

 young1987_tsg 2018-12-20



许占位,陕西科技大学材料物理与化学学术带头人,硕士生导师,副教授。美国化学会会员,陕西省电源学会储能与控制分会理事。《Journal of Materials Chemistry A》、《Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters》、《Chemical Engineering Journal》及《Carbon》等期刊审稿人。本科就读于清华大学化学工程专业,在西北大学、西北工业大学分别获得无机化学专业理学硕士,材料学专业工学博士学位,加拿大国家纳米实验室博士后。本科毕业至今,一直从事锂电池、锂/钠离子电池、燃料电池及超级电容器电极活性材料研究。主要研究成果如下:发现了酞菁对锂/亚硫酰氯电池的三路径及双活性点催化规律,酞菁研究前辈Kenneth I. Ozoemena对此研究成果进行了系统的论述(Phthalocyanines in batteries and supercapacitors. J. Porphyrins Phthalocyanines 16, 754, 2012);首次报道了以N骨架取代过渡金属酞菁作为起始物,通过热裂解及微波合成了用于燃料电池替代Pt催化催化材料的N掺杂碳纳米管及N掺杂石墨烯;所制备海绵状三维碳纳米材料的研究成果被世界科技研究新闻资讯phys.org在nanotechnology版块做了Sponge-like graphene makes promising supercapacitor electrodes的专题报道;揭示了纳米氧化钼电化学贡献与锂离子电池倍率性能关系,在锂/钠离子电池用二硫化钼的电极活性材料的稳定化研究取得了一定的研究成果。

相应研究成果发表在纳米材料、能源转化与利用等方面Top期刊Nano Letters、ACS Nano、Energy & Environmental Science、The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters、Advanced Energy Materials、Journal of Materials Chemistry、Journal of Power Sources、Journal of The Electrochemical Society等共计81篇,文章被引用2520余次,H因子23。其中以第一作者及通讯作者身份发表SCI论文20余篇,其中1区top期刊论文14篇;申请中国发明专利12项,获授权专利2项;获授权美国、加拿大发明专利各1项。相关研究成果获部级一等奖一次,二等奖三次,三等奖两次。博士论文获2014年陕西省优秀博士论文。




沈学涛,男,1981年生,山东菏泽人,博士(后),副教授,硕士生导师,陕西科技大学“青年拔尖人才”。《Carbon》、《Corrosion Science》等期刊审稿人。2012年毕业于西北工业大学材料学院材料学专业,获工学硕士和博士学位,从事耐烧蚀碳/碳复合材料的研究工作,同年进入西安交通大学前沿科学技术研究院“材料科学与工程”博士后流动站进行博士后研究,从事纳米材料方面的结构表征工作。2015年进入陕西科技大学材料科学与工程学院工作,主要从事纳米能源材料(锂离子电池、超级电容器)和耐烧蚀碳/碳复合材料方面的结构表征和性能方面的研究工作。曾参与多项国家“863”、“973”和国家自然科学基金项目,主持国家自然科学基金-青年基金项目一项,陕西科技大学青年拔尖人才项目一项,中国博士后科学基金项目一项。近年来,在NPG Asia Materials、ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces、Journal of Materials Chemistry A、Carbon、Corrosion Science、Journal of the European Ceramic Society、Ceramics International等期刊发表多篇论文,引用次数400余次,H因子12。


杨军,杨军,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,陕西省百人计划(青年项目)获得者。2016年6月毕业于复旦大学物理化学专业获得理学博士学位,随后进入陕西科技大学材料科学与工程学院工作。目前主要从事电化学能量存储与转换关键材料结构与性能研究。曾获得黑龙江省优秀硕士论文奖、中美华人纳米论坛优秀墙报奖、复旦大学优秀博士生奖等多项奖励,参与国家自然科学基金重大研究计划、面上项目、青年基金项目等多个项目。在J. Mater. Chem., ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, J. Power Sources, Electrochem. Commun., J. Electrochem. Soc., Electrochim. Acta, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.等电化学和材料专业主流期刊上发表SCI论文20篇,文章总被引用500多次,单篇最高被引用180次,ESI高被引论文2篇。


