

 kevingiao 2019-03-11

Is it possible to be asleep and remain aware and conscious? Sadhguru speaks of Shoonya, sushupti, and what it takes to experience this state.

有没有可能在睡觉的时候保持清醒和意识?萨古鲁谈到了Shoonya(Isha瑜伽高级冥想), sushupti(深眠),以及体验这种状态需要什么。

Questioner: Namaskaram, Sadhguru. During sleep, we are usually unconscious. Is there a way we can stay aware during sleep?


Sadhguru: When you sleep, just sleep. Don’t try to do something else. There is a beautiful story. For many, many years, the Saptarishis, the seven sages, lived with the Adiyogi, doing sadhana, learning, and absolutely bonding with him. The sharing was so profound that they did not know any other life but him. But one day, he said, “It’s time to go. You have to take this to the world.” He told them to go to faraway places. One to Central Asia, one to North Africa, one to South America, one to Southeast Asia, one to South India, and one to what is today the Indian part of the Himalayas. Only one stayed back with him.


Only if you are not identified with the body, will sleeping consciously become a possibility.


If 15,000 years ago, you asked a man to go to South America, it was as good as asking him to go to another galaxy. The Saptarishis said, “We don’t know where we are going, what kind of people exist there, how they will receive us, and whether they are ready for this or not. If we are in danger, or if we cannot transmit this as you wish, will you be there for us?” The Adiyogi looked at them incredulously and said, “If you are in trouble, if your life is in danger or your work is in danger, I will sleep.” They got the point. But if I say this to you, you will feel terribly insecure and insulted. “I tell him my difficulties, and he says he sleeps on it!”

如果15000年前,你让一个人去南美,这就像让他去另一个星系一样。七贤圣人说:“我们不知道我们要去哪里,那里有什么样的人,他们将如何接待我们,以及他们是否做好了准备。如果我们有危险,或者我们不能按照你们的意愿传播,你会在那里吗? 阿迪瑜吉看着他们说:“如果你有麻烦,如果你的生命或工作有危险,我就睡觉。”他们明白我的意思。但如果我这样对你说,你会感到非常没有安全感和觉得受到侮辱。“我把我的困难告诉他,他却说他在睡觉!”

To sleep consciously, you should have no sense of body. Only if your identification with the body is completely broken, will you sleep consciously. When we are awake, we are conscious, but our energies are involved and engaged in many things. We have to sit up, we have to speak, we have to do some work, we have to do something else. But if I sleep consciously, my energies are completely consolidated, and I am still conscious – that means I am at my peak performance level. So when Shiva says, “If you are in trouble, I will sleep,” it means, “I will do the best possible thing for you,” because then he is at his best.


Those of you who have been initiated into shoonya meditationmay have experienced a few moments here and there of what in yoga is called sushupti – that means being fast asleep but wide awake. The day this state of sushupti lasts for even just two to three seconds, you will not be able to sleep at night. You will be bright and alert.

<span style='text-align: justify;color: rgb(51, 51, 51);text-transform: none;text-indent: 0px;letter-spacing: normal;font-family: -apple-system-font,BlinkMacSystemFont,' 255);'='' 255,='' rgb(255,='' inline='' ui','microsoft='' yahei='' gb','microsoft='' sans='' sc','hiragino='' neue','pingfang='' helvetica=''>你们中那些已经开始shoonya(Isha瑜伽高级冥想)的人可能已经在瑜伽中体验过一些被称为sushupti(深眠)的时刻,这意味着快速入睡但完全清醒。这种状态持续两到三秒钟,你就不能在晚上睡觉了。你会变得聪明和充满警觉。

Only if you are not identified with the body, will sleeping consciously become a possibility. On a certain day, a baby turtle, with great effort, meticulously, slowly, taking 24 hours, climbed up a tree, leapt off the branch, and fell flat. Again, slowly, taking another 24 hours, it crawled up, leapt, fell flat – again and again. After four days, one of the two birds who were sitting in the opposite tree said, “I think it’s time we tell him he is adopted.” So I thought it’s time to tell you, to sleep consciously, striving is needed, but it is not enough. The most important thing is that you distance yourself from your physical nature.




Is it possible to be asleep and remain aware and conscious? Sadhguru speaks of Shoonya, sushupti, and what it takes to experience this state.

Questioner: Namaskaram, Sadhguru. During sleep, we are usually unconscious. Is there a way we can stay aware during sleep?

Sadhguru: When you sleep, just sleep. Don’t try to do something else. There is a beautiful story. For many, many years, the Saptarishis, the seven sages, lived with the Adiyogi, doing sadhana, learning, and absolutely bonding with him. The sharing was so profound that they did not know any other life but him. But one day, he said, “It’s time to go. You have to take this to the world.” He told them to go to faraway places. One to Central Asia, one to North Africa, one to South America, one to Southeast Asia, one to South India, and one to what is today the Indian part of the Himalayas. Only one stayed back with him.

If 15,000 years ago, you asked a man to go to South America, it was as good as asking him to go to another galaxy. The Saptarishis said, “We don’t know where we are going, what kind of people exist there, how they will receive us, and whether they are ready for this or not. If we are in danger, or if we cannot transmit this as you wish, will you be there for us?” The Adiyogi looked at them incredulously and said, “If you are in trouble, if your life is in danger or your work is in danger, I will sleep.” They got the point. But if I say this to you, you will feel terribly insecure and insulted. “I tell him my difficulties, and he says he sleeps on it!”

To sleep consciously, you should have no sense of body. Only if your identification with the body is completely broken, will you sleep consciously. When we are awake, we are conscious, but our energies are involved and engaged in many things. We have to sit up, we have to speak, we have to do some work, we have to do something else. But if I sleep consciously, my energies are completely consolidated, and I am still conscious – that means I am at my peak performance level. So when Shiva says, “If you are in trouble, I will sleep,” it means, “I will do the best possible thing for you,” because then he is at his best.

Those of you who have been initiated into shoonya meditation may have experienced a few moments here and there of what in yoga is called sushupti – that means being fast asleep but wide awake. The day this state of sushupti lasts for even just two to three seconds, you will not be able to sleep at night. You will be bright and alert.

Only if you are not identified with the body, will sleeping consciously become a possibility. On a certain day, a baby turtle, with great effort, meticulously, slowly, taking 24 hours, climbed up a tree, leapt off the branch, and fell flat. Again, slowly, taking another 24 hours, it crawled up, leapt, fell flat – again and again. After four days, one of the two birds who were sitting in the opposite tree said, “I think it’s time we tell him he is adopted.” So I thought it’s time to tell you, to sleep consciously, striving is needed, but it is not enough. The most important thing is that you distance yourself from your physical nature.

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