

 当以读书通世事 2018-11-26


亚当·奥尔特(Adam Alter)是纽约大学市场营销专业副教授,同时也是一位社会心理学家。他指出,现代人在生活中暴露在荧幕前的时间相较之前大大延长,这不仅会对眼睛造成压力,也是让人生活不开心的原因。



At the end of the call, the journalist threw in a question that seemed like a sort of softball. He said to him, 'Your kids must love the iPad.' There's an obvious answer to this, but what Jobs said really staggered the journalist. He was very surprised, because he said, 'They haven't used it. We limit how much technology our kids use at home.'

在通话的最后, 记者提出了一个看似无关紧要的问题。 他对乔布斯说:“你的孩子一定很喜欢 iPad。” 这个问题有一个显然的答案, 但乔布斯的回答使把记者吓了一跳。 记者十分惊讶, 因为乔布斯回答:“他们还没用过 iPad 呢。 在家中我们限制他们使用电子产品。”

stagger  ['stægə]:使(某人)惊愕,震惊


So for the last five years, as a professor of business and psychology, I've been studying the effect of screens on our lives. And I want to start by just focusing on how much time they take from us, and then we can talk about what that time looks like.

所以最近五年, 作为一个商业和心理学教授, 我一直在研究屏幕对我们生活的影响。 我希望从关注屏幕花去了我们多少时间开始, 然后我们再来讨论这些时间是什么样的。

每天我们大约花 7 个半小时到 8 个小时睡觉。工作花费我们 8 个半小时到 9 个小时,而生存活动—— 例如吃饭、洗澡、照看孩子—— 花费我们三个小时。十年间这些数据变化不大。

That leaves this white space. That's our personal time. That space is incredibly important to us. That's the space where we do things that make us individuals. That's where hobbies happen, where we have close relationships, where we really think about our lives, where we get creative, where we zoom back and try to work out whether our lives have been meaningful. We get some of that from work as well, but when people look back on their lives and wonder what their lives have been like at the end of their lives, you look at the last things they say -- they are talking about those moments that happen in that white personal space. So it's sacred; it's important to us.

这里留下了空白(下图中的空白)。 这些是我们的私人时间。 这段时间对我们至关重要。 因为它使我们成为与众不同的人。 在这段时间里我们探索爱好、维持亲密的关系、 思考人生、获得灵感和创意、 回顾以及试图思考过去的生活是否有意义。 当然我们在工作中也做过这些, 但当人们在生命结束之前回顾他们的生活时, 你会发现许多事情他们始终仍念念不忘—— 他们在说那些发生在图中空白私人时间中的事。 所以,这些时间是神圣的;它对我们非常重要。

zoom back 拉摄,移后(摄影术语);(这里指)回顾过去

white space 空余时间

sacred ['seɪkrɪd]:神的;神圣的;宗教的;庄严的


These apps make them much less happy. About half the people, when you interrupt them and say, 'How do you feel?' say they don't feel good about using them. What's interesting about these -- dating, social networking, gaming, entertainment, news, web browsing -- people spend 27 minutes a day on each of these. We're spending three times longer on the apps that don't make us happy. That doesn't seem very wise.

这些应用让人们更不开心。 大约一半的人,当你打断他们并问:“你感觉如何?” 他们回答感觉并不好。 有意思的是,在这些应用上—— 约会、社交、游戏、 娱乐、新闻、浏览网页—— 人们每天花 27 分钟。 我们在使我们不开心的应用上花费了三倍的时间。 这看起来并不明智。



One of the reasons we spend so much time on these apps that make us unhappy is they rob us of stopping cues. Stopping cues were everywhere in the 20th century. They were baked into everything we did. A stopping cue is basically a signal that it's time to move on, to do something new, to do something different.

我们花很多时间在这些 使我们不高兴的应用上,原因之一 是它们没有“停止信号”。 在 20 世纪,“停止信号”曾经无处不在。 它几乎存在于每件事里。 “停止信号”提示我们是时候前进, 去做些新的事情,做些不同的事情。

stopping cues 停止信号

be baked into (一般指做饭)某物被融入到....中;(这里指)与...有联系


You can imagine what that's like. You go on vacation, and you're actually on vacation. The people who work at this company feel that they actually get a break from work.

你可以想象那个样子。你在度假,你真的在度假。 这个公司的员工感觉他们真正获得了休息。

But the rule that I've adopted is: I will never use my phone at the table. It's far away, as far away as possible. Because we're really bad at resisting temptation. But when you have a stopping cue that, every time dinner begins, my phone goes far away, you avoid temptation all together.

但我的规则是:绝对不在餐桌上使用手机。这很难, 能做到的可能性不大。因为我们真的很难抵制诱惑。但当你有这个“停止信号”,每到晚餐时, 手机就会离你很远, 于是你就远离了诱惑


But what happens is, you get used to it. You overcome the withdrawal the same way you would from a drug, and what happens is, life becomes more colorful, richer, more interesting -- you have better conversations. 

但接下来发生的事情是,你已经习惯了。你度过了这段艰难的过程,就像成功戒毒一样, 接着迎接你的,是更加多彩、丰富、 有趣的生活—— 你与他人有了更好的交流。你与身旁的人真正联系在了一起。


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