孔硌,博士,副教授,2015年毕业于西北工业大学材料学院获工学博士学位,同年进入陕西科技大学材料科学与工程学院工作,从事介电型吸波、电磁屏蔽材料研究,获评陕西省2017年度优秀博士学位论文,并获教育部2016年度高等学校科学研究优秀成果自然科学一等奖(编号2016-041,排名第六),目前发表SCI学术论文二十余篇,包括:Carbon、The Journal of Physical Chemistry C、Journal of Materials Chemistry C、Journal of the American Ceramic Society、International Materials Reviews等,其中ESI高被引论文5篇,他引大于100次论文有四篇,他引总计900余次,H因子16,并担任Carbon等多个学术期刊审稿人,作为项目负责人主持国家自然基金青年项目一项(51702197)、陕西省自然基金青年项目一项(2016JQ5097)、凝固技术国家重点实验室开放课题一项(SKLSP201618)、陕西省教育厅专项科研项目一项(16JK1080)以及陕西科技大学博士启动基金一项(BJ16-06),并参与国家自然科学基金重点项目一项(51332004)。


















































































[1] Zhanwei Xu, Kai Yao, Zhi Li, Licai Fu, Hao Fu, Jia Li, Liyun Cao, Jianfeng Huang Sulfur Nanodots as Antiblocking Agent of MoS2for Stable Sodium Ion Battery Anodes Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018, DOI: 10.1039/c8ta02339e. (IF: 8.867)

[2] Kai Yao, Zhanwei Xu, Zhi Li, Xinyue Liu, Xuetao Shen, Liyun Cao, Jianfeng Huang Synthesis of Grain-like MoS2for High-Performance Sodium Storage. ChemSusChem, 2018, DOI:10.1002/cssc.201800512.(IF: 7.226)

[3] HaoFu, Zhanwei Xu, TianWang, KangLi, XuetaoShen, JiayinLi, Jianfeng Huang. Rate Behavior of MoO2/Graphene Oxide Lithium-Ion Battery Anodes from Electrochemical Contributions. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2018, 165: A439-A447. (IF: 3.259)

[4] Hao Fu, Zhanwei Xu, Weiwei Guan, Xuetao Shen, Liyun Cao, Jianfeng Huang, Adsorption contributions of graphene to the sodium ion storage performance. Journal of Physics D Applied Physics, 2018,51: 205501. (IF: 2.068)

[5] Zhanwei Xu, Kang Li, Ruiyi Wang, Xintong Duan, Qianqian Liu, Ronglan Zhang, Jianshe Zhao Electrochemical Effects of Lithium-Thionyl Chloride Battery by Central Metal Ions of Phthalocyanines-Tetraacetamide Complexes. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2017, 164: A3628-A3632. (IF: 3.259)

[6] Zhanwei Xu, Kang Li, Hailing Hu, Qinling Zhang, Liyun Cao, Jiayin Li, Jianfeng Huang, From bulk to nano metal phthalocyanine by recrystallization with enhanced nucleation. Dyes & Pigments, 2017, 139: 97-101. (IF: 3.94)

[7] Zhanwei Xu, Tian, Wang., Luo, Kong, Kai Yao, Hao Fu, Kang Li. Jianfeng Huang,. MoO2@MoS2nanoarchitectures for high‐loading advanced lithium‐ion battery anodes. Particle & Particle Systems Characterization, 2017, 34: 1600223. (IF: 4.43)

[8] Xingang Kong, Zhanglin Guo, Chaobin Zeng, Jianfeng Huang, Liyun Cao, Li Li, Lixiong Yin, Puhong Wen, Qi Feng, Zhanwei Xu Soft chemical in-site synthesis, formation mechanism and electrochemical performances of 1D bead-like AgVO3 nanoarchitectures. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015, 3: 18127-18135. (IF: 8.26)

