

 瓶本透明盛星河 2018-12-13
Andrea Vaccaro-《Tobias Curing the Sight of Saint Paul》,约1640,布面油画,200.5cm × 264cm,加泰罗尼亚国家艺术博物馆,西班牙另名:【Tobias Heals his Blind Father】
Andrea Vaccaro-《Tobias and the Archangel Raphael》意大利艺术家,约1640,布面油画,198.5cm × 262cm另名:【Tobias Meets the Archangel Raphael】
Andrea Vaccaro-《Raguel's Blessing of her Daughter Sarah before Leaving Ecbatana with Tobias》
Andrea Vaccaro-《Tobias and the Fish》
Annibale Carracci-《Apostles around the Empty Sepulchre》
Annibale Carracci-《Apparition of Saint Didacus above his sepulchre》
Annibale Carracci-《Everlasting Father》【永在的父;永活的神】
Annunciation, Nativity, Dormition and Coronation of the Virgin(The Dormition (Falling Asleep 译文:n.睡着,死亡))
Anton Raphael Mengs-《Descent》
Antoni Caba - The Triumph of Day over Night Preceded by Dawn - 西班牙巴塞罗那MNAC(加泰罗尼亚国家艺术博物馆)【1600像素】
Antoni Viladomat-《Birth of Saint Francis》
Antoni Viladomat-《A Simple Man Layshis Cloak at the Feet of Saint Francis as a Child》
Antoni Viladomat-《Saint Francis Receives the Order from the Crucifix at Saint Damian to Repair the……
Antonio Viladomat y Manalt (Spanish, 1678–1755)】-《San Antonio de Padua》,oil on canvas,141 x 96.8 cm
Antoni Viladomat-《Vision of Saint Anthony 》(1720)
Antonio Viladomat y Manalt (Spanish, 1678–1755)】-《San Fernando》,oil on canvas laid on board,42 x 42 cm.
Antonio Viladomat y Manalt (Spanish, 1678–1755)-《La transverberación de Santa Teresa de Jesús》 , oil on canvas,48 x 38 cm.
Antonio Viladomat y Manalt (Spanish, 1678–1755)-《Santa Teresa》,oil on canvas,57.3 x 44 cm.
Antoni Viladomat-《Saint Francis and Saint Clare at Supper in the Convent of Saint Damian》
Antoni Viladomat-《The Four Seasons:Spring》
Antoni Viladomat-《The Four Seasons:Summer》 (1730-35)
Antoni Viladomat-《The Four Seasons:Autumn》
Antoni Viladomat-《The Four Seasons:Winter》
Aquiles Batiztutzzi-Pla de la Boqueria
Attributed to Giacomo Francesco Cipper Todeschini'-《Old Woman with a Lamp》
Ayne Bru-《Martyrdom of Saint Cucuphas》
Baldassare d'Este (3F) -《Mater Dolorosa》
Bartholomeus van der Helst-《Abraham del Court and his wife Maria de Kaersgieter》, 1654.
