountries can sell genes of heritage plants internationally

5. FALSESlow Food believes that food and culture exist independently  

6. TRUE.美洲土著人分类了cookery

7. TRUE   


7-9) 表格填空题

7. unique   

8. limited

9. unchanging  


10-13) 表格填空题

10. eggs  

11. four  

12. chefs  

13. consumers





Passage 2







14-20) 段落配对题

14. E 降低成本   

15. A 可以成为Hypermilling的低速比率

16. B Hypermiller之间的竞争

17. G colored signals for drivers

18. D 预测科技的增加使用

19. C 违法

20. B originator的名字


21-22) 多选题

21. D。了解环境情况与原文的fog相对应

22. E。避免交通堵塞与原文的某些非法驾驶员在交叉口不减速相对应


24-26) 填空题

23. computer

24. speed

25. turns

26. fuel






Passage 3

题目: History历史

题型: 6选择题+4配对题+5判断题





27-31) 选择题

27. D.作者提到the working people因为他们对社会的发展很重要。

28. A 

29. D.第四段,作者提到了中世纪是为了证明自己的选题。也有同学可能会对解释MAmodern times的差异有疑问,注意原文一直没有解释内容,而MA也只是最后才出现。

30. B.选择出发点时,作者必须从不同的时间段中选择。

31. A.作者的书结束在16世纪为了后面的时间段难以预测。


31-35) 配对题

32. H3000BC:增加了农业

33. E1-5世纪:文明建筑。有了城市和交流 

34. C34mid-1300s:人口减少。因为很多人死于Black death 1346-1352 

35. D1540:人口增长。原文提到这个时期,低人口期结束。不能选成本增长因为通货膨胀发生在1524,不是1540.”


37-40) 判断题

36. NO.题目中中世纪的变化是上产阶级造成的与原文主旨不符合。 

37. NO.中世纪和当代社会的很多相似点,与原文两个时期非常不同意思相反。

38. YES.中世纪和当代社会使用的语言相同,原文举了很多单词的例子佐证这一点。  

39. NOT GIVEN.说英语的定居者改变的农业操作。原文没有提到这个方面。  

40. YES.选择start和选择end一样难,与原文两者都有dilemmas”一致。  




 写作  Writing


The chart compares the resources used to make 1000 disposable cups in different materials polystyrene and paper.4be537c4e953fa144797b62590a50136


(Word counts: 168)


The bar chart illustrates the quantity of different resources consumed to make 1,000 polystyrene and paper cups.

To product 1,000 polystyrene cups needs 8 kg of petroleum and 13 kg of other chemicals. These two elements are heated with 130 kg steam, which is ten times as much as other chemicals. This process is rather energy-efficient, only costing 0.6 m3 of water and 6 kilowatts of electricity.

However, in the process of making 1,000 paper cups, the usage amount of water and electricity is more than ten times than that in the process of making polystyrene. It also requires more petroleum, more than twice as polystyrene cups. It is worth mentioning that the production of paper cups doesn’t need much other chemicals and steam. The amount of other chemicals is less than two thirds of that in polystyrene cups.

Overall, the production of polystyrene cups is environmentally friendly, because it costs less energy and doesn’t need any wood, while 1,000 paper cups almost needs 220 kg of wood.







Some people argue   that building the underground railway system can ease the pressure on the transport system, while others think building or broadening roads can achieve this. Discuss both views   and give your own opinion? 


Word count 275


It is quite common today for metropolis to build underground rail network to reduce traffic congestion. While building or broadening roads might seem to be a practical suggest at first, I believe, the construction of railway system is a more effective way.


There is no doubt that the building of new and wider roads can, to some extent, address the traffic congestion. If wider roads were built in city centers, the road capacity would accommodate more cars to drive at the same time and as a two-lane road becomes a four-lane road, it is less likely for a traffic jam to occur if the number of private cars remains the same. Similarly, were there an increasing number of roads, drivers would have more paths to choose from instead of sticking to the major lane. Therefore, less cars would be stuck at the peak hour when commuting.


Constructing metro system is another approach to solve the problem because it attracts more commuters to take it. Firstly, the underground railway is well-known for its safety compared to driving on the roads. Apart from that, when taking underground railway, passengers have the control over the time they arrive at their destinations. For example, a staff whose working hour begins at 9 o’clock can determine the exact time when he should step out of his home after taking the subway for several times. It is the safety and the sense of control that make more people prefer to commute by rail network rather than by car.


In my view, the underground rail system is a much better choice. Even though building wider roads and new lanes may have positive effects on traffic congestion, it merely solves the problem for a short time, as the same issue occurs when the number of cars overwhelm the road capacity. The metro system, however, can significantly relieve the traffic congestion by channeling more people to take the public transport instead of driving.


 口语 Speaking



1. Describe a city or country that you would like to live or work

2. Describe an important river or lake in your country

3. Describe a leisure facility you would like to have in your hometown

4. Describe a thing you own that you want to replace

5. Describe a talkative person you know



Describe a talkative person you know

You should say:

Who he or she is

How you got to know him or her

What he or she likes to talk about


And explain how do you like him or her


Actually this topic reminds me of a boy named Jason. I knew Jason from an international exchange program in Chicago University last year. It was my first time got to know him but soon we became good friends. He is a charming boy who is also pretty stout. But what makes him a real popular program in our class is his perfect personality, you know, quite outgoing and approachable. Actually, what I can learn from him is his inter-personal communicative skills. Or, in other words, being talkative. That’s our first time to participate in an English program with so many classmates with many countries. For the first week, I felt hard to get along with my teammates, as I was reluctant to speak to others. But it seemed like Jason was having a great time with his teammates. And I notice that, Jason was glad to talk and share his ideas with others, though he was not always fluent. I wouldn’t say he talked too much, I guess he just made good use all possible opportunities to practice and interact with others which was actually beneficial. At the end of that exchange program, I turned to another person and I guess I should be thankful to Jason because he was the person who really inspired me.


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