[9] Jianfeng Huang, Zhanwei Xu, Liyun Cao, Qinglin Zhang, Haibo Ouyang, Jiayin Li. Tailor MoO2/Graphene Oxide Nanoarchitectures for Stable and High Density Sodium Ion Anodes. Energy Technology, 2015, 3: 1108-1114. (IF: 2.824)

[10] Zhanwei Xu, Xuetao Shen, Qinglin Zhang, Jiayin Li, Luo Kong, Liyun Cao, and Jianfeng Huang Synthesis of Structurally Stable 3D MoS2Architectures as High Performance Lithium-Ion Battery Anodes. Particle & Particle Systems Characterization, 2016, 33: 311-315.(IF: 4.43)

[11] Zhanwei Xu, Huanlei Wang, Zhi Li, Alireza Kohandehghan, Jia Ding, Jian Chen, Kai Cui, David Mitlin. Sulfur Refines MoO2Distribution Enabling Improved Lithium Ion Battery Performance The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2014, 118: 18387−18396. (IF:5.241)

[12] Huanlei Wang, Zhanwei Xu, Zhi Li, Kai Cui, Jia Ding, Alireza Kohandehghan, Xuehai Tan, BeniaminZahiri, Brian C. Olsen, Chris M. B. Holt, and David Mitlin. Hybrid Device Employing 3D Arrays of MnO in Carbon Nanosheets Bridges Battery -Supercapacitor Divide. Nano Letters, 2014, 14: 1987−1994. (IF: 14.452)

[13] Zhi Li, Zhanwei Xu, Huanlei Wang, Jia Ding, Beniamin Zahiri, Chris M. B. Holt, Xuehai Tan,and David Mitlin. Colossal pseudocapacitance in a high functionality - high surface area carbon anode doubles the energy of an asymmetric supercapacitor. Energy & Environmental Science, 2014, 7: 1708-1718. (IF:15.263)

[14] Song Tian, Hejun Li, Yulei Zhang, Jincui Ren, Yixian Li, Zhanwei Xu, XinfaQiangand Shouyang Zhang. Potential Field Emitters: HfC Nanorods Sheathed with a HfO2Nanoshell. CrystEngComm, 2014, 16: 3186-3191. (IF: 3.879)

[15] Huanlei Wang, Zhanwei Xu, Alireza Kohandehghan, Zhi Li, Kai Cui, Xuehai Tan,Tyler Stephenson, Cecil K. King’ondu, Chris M. B. Holt, Brian C. Olsen,Jin Kwon Tak, Don Harfield,Anthony Anyia, and David Mitlin, Interconnected Carbon Nanosheets Derived from Hemp for Ultrafast Supercapacitors with High Energy. ACS Nano, 2013, 7: 5131-5141. (IF: 13.774)

[16] Zhi Li, Zhanwei Xu, Xuehai Tan, Huanlei Wang, Chris M. B. Holt, Tyler Stephenson, Brian C. Olsen, David Mitlin.Mesoporous nitrogen-rich carbons derived from protein for ultra-high capacity battery anodes and supercapacitors. Energy & Environmental Science, 2013, 6: 871-878. (IF: 15.263)

[17] Zhanwei Xu, Hejun Li, Bing Yin, Yang Shu, Xueni Zhao, Dongsheng Zhang, Lijuan Zhang, Kezhi Li, XianghuiHou, Jinhua Lu. N-Doped graphene analogue synthesized by pyrolysis of metal tetrapyridinoporphyrazine with high and stable catalytic activity for oxygen reduction. RSC Advances, 2013, 3: 9344-9351. (IF: 3.708)

[18] Yang Xu, E Memarzadeh, Huanlei Wang, BehdokhtFarbod, Zhanwei Xu, AlirezaKohandehghan,DavidMitlin. NanocrystallineAnataseTiO2: a New Anode Material for Rechargeable Sodium Ion Batteries. Chemical Communications, 2013, 49: 8873-8975. (IF: 6.718)

