
蔬荟轻食7月6日菜单(更新)New Updates for VeggieBox Menu

 微微传奇 2018-12-04


Announcing exciting VeggieBox recipe updates.Special thanks to our fans, your suggestions are much appreciated and we hope you enjoy VeggieBox meals as we enjoy making them!


新配方沙拉有多达7种蔬菜,还增加了一款小黄瓜酱汁(cucumber vinaigrette,大厨装腔作势的告诉我“vinaigrette”是法文)。

Lemon Grass Tofu Bowl with Multi Grain Rice ¥38

New side salad now has 7 kinds of vegetables, plus additional new 'cucumber vinaigrette' ('Vinaigrette is a French word', said Chef Andrew, with a smart-ass looking grin on his face)


改良的鹰嘴豆泥饼是烤的而不是煎的,更少油,更健康!除了原有的微辣莎莎酱之外,又增加一款小黄瓜酸奶酱。让您感受炎炎夏日的热情后再品尝清新的口感。大厨 Andrew 说这叫做“味觉的冲击”。

Falafel with Tomato Chili Salsa ¥36

The falafel is now baked instead of fried, meaning less oil and less calorie. Besides the pre-existing tomato chili salsa dressing, chef Andrew puts in new cucumber mint yoghurt to create contrast flavors.



Mint & Mango Summer Rolls¥38

Mint, mango, tofu, cucumber, and carrots, wrapped in rice paper, gives you the clean and refreshing sensation. It is the favorite choice among ladies, and gentlemen love it too~



Chili Tofu & Asian Salad¥34

This is the most recommended meal after a workout. Mild spicy tofu is a good appetizer and the veggies provide the fullness but do not give burden to your body.




Sesame Brown Rice Balls with Wasabi Crème Fraiche¥36

This is a snack but it can make you quite full. Wasabi Crème Fraiche is surprisingly a good match with the sesame brown rice balls, but it also tastes fantastic without the wasabi crème fraiche. Now, the brown rice balls are baked, not fried. Less oil, taste better, and healthier too!

泰式椰香咖喱饭(给有心成为素食者的初阶餐点¥36 633 大卡


Coconut Thai Curry Rice¥36 633Kcal

It needs practice to become a vegetarian. That is why we designed this Coconut Thai Curry Rice. Made with Thai green curry and coconut rice, this dish is rather salty, spicy, and heavy. When you done eating this meal, you will not even notice it is actually a VEGETARIAN meal.



Marinated Eggplant & Quinoa¥36

OMG! VeggieBox now put 300% more quinoa and adds in parsley to make this meal even more heartyier. Quinoa has wide range of amino acids, minerals, protein and also it is an alkaline food.It is so good that the United Nations General Assembly declared 2013 as the 'International Year of Quinoa'.

This dish is definitely the number one choice for people who wish to lose weight.

For your reference: https://en./wiki/Quinoa



Spicy Rotini Bowl¥38

Among these hearty meals, Spicy Rotini Bowl is a balanced meal choice. Personally I like the slight tingling spiciness, which is enough to make you feel it but not enough to make you sweat. This is the choice for those who is NOT a fan of rice or lots of vegetables.


At last but not least, a happy chef is a good chef.

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