
近义词&固定搭配&例句学英语高频词汇 discourage

 当以读书通世事 2018-08-28

近义词&固定搭配&例句学英语高频词汇 discourage


/ dɪˈskʌrɪdʒ; dɪsˋkəɪdʒ/ v.

(1) discourage sb (from doing sth): take away sb's confidence or hope of doing sth 使某人丧失(做某事的)信心; 使某人泄气:

Don't discourage her; she's doing her best. 别泄她的气, 她正尽力做呢。

(2) try to stop (sth) 设法阻止(某事物):

Parents should discourage smoking. 做父母的应该设法阻止子女吸烟。

(3)discourage sb from doing sth: persuade sb not to do sth 劝某人不要做某事:

Parents should discourage their children from smoking. 做父母的应该劝子女不要吸烟。

discouraged adj.

discouragement n.

(1) [U] action of discouraging; state of feeling discouraged 劝阻; 泄气

(2) [C] thing that discourages 使人泄气的事物; 挫折:

Despite all these discouragements, she refused to give up. 她尽管遇到许多挫折, 却仍然不气馁。

discouraging adj:

a discouraging result, reply 使人泄气的结果﹑ 回答


discourage sb from doing劝阻某人做某事

discourage him from going alone 劝他不要独自去

hinder sb / sth from doing: prevent the progress of sb/sth; obstruct or delay sb/sth 阻碍﹑ 妨碍某人[某事物]的进展; 阻挠或耽搁某人[某事物]:

hinder sb (from working) 妨碍某人(工作)

prevent sb from doing: stop or hinder sb/sth 阻止或妨碍某人做某事

prevent the spread of a disease/a disease from spreading 防止某种疾病的蔓延

* Nobody can prevent us/our getting married. 谁也阻止不了我们结婚.

* Your prompt action prevented a serious accident. 你由於动作敏捷而防止了一次严重事故。

prohibit sth/sb (from doing sth): forbid sth or sb from doing sth esp by laws, rules or regulations 禁止某事物或某人做某事(尤指以法令﹑ 规章或条例):

Smoking is prohibited. 禁止吸烟。

* a regulation to prohibit parking in the city centre 禁止在市中心区停车的规定

* The law prohibits tobacconists from selling cigarettes to children. 法律禁止烟贩向儿童出售香烟。

inhibit sb (from sth/doing sth): prevent sb from doing sth that should be natural or easy to do 使某人不能做轻易可做的事: Shyness inhibited him from speaking. 他因害羞而说不出话来。

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