
大开眼界 15项全球互联网领先科技成果揭晓

 DonaldKing2589 2018-11-16


Representatives from companies bring their achievements at the Release Ceremony for World Leading Internet Scientific and Technologies Achievements held in Wuzhen, Zhejiang province, Nov 7, 2018. The ceremony is part of the 5th World Internet Conference that will run through on Nov 9. [Photo/IC]


Fifteen cutting-edge technologies achievements were released at the 5th World Internet Conference on Wednesday.

据了解,世界互联网领先科技成果推荐委员会已面向全球征集互联网领先科技成果400余项(more than 400 leading internet scientific and technological achievements),涵盖了互联网的基础理论(fundamental theory)、技术创新(technological innovation)、产品加工与装配(product process and assembly)、商业模式(business model)和综合五大类,分别来自中国、美国、英国、德国、法国等国家。



1. 微信小程序商业模式创新
WeChat mini-program business model innovation

Tencent's founder Pony Ma introduces his company's achievement at the Release Ceremony for World Leading Internet Scientific and Technologies Achievements held in Wuzhen, Zhejiang province, on Nov 7, 2018. [Photo/IC]


微信小程序是腾讯公司基于微信打造的一个全新的互联网应用形态(new internet application),是腾讯在业界首次提出“用完即走”的理念,它是一种无需下载或安装的嵌入式小程序(embedded mini-programs without the requirement of download nor installation),用户通过“扫一扫”或者“搜一搜”就能打开应用。小程序的出现是对当前移动互联网技术开发领域的突破创新,自2017年1月9日上线至今,已经拥有2亿日活用户(daily active users)、上线100万个小程序、吸引超过150万个开发者、2300个第三方开发平台加入。


2. 华为昇腾310芯片
Ascend 310

Yan Lida, president of Huawei's Enterprise Business Group, introduces his company's achievement at the Release Ceremony for World Leading Internet Scientific and Technologies Achievements held in Wuzhen, Zhejiang province on Nov 7, 2018. [Photo/IC]


昇腾310是华为开发的一款高能效(energy efficiency )、灵活可编程的人工智能处理器(AI processor),突破人工智能芯片设计的功耗、算力等设计约束(break through design constraints on the power consumption and computing capability),大幅提升了能效比,为平安城市(safe city)、自动驾驶、云业务和IT智能、自主制造(self-manufacturing)、机器人等应用场景提供全新的解决方案,加速Al向各产业赋能(speed up AI to empower various industries)。


3. 蚂蚁金服自主可控的金融级商用区块链平台
Proprietary financial-grade blockchain platform of Ant Financial

蚂蚁金服自主研发的金融级区块链平台已在多个社会和商业应用场景(commercial application scenarios)实现多机构多国全球部署,蚂蚁区块链平台交易支持秒级确认,共识机制使用高效的并行共识算法(consensus algorithm),保障了区块链平台的高性能,蚂蚁区块链已经有了多个生产级落地应用(several production-level applications),将领先的技术运用到商业、金融等各个领域(leading technologies applied to various fields such as business and finance)。


4. 破解信息孤岛的接口高效互操作技术与燕云DaaS系统
Highly efficient Interoperability technology for opening information islands and YanCloud DaaS system

该系统由北京大学和北京因特睿软件有限公司共同开发。燕云平台支持云端融合系统的资源反射机制与高效互操作(efficient interoperability)技术。该技术可以通过对系统客户端的外部监测与控制来实现系统业务数据和功能的高效互操作,消除了系统源码(system source codes)、数据库表、后台权限、原开发团队等依赖,信息孤岛(information silos)开放效率平均提升2个数量级。这项技术将应用于工业大数据(industrial big data)领域,在能源、纺织、食品等多个行业,成为支撑我国大数据产业生态发展的一项共性关键技术。


5. Amazon SageMaker

Alex Yung, corporate vice-president and managing director, AWS Greater China, introduces his company's achievement at the Release Ceremony for World Leading Internet Scientific and Technologies Achievements held in Wuzhen, Zhejiang province, on Nov 7, 2018. [Photo/IC]


Amazon SageMaker是一个完全托管的平台(fully-managed platform),能使开发人员和数据科学家快速轻松地构建、训练和部署任何规模的机器学习模型(enable developers and data scientists to quickly and easily build, train and deploy machine learning models at any scale),它消除了通常会阻碍开发人员使用机器学习算法(use machine learning algorithms)的所有障碍。

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