

 枫晚居士 2018-12-13

apt  [æpt]  [æpt]

adj. 恰当的;有倾向的;灵敏的


1.be apt to do sth

to have a natural tendency to do something倾向于做某事,易于做某事

Some of the staff are apt to arrive late on Mondays. 有些职员星期一往往迟到。

2.exactly right for a particular situation or purpose适当的,恰当的

‘Love at first sight’ is a very apt description of how he felt when he saw her. 一见钟情来形容他见到她时的感觉再恰当不过。

[+ for] The punishment should be apt for the crime. 罚应当其罪。

3.an apt pupil/student

formal a student who is quick to learn and understand聪明的学生



be apt at 擅长于,善于,长于;有的才能;对敏捷的,敏慧的,聪明的

be apt for 适当

apt to (do something) 往往;易于;动辄;有倾向;有可能



adj. aptitudinal 聪明的;有倾向的

adv. aptly 适宜地;适当地

n.  aptitude 天资;自然倾向;适宜

       aptness 倾向;才能;适合性




sensitive; correct; quick; prone; liable



1.It was an apt comment这是一个恰当的评论。

2.And soonif you prove an apt student I will take you to where the birds have been teaching me how to fly


3.They know not themselvesnor the aim of their wanderingsandbecause they do notthey are everapt to imitate something else




1.The regular Sunday concerts start at 4 pm at 555 Edgecombe Avenue, apt 3F. 

2.The metaphor is strangely apt, but the story that's got AMs hot under the collar is quite different. 

3.One called 'Lenders in the Temple' turns on an apt but also somewhat predictable catalog of modern ills.

4.I think that the question is whether markets are more apt to overprice versus underprice.


5.Now, there's the other side of the stock going up and we have to think about how much that can cost us and whether our coupons are enough and whether the difference between the .60 that we paid isapt to cover that.


identify  [aɪ'dentɪfaɪ]  [aɪ'dɛntɪfaɪ]

vt. 确定;鉴定;识别,辨认出;使参与;把看成一样

vi. 确定;认同;一致


1. to recognize and correctly name someone or something认出,识别〔某人或某物〕

He was too far away to be able to identify faces. 他离得太远,没法看面孔认出谁是谁。

The police took fingerprints and identified the body.


    identify sb/sth as sb/sth

Eyewitnesses identified the gunman as an army sergeant.


The aircraft were identified as American. 那些飞机被认出是美国的。

2. to recognize something or discover exactly what it is, what its nature or origin is etc确定;发现

Scientists have identified the gene that causes abnormal growth. 


They identified a number of problem areas. 他们发现了一些出现问题的区域。

3if a particular thing identifies someone or something, it makes them easy to recognize表明的身份

identify sb as sb

His accent identified him as a Frenchman. 他的口音表明他是法国人。



identify oneself 证明自己(的身份)

identify with 认为等同于,与一致

identify with

identify with sb/sth to feel sympathy with someone or be able to share their feelings认同某人/某物,与某人/某物有同感

Humans can easily identify with the emotional expressions of chimpanzees. 人类很容易对黑猩猩的情感表达产生共鸣。

He identified with our distress. 他体谅我们的痛苦。

identify sb with sth to think that someone is very closely related to or involved with something such as a political group认为某人与某事物〔如政治派别等〕关系紧密

She has always been identified with the radical left.


identify sth with sb/sth to think that something is the same as, or closely related to, something else将某物等同于另一物;认为某物与某人/某物有密切关联

the attempt to identify crime with poverty and social problems



identify with 认为仿效等同于你感觉你像哪只动物

Identify traits 性状鉴别

Identify people 确认人物识别人确认人

Identify causes 找出原因

network identify 网络识别



adj. identified 被识别的;经鉴定的;被认同者

identifiable 可辨认的;可认明的;可证明是同一的

adv. identifiably 可辨认地;可看作是相同地

 n. identity 身份;同一性,一致;特性;恒等式

identification 鉴定,识别;认同;身份证明

identifier 标识符,认同者;检验人,鉴定人

identifying 识别,标识;标识关系

v. identified 鉴定(identify的过去分词);辨认

identifying 识别(identify的现在分词)



vt. 确定;[]识别;使参与;把看成一样

confirm; recognize; ascertain

vi. 确定;认同;一致

cotton; square


1.Identify when, where, and how you’ll implement them. 


2.For each element we need to identify the best source for it. 


3.The contents of this file identify the module in the module administration 

page. 这个文件的内容用于在模块管理页面中识别该模块。



1.Coombs contended Manning chose information he knew would not identify diplomatic or intelligence sources by name. 

2.Such training will help ensure UK forces are better prepared to identify and protect cultural property. 

3.Turns out receptors work together in an amazingly sophisticated 'combinatorial code' to identify particular odors. 

4.Myriad Genetics received patents for methods to identify women with genes that create a high risk of breast cancer. 

5.But what we're trying to do now is identify the key influencers in those merchant areas and make them distribution points.