Bartholomeus van der Helst-《Abraham del Court and his wife Maria de Kaersgieter》, 1654. 细节
Bartolomé Bermejo-《Descent of Christ into Limbo》【耶稣降临到地狱拯救罪人】
Bartolomé Bermejo-《Resurrection》【耶稣复活后从坟墓中走出】
Benet Mercadé-《Church of Cervara (Papal States)》
Canaletto-《Return of 'Il Bucintoro' on Ascension Day》
Bernardo Cavallino-《Saint John the Evangelist》
Bodegón con trozo de salmón, un limón y tres vasijas by Luis Egidio Meléndez
Circle of Bartolomeo degli Erri Monk Saint with a Model of a Church
Claudio Coello-《Charles II》
Dou,_Gerard_-_Young Woman in a Black Veil, c. 1660
Dou,_Gerard_-_《Still life》
Evaristo Baschenis-《Still life with Musical Instruments Books and Sculpture》
Een_kluizenaar_Rijksmuseum_SK-C-128:Hermit. Old man wearing glasses, meditating on a crucifix. On the table are an open book, a rosary and an hour glass. 1664
Fra Angelico-《Virgin of Humility》
Ferdinand Bol-《Portrait of a Lady》荷兰艺术家,1652,布面油画,博伊曼斯·范伯宁恩美术馆,荷兰
Francesc Lacoma i Fontanet-《Still Life》
Francesc Lacoma i Sans-《Self-portrait》
Francesc Lacoma i Sans-《The Painter's Family》
Francesc Masriera-《Winter》,1882
Francesc Pla Duran2C 'El Vigatà'-《Birth of the Virgin》圣母的诞生被称为“elVigatà”的Francesc Pla i 是西班牙画家
Francesc Pla Duran2C 'El Vigatà'-《The House in Nazareth》【童年耶稣在故乡拿撒勒的屋子里(耶稣在人间的养父是木匠,所以画面里有木匠活)】
Francisco Camilo-《Ascension》
Francesco del Cossa(1430-1477年)-圣母子,意大利文艺复兴时期的画家
Francisco de Solís-《Annunciation》
Francisco de Zurbarán-《Immaculate Conception》【西班牙著名的僧侣画家】
Francisco de Zurbarán-《Still Life with Four Vessels》【西班牙著名的僧侣画家】
Giovanni Battista Tiepolo-《Saint Cecilia》乔凡尼·巴蒂斯塔·提埃坡罗,巴洛克及洛可可时期意大利著名画家,威尼斯画派最后的代表人物
Gioacchino Assereto-《The Philistines Gouging out Samson's Eyes》
Giovanni Battista Tiepolo-《The Charlatan》【Charlatan:冒充内行者,骗子】
Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo-《The Minuet》【Minuet:小步舞曲】
Hendrik Cornelisz. van Vliet-《View inside the Saint Bavo Church in Haarlem During Mass》
Hans van Wechelen-《Road to Calvary》苦路(即耶稣受难时走向十字架的一路)
Herri met de Bles-《Landscape with Saint John the Baptist Preaching》风景画:施洗圣约翰在传道
Jacopo Bassano il Vecchio-《Adoration of the Magi》
Jan van Dornicke 'The Master of 1518'-《Triptych with the Epiphany》
Jean-Baptiste Pater-《Winter》
Joan de Burgunya-《Virgin and Child with the Infant Saint John》法国艺术家,1515-1525年,板面油画,151cm × 127cm,加泰罗尼亚国家艺术博物馆,西班牙
Joan de Burgunya-《Virgin and Child with the Infant Saint John》细节
Joan Ferrer Miró-《Public Exhibition of a Picture》
Joan Llimona i Bruguera-《Reading》
Juan de la Abadía, 'The Elder' - Saint Michael Weighing Souls【1600像素】天使长米迦勒,他负责在最后的审判时称量人的灵魂的轻重
Juan de Valdés Leal-《Saint John the Evangelist》
Lluís Graner-《Portrait of the Art Critic and Writer Raimon Casellas》
Ludovico (Alvise) de Donati-《Mary Magdalene》
Luis Meléndez-《Still Life with Bread》
Luis Meléndez-《Still Life with Apples》
Manuel Cusí-《Beside the Fire》
Santiago Rusi ol-《Romantic Novel》
Marià Fortuny-《The Spanish Wedding》
Massimo Stanzione-《Saint Agnes》圣阿格尼斯
Master of Astorga-《Holy Family with Young Saint John》
Master of Frankfurt-《Triptych of the Baptism of Christ》
Master of the Antwerp-《Adoration Epiphany》
Matthias Stom-《Holy Family》
Mattia Preti-《Saint Paul the Hermit》隐士圣保罗
Maurice Quentin de La Tour - Pierre-Louis Laideguive (1761)
Pere Gascó-《Six Resurrections before the Relics of Saint Stephen》
Pere Serafí-《Flagellation of Christ》
Ramon Marti Alsina-《Ruins of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre》1862,布面油画
Ramon Marti Alsina-《Ruins of the Palace》1859,布面油画
rancesc Lacoma i Fontanet-《Still Life》 (559589)© MUSEU NACIONAL D'ART DE CATALUNYA,
Roderic d'Osona-《Saint Peter Enthroned》
Saint John the Evangelist at Patmos
Vincenzo Tamagni-《Portrait of a Lady》

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