
六年级下册品社 答案

 静t02t7bj9zxp6 2019-03-07




2、金字塔是古代埃及国王的陵墓,最大的一座是法老胡夫的吉萨金字塔。旁边是狮身人面像。金字塔是世界古代建筑的奇迹,也是古代埃及文明的象征。 3、古代埃及人民发明了象形文字,还根据尼罗河的涨落变化,把一年分成12个月,全年定为365天。现在我们使用的公历就是由此发展而来的。







因为水是生命之源,人类的生存离不开水,水是人类生存的基本条件,人要喝水,饲养的牲畜要喝水,浇灌农作物需要水,所以原始人类都要选在有河流的地方安家。 二、樱花之国







6、海湾地区石油储量世界第一。西亚的波斯湾,又称海湾,是世界石油最丰富的地方,石油储量约占世界的65%,其中沙特阿拉伯的原油储量就占了世界总储量的25%伊拉克、阿联酋、科威特、伊朗也盛产石油,因此海湾地区有世界油库之称。 7、亚洲是亚细亚洲的简称,位于东半球的东北部,东濒太平洋,南临印度洋,北接北冰洋,西靠地中海。是世界第一大洲。

than 6 months, high early strength cement up to 1 month, and bagged the stacking height of no more than 15 bags of cement. (2) water 1) can be used where suitable for drinking water, untreated industrial waste water cannot be used. 2) water used in mixing the substances contained cannot affect the workability and strength and growth and cause corrosion of steel and concrete. 3) water PH value, insoluble and soluble sulfides, chlorides, phosphates, provisions consistent with the following table of contents. Content limits table entry of prestressed concrete concrete concrete insoluble matter in PH value >4 >4 >4 mg/L <2000 <2000 <5000 mg/L <2000 <5000 <10000 chloride soluble matter (measured in CL-) mg/L <500 <1200 <3500 sulfate (SO2-4 dollars) mg/L <600 <2700 <2700 sulfide (S2-dollars) mg/L <100--------(3) Aggregate 1) aggregates of different material diameter piled up, respectively, do not mix with each other and mixed with the soil; when loading and unloading, size coarse aggregate net fall of greater than 40mm less than 3M, and avoid serious aggregate crushing. 2) fine aggregate fineness modulus should be controlled in the ... Maximum water/cement ratio concrete parameter of concrete water/cement ratio the maximum allowable value, above the water level downstream (outside of the dam) 0.65, downstream water level change (outside of the dam) 0.55 minimum level of upstream and downstream (outside of the dam) 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.60 basis subject to water erosion parts (3) large-volume buildings within concrete of minimum amount of cementitious material test results submitted to the engineer. According to the characteristics of the buildings, steel content, method of transport, pouring concrete, and climatic conditions, as far as possible small slump. (4) this standard concrete collapse degrees according to Xia table selected collapse degrees parameter table buildings of nature standard round collapse degrees (cm) hydraulic pigment concrete or less reinforced concrete 3~5 distribution reinforced rate not over 1% of reinforced concrete 5~7 distribution




爱吃生鱼片,见面多以鞠躬为礼,弯腰越低,表示越有礼貌。到日本 人家里做客,要预先约定时间,进门前先要按门铃通报姓名。进门后要主动脱掉外衣,换上拖鞋,并把带来的礼品送给主人。


1、在地球的另一端,是辽阔的美洲大陆,那里有世界最发达的国家——美国。 2、美国的首都是华盛顿,有世界著名的迪斯尼乐园。

3、美洲原来是印第安人的聚居地。1775年,美国独立战争爆发。1776年通过了《独立宣言》,宣布美利坚合众国成立。1789年华盛顿当选为美国第一任总统。 4、美国为什么被称为世界上最发达的国家,



美国的商业十分发达,交通便利,美国人的生活水平居世界前列。 5、为什么说美国是民族的熔炉,

美国是一个移民国家,也是一个多民族的国家。大多数人是来自不同国家的移民。有的来自欧洲,有的来自亚洲,有的来自非洲……这些不同肤色、不同民族、不同文化背景的人融合在一起,形成了美利坚民族。现在,在全国的2.8亿多人口中,白人占84%。黑人占有13%,亚裔约占有3.3%,其中华人160多万,在美国的社会发展历史中,各个国家的移民做出了巨大的贡献。例:爱因斯坦、比尔盖茨、乔丹 6、美洲的世界之最:第一大岛——格陵兰岛,第一大淡水湖——苏比利尔湖,第一大瀑布——尼亚加拉瀑布,流域面积最大的河流——亚马孙河,最长的山脉——安第斯山脉