[19] Jia Ding, Huanlei Wang, Zhi Li, AlirezaKohandehghan, Kai Cui, Zhanwei Xu, BeniaminZahiri, Xuehai Tan, Elmira MemarzadehLotfabad, Brian C. Olsen, and David Mitlin. Carbon Nanosheet Frameworks Derived from Peat Moss as High Performance Sodium Ion Battery Anodes ACS Nano, 2013, 7 (12): 11004–11015. (IF:13.774)

[20] Yanhui Chu, HejunLi, Han Peng, Lehua Qi, Huijuan Luo, Zhanwei Xu. Improvement of SiC–Si/MAS Interface in the Joints via In Situ Synthesizing SiC Nanowires.Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2013, 96(12): 3926–3932. (IF: 2.392)

[21] Zhi Li, Li Zhang, BabakShalchi, Xuehai Tan, Zhanwei Xu, Huanlei Wang, Brian Olsen, Chris Holt, David Mitlin. Carbonized chicken eggshell membranes with 3D architectures as high-performance electrode materials for supercapacitors. Advanced Energy Materials, 2012, 2: 431–43. (IF: 14.442)

[22] Huanlei Wang, Chris M. B. Holt, Zhi Li, Xuehai Tan, BabakShalchiAmirkhiz, Zhanwei Xu, Brian C. Olsen, Tyler Stephenson, David Mitlin. Graphene–Nickel Cobaltite Nanocomposite Asymmetrical Supercapacitor with Commercial Level Mass Loading.Nano Research, 2012, 5(9): 605–617. (IF:8.519)

[23] Huanlei Wang, ZhiLi,Jin Kwon Tak, Chris M.B. Holt, Xuehai Tan, Zhanwei Xu, BabakShalchiAmirkhiz, Don Harfield, Anthony Anyia, Tyler Stephenson, David Mitlin. Supercapacitors based on carbons with tuned porosity derived from paper pulp mill sludge biowaste. Carbon, 2012, 57: 317-328. (IF: 6.35)

[24] Xueni Zhao, Hejun Li , Mengdi Chen, Kezhi Li, Bin Wang, Zhanwei Xu, Sheng Cao, Leilei Zhang, Hailiang Deng, Jinhua Lu. Strong-bonding calcium phosphate coatings on carbon/carbon composites by ultrasound-assisted anodic oxidation treatment and electrochemical deposition. Applied Surface Science, 2012, 258: 5117– 5125. (IF: 2.099)

[25] Ronglan Zhang, Jifeng Wang, Bei Xu, Xinyue Huang, Zhanwei Xu, Jianshe Zhao.Catalytic Activity of Binuclear Transition Metal Phthalocyanines in Electrolyte Operation of Lithium/Thionyl Chloride Battery. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2012, 159(8): H704-H710. (IF: 2.594)

[26] Hejun Li, Xueni Zhao, Sheng Cao, Kezhi Li, Mengdi Chen, Zhanwei Xu, Jinhua Lu, Leilei Zhang. Na-doped hydroxyapatite coating on carbon/carbon composites: Preparation, in vitro bioactivity and biocompatibility. Applied Surface Science, 2012, 263: 163–173. (IF: 2.099)

[27] Zhanwei Xu, Zhi Li, Chris M. B. Holt, Xuehai Tan, Huanlei Wang, Babak Shalchi Amirkhiz, Tyler Stephenson, David Mitlin. Electrochemical Supercapacitor Electrodes from Sponge like GrapheneNanoarchitectures with Ultrahigh Power Density. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2012, 3: 2928-2933. (IF: 6.91)

[28] Zhanwei Xu, Hejun Li, Maosen Fu, Huijuan Luo, Huihui Sun, Lijuan Zhang, Kezhi Li, Bingqing Wei, Jinhua Lu, Xueni Zhao. Nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes synthesized by pyrolysis of nitrogen-rich metal phthalocyanine derivatives for oxygen reduction. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012, 22: 18230-18236. (IF: 6.743)

[29] Zhanwei Xu, Zhi Li, Xuehai Tan, Chris Holt, Li Zhang, BabakShalchi, David Mitlin. Supercapacitive carbon nanotube - cobalt molybdate nanocomposites prepared via solvent-free microwave synthesis. RSC Advances, 2012, 2: 2753-2755. (IF: 3.708).