6.I think she is a character that you can--if not identify with--at least, you can understand and be interested in.


recognize  ['rekəɡnaɪz]  [ˈrɛkəɡˌnaɪz]

vt. 认出,识别;承认 vi. 确认,承认;具结 


1.[not in progressive,不用进行式] to know who someone is or what something is, because you have seen, heard, experienced, or learned about them in the past认出;认识;辨认出

I didn’t recognize you in your uniform. 你穿上制服我认不出你了。

It was malaria, but Dr Lee hadn’t recognized the symptoms.


2.to officially accept that an organization, government, document etc has legal or official authority正式承认,认可

British medical qualifications are recognized in Canada.


recognize sth as sth

The World Health Organization has recognized alcoholism as a disease since 1951. 世界卫生组织从1951年以来就已承认酗酒是一种疾病。

3.to accept or admit that something is true承认〔某事是事实〕

recognize (that)

One must recognise that homesickness is natural. 我们必须承认思乡是正常的。

recognize what/how/who etc

It is important to recognize how little we know about this disease. 要承认我们对这种疾病知之甚少,这很重要。

4.[usually passive,一般用被动态] if something is recognized by people, they realize that it is important or very good承认;赏识;看重

Alexander tried to get his work recognized by the medical profession.


a recognized authority on Roman pottery 古罗马陶器的公认权威

be recognized as sth

Lawrence’s novel was eventually recognized as a work of genius. 劳伦斯的小说终于被认为是天才之作。

5.to officially and publicly thank someone for something they have done, by giving them a special honour表扬;表彰;嘉奖

He was recognized for having saved many lives. 他因为救了很多人的生命而受到嘉奖。



1.recognize 〔尤因以前见过或听过而〕认出

to know who someone is or what something is, especially because you have seen or heard them before

 I hadn’t seen her for ten years, but I recognized her immediately.


Do you recognize this song? 你能听出这是哪首歌吗?

2.identify 认出,识别

to recognize someone or something and say who or what they are

As they came closer, I was able to identify two of the group.


It’s delicious but I can’t quite identify the taste.


3.distinguish 区分

to recognize and understand the difference between two or more things or people

By this age, kids can usually distinguish between right and wrong.


It’s often difficult to distinguish identical twins from each other.


4.make sth/sb out 〔勉强〕辨认出某事物/某人

to be able to see or hear something or someone – used when it is very difficult to do this

In the distance, I could just make out the outline of an island.


He whispered something but I couldn’t make out what it was.


5.discern 〔仔细察看或思考后〕觉察,辨明

to notice or understand something by looking carefully or thinking about it carefully

I thought I discerned a faint gleam of hope in his eyes.


A number of differences can be discerned in the data for the three countries. 从这三个国家的数据中可以看出许多不同。

6.know 认出〔日常英语中常用know,而不用recognize

to recognize someone or something. Know is often used in everyday English instead of recognize .

How do you know that it is real gold? 你怎么看得出那是真金?

I know him from somewhere . 我在哪儿见过他。

I can’t remember his name, but I know his face . 我记不得他的名字,但我认得他的脸。

7.can tell 能够辨认

to be able to recognize someone or something

I could tell that it was him by his voice. 听声音我就知道是他。

Can you tell that it’s not real leather? 你能看出那不是真皮吗?

It’s difficult to be able to tell them apart

 (= to recognize that they are different ) . 它们很难区分。



to recognize 认可辨认认得作准

Recognize game 认识的游戏

diplomatically recognize 外交上承认

in recognize 另外

publicly recognize 公开承认

fully recognize 充分认识

Recognize someone 认出某人

recognize as 公认认为是



adj.recognized 公认的;经过验证的

       recognised 认可的

  recognizable 可辨认的;可认识的;可承认的

adv. recognizably 可被认识地;可辨别地

n. recognition 识别;承认,认出;重视;赞誉;公认

  recognizance 具结;保证书;保证金

v. recognized 认识;意识到(recogniz的过去分词)

  recognised 承认;认出;辨别(recognise的过去分词)

vt. recognise 承认,认可;识别



vt. 认出,识别;承认


    vi. 确认,承认;具结

acceptconfirm on



1.How do you recognize it? 你如何将其识别?

2.We didn't recognize them until they closed on us. 


3.He walked along in the shadows hoping no one would recognize him. 

他在暗处向前走, 希望没有人能认出他来。



1.They did not recognize that mortgages and related securities were a distinct asset class. 

2.Representative BRAD SHERMAN (Democrat, California): It is right for Congress to recognize this genocide. 

3.Says Mitnick: When I read about myself in the media, even I dont recognize me. 

4.They said they want DDT banned, but recognize that some countries use it to protect people from diseases like malaria. 

5.We recognize in ourselves a virtue which is considered to be the cornerstone of many systems of moral understanding.


6.For a few weeks, I was able to recognize that people weren't looking at me as African American or black.