over 1% of reinforced concrete 5~7 distributione not e standard round collapse degrees (cm) hydraulic pigment concrete or less reinforced concrete 3~5 distribution reinforced rat) this standard concrete collapse degrees according to Xia table selected collapse degrees parameter table buildings of naturmp. (4of the buildings, steel content, method of transport, pouring concrete, and climatic conditions, as far as possible small sluconcrete of minimum amount of cementitious material test results submitted to the engineer. According to the characteristics volume buildings within -eam and downstream (outside of the dam) 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.60 basis subject to water erosion parts (3) largeer level downstream (outside of the dam) 0.65, downstream water level change (outside of the dam) 0.55 minimum level of upstre watin the ... Maximum water/cement ratio concrete parameter of concrete water/cement ratio the maximum allowable value, above th greater than 40mm less than 3M, and avoid serious aggregate crushing. 2) fine aggregate fineness modulus should be controlledthe soil; when loading and unloading, size coarse aggregate net fall of (3) Aggregate 1) aggregates of different material diameter piled up, respectively, do not mix with each other and mixed with --------dollars) mg/L <100-g/L <600 <2700 <2700 sulfide (S24 dollars) m-) mg/L <500 <1200 <3500 sulfate (SO2-<2000 <2000 <5000 mg/L <2000 <5000 <10000 chloride soluble matter (measured in CLof contents. Content limits table entry of prestressed concrete concrete concrete insoluble matter in PH value >4 >4 >4 mg/L table concrete. 3) water PH value, insoluble and soluble sulfides, chlorides, phosphates, provisions consistent with the following ed in mixing the substances contained cannot affect the workability and strength and growth and cause corrosion of steel and ) water 1) can be used where suitable for drinking water, untreated industrial waste water cannot be used. 2) water usthan 6 months, high early strength cement up to 1 month, and bagged the stacking height of no more than 15 bags of cement. (2- 2 -





总之,人口增长过快和过多,给国家经济、教育、住房、交通、就业等许多方面带来困难,直接影响了人民生活水平的提高,也延缓了国家经济发展的速度。 4、联合国人口基金决定从1988年起把每年的711日定为世界人口日,以提高人们对世界人口问题的重视。







3、土地荒漠化是现代人类社会面临的四大生态环境问题之一,被称为地球的癌症 4、我们休养生息的地球,虽然是一个70%的面积由水覆盖的星球,但是其中97%海水、咸水湖的咸水,淡水只有3%左右。然而在这些淡水中可以真正利用的淡水又只占淡水储量的0.34%.



中国环境标志的含义:环境标志图形的中心结构表示人类赖以生存的环境,外围的十个环紧密结合,环环紧扣,表示公人参与共同保护环境;同时,十个环的字与环境的同字,其寓意为全民联合起来,共同保护人类赖以生存的环境 太阳代表:代表宇宙空间。

--------dollars) mg/L <100-4 dollars) mg/L <600 <2700 <2700 sulfide (S2-g/L <500 <1200 <3500 sulfate (SO2) m-CLte insoluble matter in PH value >4 >4 >4 mg/L <2000 <2000 <5000 mg/L <2000 <5000 <10000 chloride soluble matter (measured in rovisions consistent with the following table of contents. Content limits table entry of prestressed concrete concrete concretes, ph and growth and cause corrosion of steel and concrete. 3) water PH value, insoluble and soluble sulfides, chlorides, phosphastrial waste water cannot be used. 2) water used in mixing the substances contained cannot affect the workability and strengt) water 1) can be used where suitable for drinking water, untreated induthan 6 months, high early strength cement up to 1 month, and bagged the stacking height of no more than 15 bags of cement. (2concrete 3~5 distribution reinforced rate not over 1% of reinforced concrete 5~7 distributionorced pse degrees parameter table buildings of nature standard round collapse degrees (cm) hydraulic pigment concrete or less reinfconditions, as far as possible small slump. (4) this standard concrete collapse degrees according to Xia table selected collato the characteristics of the buildings, steel content, method of transport, pouring concrete, and climatic volume buildings within concrete of minimum amount of cementitious material test results submitted to the engineer. According-osion parts (3) largeter erutside of the dam) 0.55 minimum level of upstream and downstream (outside of the dam) 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.60 basis subject to watio the maximum allowable value, above the water level downstream (outside of the dam) 0.65, downstream water level change (ont ragregate fineness modulus should be controlled in the ... Maximum water/cement ratio concrete parameter of concrete water/cemeunloading, size coarse aggregate net fall of greater than 40mm less than 3M, and avoid serious aggregate crushing. 2) fine ag the soil; when loading and(3) Aggregate 1) aggregates of different material diameter piled up, respectively, do not mix with each other and mixed with - 3 -



有认证标志的产品还必需具有中国环境标志认证委员会秘书处的印章 7、环保节日:






