[30] Zhanwei Xu, Hejun Li, Wei Li, Gaoxiang Cao, Qinglin Zhang, Kezhi Li, Qiangang Fu, Jie Wang. Large-scale production of graphene by microwave synthesis and rapid cooling. Chemical Communications, 2011, 47(4): 1166-1168. (IF: 6.718)

[31] Hejun Li, Zhanwei Xu, Kezhi Li, XianghuiHou, Gaoxiang Cao, Qinglin Zhang, Zeyuan Cao, Wei Li. Modification of multi- walled carbon nanotubes with cobalt phthalocyanine: Effects of the templates on the assemblies. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2011, 21(4): 1181~1186. (IF: 6.743)

[32] Zhanwei Xu, Hejun Li, Gaoxiang Cao, Qinglin Zhang,Kezhi Li, Xueni Zhao. Electrochemical performance of carbon nanotube-supported cobalt phthalocyanine and its nitrogen-rich derivatives for oxygen reduction. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2011, 335: 89-96. (IF: 3.679)

[33] Zhanwei Xu, Hejun Li, Huijuan Luo, Gaoxiang Cao, Qinglin Zhang, Qiang Song, Kezhi Li. Synthesis, characterization and magnetic properties of N-doped graphite nanosheets. Solid State Communications, 2011, 151: 643–646. (IF: 1.941)

[34] Qinglin Zhang, Zhanwei Xu, Hejun Li, Liyan Wu, Gaoxiang Cao, KeZhi Li. Synthesis of MoS2nanosheets by solid-state reaction in CVD furnace. Integrated Ferroelectrics, 2011, 128: 125–129. (IF: 0.373)

[35] Zhanwei Xu, Hejun Li, Gaoxiang Cao, Zeyuan Cao, Qinglin Zhang, Kezhi Li, Xianghui Hou, Wei Li, Weifeng Cao. Synthesis of hybrid graphene-carbon coated nanocatalysts. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2010, 20: 8230 – 8232. (IF: 6.743)

[36] Zhanwei Xu, Guoxiang Zhang, Zeyuan Cao, Jianshe Zhao, Hejun Li. Effect of N atoms in the backbone of metal phthalocyanine derivatives on their catalytic activity to lithium battery. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2010, 318: 101–105. (IF: 3.679)

[37] Zhanwei Xu, Hejun Li, Huihui Sun, Qinglin Zhang, Kezhi Li. Carbon nanotubes with phthalocyanine-decorated surface produced by NH3-assisted microwave reaction and their catalytic performance in Li/SOCl2battery. Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2010, 28: 2059–2066. (IF: 0.799)

[38] Zhanwei Xu, Hejun Li, Kezhi Li, Yunhua Kuang, Yongjie Wang, Qiangang Fu, Zeyuan Cao, Wei Li. Carbon nanotube-templated copper phthalocyanine derivative assemblies via solid-phase synthesis: effects of hydrogen bond on the structure of the assemblies. Crystal Growth & Design, 2009, 9: 4136-4141. (IF: 4.727)

[39] Zhanwei Xu, Jianshe Zhao, Hejun Li, Kezhi Li, Zeyuan Cao, Jinhua Lu. Influence of the electronic configuration of the central metal ions on catalytic activity of metal phthalocyanines to Li/SOCl2battery. Journal of Power Sources, 2009, 194: 1081–1084. (IF: 5.257)