7.'If you want to be great, wonderful, but recognize that he who is greatest among you shall be your servant. 

8.Recognize a pattern here? Jennifer Fisher is a lawyer and Nancy Drew collector in Arizona who organizes Nancy Drew conventions. 

acknowledge  [ək'nɒlɪdʒ]   [ək'nɑlɪdʒ]

vt. 承认;答谢;报偿;告知已收到


1. admit 承认

to admit or accept that something is true or that a situation exists承认〔某事属实或某情况存在〕

The family acknowledge the need for change. 全家人都承认需要改变一下。

Claire acknowledged that she was guilty. 克莱尔承认有罪。

The government must acknowledge what is happening and do something about it. 对于目前的情况,政府必须承认其存在并对此采取措施。

‘Maybe you are right,’ she acknowledged. “也许你是对的。她承认道。

This is a fact that most smokers readily acknowledge . 这是大多数烟民都愿意承认的事实。

acknowledge that

He acknowledges that when he’s tired he gets bad-tempered. 他承认自己累了就会发脾气。

2. recognize sth’s importance 承认某事物的重要性

[usually passive,一般用被动态] if people acknowledge something, they recognize how good or important it is承认〔某事物优秀或重要〕

acknowledge sth as sth

The film festival is acknowledged as an event of international importance. 这个电影节被认为是国际盛事。

be widely/generally acknowledged to be sth

The mill produces what is widely acknowledged to be the finest wool in the world. 那家工厂生产的毛料被公认是全世界最好的。

3. accept sb’s authority 承认某人的权威

to accept that someone or something has authority over people承认〔权威〕

Both defendants refused to acknowledge the authority of the court. 两名被告都拒绝承认法庭的权威性。

acknowledge sb as sth

Many of the poor acknowledged him as their spiritual leader. 许多穷苦人都把他视为他们的精神领袖。

4. thank 感谢

to publicly announce that you are grateful for the help that someone has given you〔公开〕感谢

We wish to acknowledge the support of the university. 


5. show you notice sb 表明注意到某人

to show someone that you have noticed them or heard what they have said


Tom acknowledged her presence by a brief glance. 汤姆瞥了她一眼,表示知道她在。

6.say you have received sth 说已收到某物

to let someone know that you have received something from them


I would be grateful if you would acknowledge receipt of this letter.




acknowledge receipt证实收到

acknowledge receipt of收到



adj. acknowledged 公认的;被普遍认可的

n.   acknowledgement 承认;确认;感谢

       acknowledgment 感谢;承认;承认书

v.    acknowledged 承认;确认(acknowledge的过去式和过去分词);答谢



vt. 承认;答谢;报偿;告知已收到



1.Anyhow Tony intended to acknowledge him as his son. 


2.It’s relentless and, until you acknowledge it, it’s willing to sabotage all your attempts at peace. 


3.She refused to acknowledge her cancer, but she demanded that everything reasonable andunreasonable be done for the illness she insisted did not exist. 




1.Timothy Kesicki, president of the Jesuit Conference in Washington, said many scholars acknowledge  Serra's complicated legacy. 

2.Executives at Microsoft acknowledge that a fourth wave has begun but insist Microsoft will dominate it. 

3.U.N. officials privately acknowledge this is a big number that may be hard to fill. 

4.And it speaks to those who are courageous enough to acknowledge that life is rife with pain and conflict, just as it's filled with compassion and joy.


5.We can read the Bible with fresh and appreciative eyes only if we first acknowledge and set aside some of our presuppositions about the Bible.


6.'It will force these companies to more clearly and publicly acknowledge the harmful and deadly effects of the products they sell.' 

5.His accomplishments so angered Hitler that the German leader refused to acknowledge Owens or shake his hand after the competition. 

acquaint  [ə'kweɪnt]  [ə'kwent]

vt. 使熟悉;使认识 


1.acquaint yourself with sth

to deliberately find out about something熟悉某事,了解某事

I need to acquaint myself with the new regulations. 我得熟悉一下新的规章制度。

2.acquaint sb with sth

to give someone information about something把某事告知某人

You need to acquaint the police with the facts. 你得把事实真相告诉警方。



be acquainted with 


become (get) acquainted with 开始了解,开始认识,熟悉,知道,知悉



adj. acquainted 熟识的;知晓的;有知识的

n.  acquaintance 熟人;相识;了解;知道

   acquaintanceship 认识;相识;交往关系

v.  acquainted 使了解(acquaint的过去分词)






1.You must acquaint with your new duties. 


2.I'll acquaint you with my daughter when she arrives. 


3.Process to walk-through and acquaint new employees with policies, procedures ,peers, subordinates, and other office staff. 




1. Additionally, the lodge offers enlightening experiences outside the lodge to help acquaint travelers with the local culture. 

2. Google Wallet is the first significant endeavor to acquaint the masses with NFC. 

3. Some part of me definitely wishes I had taken the time to acquaint myself better with the other spellers


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