第十四,园丁应施用有机 肥料,如混合肥和粪肥,避免 使用杀虫剂和除草剂,因为它们会渗入泥土,危害水源。



over 1% of reinforced concrete 5~7 distributione not e standard round collapse degrees (cm) hydraulic pigment concrete or less reinforced concrete 3~5 distribution reinforced rat) this standard concrete collapse degrees according to Xia table selected collapse degrees parameter table buildings of naturmp. (4of the buildings, steel content, method of transport, pouring concrete, and climatic conditions, as far as possible small sluconcrete of minimum amount of cementitious material test results submitted to the engineer. According to the characteristics volume buildings within -eam and downstream (outside of the dam) 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.60 basis subject to water erosion parts (3) largeer level downstream (outside of the dam) 0.65, downstream water level change (outside of the dam) 0.55 minimum level of upstre watin the ... Maximum water/cement ratio concrete parameter of concrete water/cement ratio the maximum allowable value, above th greater than 40mm less than 3M, and avoid serious aggregate crushing. 2) fine aggregate fineness modulus should be controlledthe soil; when loading and unloading, size coarse aggregate net fall of (3) Aggregate 1) aggregates of different material diameter piled up, respectively, do not mix with each other and mixed with --------dollars) mg/L <100-g/L <600 <2700 <2700 sulfide (S24 dollars) m-) mg/L <500 <1200 <3500 sulfate (SO2-<2000 <2000 <5000 mg/L <2000 <5000 <10000 chloride soluble matter (measured in CLof contents. Content limits table entry of prestressed concrete concrete concrete insoluble matter in PH value >4 >4 >4 mg/L table concrete. 3) water PH value, insoluble and soluble sulfides, chlorides, phosphates, provisions consistent with the following ed in mixing the substances contained cannot affect the workability and strength and growth and cause corrosion of steel and ) water 1) can be used where suitable for drinking water, untreated industrial waste water cannot be used. 2) water usthan 6 months, high early strength cement up to 1 month, and bagged the stacking height of no more than 15 bags of cement. (2- 4 -





?.水对我们的生命起着重要的作用 ,它是生命的源泉,是人类赖以生存和发展的不可缺少的最重要的物质资源之一。人的生命一刻也离不开水,水是人生命需要最主要的物质。而对人体而言的生理功能是多方面,而体内发生的一切化学反应都是在介质水中进行,没有水,养料不能被吸收;氧气不能运到所需部位;养料和激素也不能到达它的作用部位;废物不能排除,新陈代谢将停止,人将死亡。因此,水对人的生命是最重要的物质。




我们都知道,水在自然环境和社会环境中,都是极为重要而活跃的因素。 2、自然界中对人类有利用价值的土地、阳光、矿产、森林等,都是自然资源。自然资源与人类的生活和生产关系极为密切。


由于人口的迅猛增长和人为的、自然的原因,世界上的各种自然资源在不断减少。全球森林的覆盖率由历史上的66%降到了22%。矿产资源的数量是有限的,随着人类不断的开采利用,有些矿产可能会短缺甚至枯竭。现在,世界上约有60%的地方供水不足,有些干旱地区更是严重缺水……所以我们应该保护和合理使用自然资源。 4、中国是世界上稀土金属最多的国家。南非是世界上黄金产量最高的国家。 5、自然资源保护法规:



9 我们共有一个家

1、小鸟天堂是广东新会著名的国际生态旅游景点,它以数百年的悠久历史和独木成林古榕树、百鸟出巢、百鸟归巢的自然奇观吸引了大批中外游客慕名而至。一株榕树便天堂一句诗概括了小鸟天堂的特点。这里是全国最大的天然赏鸟乐园。 2、人类改造自然是福是祸,


--------dollars) mg/L <100-4 dollars) mg/L <600 <2700 <2700 sulfide (S2-g/L <500 <1200 <3500 sulfate (SO2) m-CLte insoluble matter in PH value >4 >4 >4 mg/L <2000 <2000 <5000 mg/L <2000 <5000 <10000 chloride soluble matter (measured in rovisions consistent with the following table of contents. Content limits table entry of prestressed concrete concrete concretes, ph and growth and cause corrosion of steel and concrete. 3) water PH value, insoluble and soluble sulfides, chlorides, phosphastrial waste water cannot be used. 2) water used in mixing the substances contained cannot affect the workability and strengt) water 1) can be used where suitable for drinking water, untreated induthan 6 months, high early strength cement up to 1 month, and bagged the stacking height of no more than 15 bags of cement. (2concrete 3~5 distribution reinforced rate not over 1% of reinforced concrete 5~7 distributionorced pse degrees parameter table buildings of nature standard round collapse degrees (cm) hydraulic pigment concrete or less reinfconditions, as far as possible small slump. (4) this standard concrete collapse degrees according to Xia table selected collato the characteristics of the buildings, steel content, method of transport, pouring concrete, and climatic volume buildings within concrete of minimum amount of cementitious material test results submitted to the engineer. According-osion parts (3) largeter erutside of the dam) 0.55 minimum level of upstream and downstream (outside of the dam) 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.60 basis subject to watio the maximum allowable value, above the water level downstream (outside of the dam) 0.65, downstream water level change (ont ragregate fineness modulus should be controlled in the ... Maximum water/cement ratio concrete parameter of concrete water/cemeunloading, size coarse aggregate net fall of greater than 40mm less than 3M, and avoid serious aggregate crushing. 2) fine ag the soil; when loading and(3) Aggregate 1) aggregates of different material diameter piled up, respectively, do not mix with each other and mixed with - 5 -


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