[40] Yanhong Song, Zhanwei Xu, Qingjin Sun, Biyun Su, Quanchang Gao, Huaqiang Liu, Jianshe Zhao. Synthesis, structures, and characterization of copper(II), nickel(II), and cobalt(III) metal complexes derived from an asymmetric bidentate Schiff-base ligand. Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2008, 61(8), 1212-1220. (IF: 1.293)

[41] Yanhong Song, Zhanwei Xu, Qingjin Sun, Biyun Su, Quanchang Gao, Huaqiang Liu, Jianshe Zhao. Chloro-bridged complexes of copper(II) and manganese(II) derived from unsymmetricbidentate ligands: synthesis, crystal structure and characterization. Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2007, 60(21): 2351–2359. (IF: 1.293)


[1] Zhanwei Xu, Xuetao Shen, Qinglin Zhang , Jiayin Li , Luo Kong, Liyun Cao, Jianfeng Huang. Synthesis of structurally stable 3D MoS2architectures as high performance lithium-ion battery anodes. Particle & Particle Systems Characteris, 2016, 33(6): 311-315.

[2] Xuemei Zhou, Xuetao Shen(共同一作), Zhaoming Xia, Zhiyun Zhang, Jing Li, Yuanuan Ma, Yongquan Qu. Hollow fluffy Co3O4cages as efficient electroactive materials for super capacitors and oxygen evolution reaction. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2015, 7 (36): 20322–20331.

[3] Xuetao Shen, Lei Liu, Wei Li, Kehi Li. Ablation behaviour of C/C–ZrC composites in a solid rocket motor environment. Ceramics International, 2015, 41(9): 11793-11803.

[4] Sai Zhang, Xuetao Shen, Zhiping Zheng, Yuanuan Ma, Yongquan Qu. 3D graphene/nylon rope as a skeleton for noble metal nanocatalysts for highly efficient heterogeneous continuous-flow reactions. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015, 3(9): 10504-10511.

[5]沈学涛,李伟,李克智. C/C-ZrC复合材料的微观结构和力学性能研究.无机材料学报,2015,30 (5): 459-466.

[6] Junhai Wu,Jesu´s Carrete, Zhiyun Zhang, Yongquan Qu, Xuetao Shen, Zhao Wang, Lidong Zhao, Jiaqing He. Strong enhancement of phonon scattering through nanoscale grains in lead sulfide thermoelectrics. NPG Asia Materials, 2014, e108.

[7] Kezhi Li, Xuetao Shen, Hejun Li, Shouyang Zhang, Tao Feng, Leilei Zhang. Ablation of the carbon/carbon composite nozzle-throats in a small solid rocket motor. Carbon, 2011, 49(4): 1208-1215.

[8] Xuetao Shen, Kezhi Li, Hejun Li, Qiangang Fu, Shuping Li, Fei Deng. The effect of zirconium carbide on ablation of carbon/carbon composites under an oxyacetylene flame. Corrosion Science, 2011, 53(1): 105-112.

[9]沈学涛,李克智,李贺军,冯涛,张磊磊,王斌.碳化铪改性炭/炭复合材料喉衬的热化学烧蚀.无机材料学报. 2011, 26(4): 427-432.

[10] Xuetao Shen, Kezhi Li, Hejun Li, Hongying Du, Weifeng Cao, Fengtao Lan. Microstructure and ablation properties of zirconium carbide doped carbon/carbon composites. Carbon, 2010, 48(2): 344-351.

[11]沈学涛,李克智,李贺军,兰逢涛,冯涛.烧蚀产物ZrO2对ZrC改性C/C复合材料烧蚀的影响.无机材料学报. 2009, 24(5): 943-947.


[1] Jun Yang, and Yongyao Xia. Suppressing the phase transition of the layered Ni-rich oxide cathode during high-voltage cycling by introducing low-content Li2MnO3. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8:1297-1308.

[2] Jun Yang, Mengyan Hou, Servane Haller, Yonggang Wang, Congxiao Wang, and Yongyao Xia. Improving the cycling performance of the layered Ni-rich oxide cathode by introducing low-content Li2MnO3. Electrochimica Acta, 2016, 189:101-110.

[3] Jun Yang and Yongyao Xia. Enhancement on the cycling stability of the layered Ni-rich oxide cathode by in-situ fabricating nano-thickness cation-mixing layers. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2016, 163: A2665-A2672.

[4] Jun Yang, Ying Xie, Ruihong Wang, Baojiang Jiang, Chungui Tian, Guang Mu, Jie Yin, Bo Wang, and Honggang Fu. Synergistic effect of tungsten carbide and palladium on graphene for promoted ethanol electrooxidation. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2013, 5: 6571-6579.

[5] Bo Wang, Jun Yang, Lei Wang, Ruihong Wang, Chungui Tian, Baojiang Jiang, Mei Tian and Honggang Fu. Hollow palladium nanospheres with porous shells supported on graphene as enhanced electrocatalysts for formic acid oxidation. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2013, 15: 19353-19359.

[6] Jun Yang, Chungui Tian, Lei Wang, Taixing Tan, Jie Yin, Bo Wang, and Honggang Fu. In-situ reduction, oxygen etching, and reduction using formic acid: an effective strategy for controllable growth of monodisperse palladium nanoparticles on graphene. ChemPlusChem, 2012, 77: 301-307.

[7] Jun Yang, Chungui Tian, Lei Wang, and Honggang Fu. An effective strategy for small-sized and highly-dispersed palladium nanoparticles supported on graphene with excellent performance for formic acid oxidation. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2011, 21: 3384-3390.


[1] Luo Kong, Xiaowei Yin, Meikang Han, Xiaoyan Yuan, Zexin Hou, Fang Ye, Litong Zhang, Laifei Cheng, Zhanwei Xu, and Jianfeng Huang. Macroscopic bioinspired graphene sponge modified with in-situ grown carbon nanowires and its electromagnetic properties. Carbon, 2017, 111: 94-102.

[2] Luo Kong, Chen Wang, Xiaowei Yin, Xiaomeng Fan, Wei Wang and Jianfeng Huang. Electromagnetic wave absorption properties of a carbon nanotube modified by a tetrapyridinoporphyrazine interface layer. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2017, 5: 7479-7488.

[3]Luo Kong, Xiaowei Yin, Meikang Han, Litong Zhang and Laifei Cheng. Carbon nanotubes modified with ZnO nanoparticles: High-efficiency electromagnetic wave absorption at high-temperatures. Ceramics International, 2015, 41: 4906-4915.

[4] Luo Kong, Xiaowei Yin, Xiaoyan Yuan, Yajun Zhang, Xingmin Liu, Laifei Cheng and Litong Zhang. Electromagnetic wave absorption properties of graphene modified with carbon nanotube/poly(dimethyl siloxane) composites. Carbon, 2014, 73: 185-193.

[5] Xiaowei Yin, Luo Kong, Litong Zhang, Laifei Cheng, Nahum Travitzky, and Peter Greil. Electromagnetic properties of Si-C-N based ceramics and composites. International Materials Reviews, 2014, 59: 326-355.

[6] Meikang Han, Xiaowei Yin, Luo Kong, Mian Li, Wenyan Duan, Litong Zhang and Laifei Cheng. Graphene-wrapped ZnO hollow spheres with enhanced electromagnetic wave absorption properties. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2014, 2: 16403-16409.

[7] Luo Kong, Xiaowei Yin, Yajun Zhang, Xiaoyan Yuan, Quan Li, Fang Ye, Laifei Cheng, and Litong Zhang. Electromagnetic Wave Absorption Properties of Reduced Graphene Oxide Modified by Maghemite Colloidal Nanoparticle Clusters. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2013, 117, 19701-19711.

[8] Luo Kong, Xiaowei Yin, Fang Ye, Quan Li, Litong Zhang, and Laifei Cheng. Electromagnetic Wave Absorption Properties of ZnO-Based Materials Modified with ZnAl2O4Nanograins. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2013, 117, 2135-2146.

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